Susan B. Anthony Word Scramble

Directions: Read the story. Unscramble the words below and enter them in the boxes. Click the button to check your work.

Susan B. Anthony was America's foremost advocate for women's rights. Her father started a school for his children and hired a young woman, Mary Perkins, to teach them. At age 17 Susan and her sister became teachers earning $1.50 a week plus board. She continued teaching to help the family. She joined the temperance movement which sought to prohibit the production of alcohol and its consumption. She also became interested in the Women's Rights movement. She contacted Frederick Douglass to find out first-hand the needs of his people. As she became more active in the temperance movement the Daughters of Temperance in Rochester elected Susan their president. She developed a friendship with Elizabeth Stanton and Lucy Stone. This friendship would develop into the woman's rights movement in America. A Quaker man wanted to marry her, but she did not want to give up her crusade. Susan was instrumental in the passage of the Married Women's Property Bill in New York. She started petitions to outlaw slavery. In April 1864 the Thirteenth Amendment which abolished slavery passed the Senate. She began to circulate woman suffrage petitions in New York. Women in America did not have the right to vote at that time. She started a newspaper The Revolution to promote woman suffrage. In 1872 Susan went to the place of voter registration and asked to register. She and three other women were permitted to register. She voted in the election in which Ulysses S. Grant was elected president, and two weeks later a deputy marshal was sent to arrest her. The other women who had voted were also arrested. The judge himself declared her guilty and deprived her of a trial by jury. Susan continued to fight for the right of women to vote. The U.S. Mint officially released the Susan B. Anthony dollar coin. Over 1 billion of the coins were minted.

































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