| 2021-03-16 | This is one of my favorite songs. I LOVE IT! |
Mary Beckham | 2020-05-04 | This song is so anointed it rested in my spirit when i first heard it and its still my favorite song. Blessings in Christ Jesus Mary Beckham |
Amani | 2017-06-07 | He's Spirit lives in me, Yes it does... |
Donella Agar | 2016-12-15 | Beautiful |
Renae forbes | 2016-04-22 | I love this song it been a nice yes his spirits live in me today |
renae forbes | 2015-01-23 | I beleive that jesus live. |
Liz | 2013-09-04 | Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooo much, I happened to search again for "I believe" Eve Ray's version..thank you, thank you Elton, gives me goose bumps. Many thanks for blessing me Eve. |
Liz | 2013-03-09 | such anointing in this song, however I heard the female version (not sure about the name) I think that's awesome as well. anybody knows where I can find that version?
Liz, I found the recording by Eve Ray and added it to the page. Thank you for catching this. - Elton
Shony | 2013-01-14 | WOW!! Amazing song. Song touches me deep into my heart. Praise God for the recording and the singer. |
Jessie Dalaqui | 2012-04-06 | This is a very beautiful song. May God bless you as you continue spread the truth of the birth. death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ through your music. |
Debbie | 2012-03-22 | That songs really very beautiful..Yes,I do believe that true.. |
Janet | 2011-11-04 | Thanks so much for this song, we sing it every Sunday before Worship Service, even the children sing it. What a wonderful song. |
pv divya | 2011-10-03 | i really love this song it touchs my heart.thank you so much i love you father i feel very happy god bless you to all of you..i pray for you and your family |
erry | 2011-03-16 | this song is a very good reminder how God endure all the pain just to save us from our sins.HIS love for us is incomparable!  |
| 2010-11-11 | it`s a blessing.. |
Kelly Khoo | 2010-11-04 | What a beautiful beautiful song  |
Wim | 2010-05-29 | What a great song. Thank you so much. |
Indira | 2010-02-16 | Lovely sone |
sharon b. | 2009-12-12 | we love this song. my husband sang this in our church one sunday. the song touched our hearts. we have a wonderful Lord and Savior |
AAA | 2009-11-04 | the song is very beautiful! Thank you!!! |
Goldie | 2009-05-22 | a great reminder of Christ's sacrifice for us.Thank you Ms Stephenson |
Klaus | 2009-03-25 | Simply Beautiful ! |
Sheila | 2009-03-05 | I really enjoy this song. Every time I play it it makes me cry. For God so loved this world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever belived in him shall not perish but have ever lasting life. He is coming back. |
Tom Williams | 2008-10-30 | Fabulous song, great orchestration. I will use this in church next week and make it part of my regular song ministry rep. |
Nadine Lacroix | 2008-10-13 | beautiful song,what more can i say the song said it all. |
| 2008-08-18 | Before my father passed, we talked about the old rugged cross. I am thankful for our Father. What a beautiful song. God Bless. Janice |
neoleen | 2008-04-07 | This is so a awesome song. It tuch you. PRIASE GOD. I LOVE YOU FATHER!!!!!!! |
nunt | 2008-03-26 | Thank you for this very beautiful song... it is so touched... |
DG, Halifax, NS | 2008-03-10 | O how I believe in that Old Rugged Cross! This song has touched my heart. I can't help but sign it over & over again. To think that God forgave my sins through the cross and now though he died, he lives by his Father's side and someday will call us to be with him in Glory. What a Day that will be. PRAISE GOD! |
| 2008-02-18 | Not what I was looking for, but one of the most beautiful versions I've found yet |
Jeannette Frederick | 2008-01-29 | The first time I heard this beautiful song, the Holy Spirit responded by never allowing me to forget it. Today, five years later, as I again listen to the message it thrills me to the core. Thank you again, Norma. I will always remember you and the gift you have given me. May God continue to bless you abundantly. |
judy | 2008-01-28 | I really love this song! |
| 2008-01-24 | I love this song |
Bobby Raper | 2007-10-07 | So true may all who hear and read truly believe. |
Sonia Schilingno | 2007-10-04 | I just love this beautiful song. It made my Spirit jump for joy! Thank you so much for whomever placed it on this web site. |
| 2007-10-01 | What a wonderful piece. I was taken by the music and the words on the first time I heard it. |
Michael Ezell | 2007-09-26 | Two songs from SongsofPraise.com became a major source of encouragment a few years ago when facing major surgery. With the possibility of soon meeting the Lord, this song especially was comforting to me as I sang the words...and listened to Alton's voice. Thank you Norma for sharing the words and music...I know they comforted you....as they contintue to bring hope to the many who listen to "I Believe" even now. |
Vanessa | 2007-09-23 | What a great song. Thank you so much. |
| 2007-08-21 | One of the most annointed songs I have heard in a long time. Thank yu for Touching my spirit.
Pastor Cyril |
Henrietta Decruz | 2007-08-16 | This song is simple and absolutely beautiful... soulful too!!! Praise the Lord for such good songwriters and composers!!! May the Lord bless you with many more songs like these! |
| 2007-06-17 | Nice reflective melody |
| 2007-06-14 | This is an absolutely beautiful song...Lovely lyrics and the music is very soothing...I would have loved to sing it in my language(Russian) in church some time. I would translate it myself but i'm not very good at that kind of stuff. Would it be possible for anyone to translate it for me?? |
Reba | 2007-06-13 | Absolutely beautiful. The songs I've heard so far from this artist have been excellent. Thank you for making it available for us to hear it, and get an idea of the songs, artist, and how they sing. Don't have to be looking over Christian CDs and just wandering how they sound, and not buying because I haven't heard of the artist or his songs. Very moving and he makes it sound like his heart is really into it, and not just for the money. TKS |
Frances | 2007-05-04 | This is most beautiful words and music I have ever heard. It has really been an inspiration and touched my heart. Keep up you beautiful work for the lord. 5/4/2007 |
Your friend - Sandra | 2007-05-03 | Oh wow! Can a song get any more beautiful than this. The tune and the lyrics is exactly what worship - in - song and praise - from the soul - is all about! |
| 2007-04-07 | It's a very touching song, especially the music. It really bring me closer to Him. Thanks for such an encouraging song. Keep up the good work that the LORD has begin in you. May He continue to give you strength as you serve Him through music. Glory be unto Him in the highest. |
Katherine | 2007-04-05 | This song really touched my heart. As much as I believe it made me think about it even harder than I ever have. |
Lally | 2007-03-13 | This song really touch my heart and soul. Thank you very much for writing this amazing and wonderful song that says everything about our faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. The lyrics are so touching and biblical. I hope and pray that God will bless you even more and your family and I hope that you will continue to write touching and biblical songs. Regards |
Julie | 2007-03-05 | Very uplifting! I may translate it into my language. |
Cheryl | 2007-03-03 | Beautiful song. Could someone translate it into Spanish? |
| 2007-02-23 | This song is absolutely beautiful. I have never heard it before and just happened to come across your site. The lyrics are wonderful. |