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Songs by Language
Afrikaans Chinese (中国人) Dutch/Flemish (Nederlands/Vlaams) English Estonian (eesti keel) Finnish (Suomalainen) French (Français) German (Deutsch) Hebrew (עִברִית) Italian (Italiano) Maltese (Malti) Portuguese (Português) Romanian ( Română) Russian (Русский) Slovak (slovenský) Spanish (Español) Swahili (kiswahili) Swedish (svenska) TagalogLanguage: Afrikaans
God se Liefde
God's Love Makes Me New (Afrikaans)
By Elton Smith, Elizabeth Tolson and André Esterhuyse
2000-04-17God se Liefde
God's Love Makes Me New (Afrikaans)
By Elton Smith, Elizabeth Tolson and André Esterhuyse
2000-04-17God se Liefde
Hy gee ons sonskyn
He Brings The Sunshine (Afrikaans)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Steve Israel and André Esterhuyse
1999-05-06 ImageHy gee ons sonskyn
He Brings The Sunshine (Afrikaans)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Steve Israel and André Esterhuyse
1999-05-06 ImageHy gee ons sonskyn
Met my hele hart
All Of My Heart (Afrikaans)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and André Esterhuyse
1999-05-06 ImageMet my hele hart
All Of My Heart (Afrikaans)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and André Esterhuyse
1999-05-06 ImageMet my hele hart
Spreek Heer
Just To Know You More (Afrikaans)
By Steve Israel, Larry Holder, Elton Smith and André Esterhuyse
1999-10-12Spreek Heer
Just To Know You More (Afrikaans)
By Steve Israel, Larry Holder, Elton Smith and André Esterhuyse
1999-10-12Spreek Heer
Verlang jou hart na die Here
In The Pages Of The Bible (Afrikaans)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and André Esterhuyse
2000-01-16Verlang jou hart na die Here
In The Pages Of The Bible (Afrikaans)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and André Esterhuyse
2000-01-16Verlang jou hart na die Here
Language: Chinese
主 必 再 回 耶 路 撒 冷
The Lord Shall Return To Jerusalem (Mandarin)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Wendy Liu
1998-04-08 Image主 必 再 回 耶 路 撒 冷
The Lord Shall Return To Jerusalem (Mandarin)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Wendy Liu
1998-04-08 Image主 必 再 回 耶 路 撒 冷
他 带 来 阳 光
He Brings The Sunshine (Chinese)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Steve Israel and Leon Yu
2000-05-01 Image他 带 来 阳 光
He Brings The Sunshine (Chinese)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Steve Israel and Leon Yu
2000-05-01 Image他 带 来 阳 光
像 邢 水 奔 流
As The River Runs (Cantonese)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Benson Cheung
1998-06-15像 邢 水 奔 流
As The River Runs (Cantonese)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Benson Cheung
1998-06-15像 邢 水 奔 流
全 地 信 徒 歡 呼
All God's People Rejoice (Cantonese)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Benson Cheung
1998-04-10全 地 信 徒 歡 呼
All God's People Rejoice (Cantonese)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Benson Cheung
1998-04-10全 地 信 徒 歡 呼
在 主 懷 你 安 息 了
You're At Peace In His Love (Mandarin)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Wendy Liu
1999-12-12 Image在 主 懷 你 安 息 了
You're At Peace In His Love (Mandarin)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Wendy Liu
1999-12-12 Image在 主 懷 你 安 息 了
奇 異 的 愛
Your Amazing Love (Cantonese)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Elizabeth Tolson and Benson Cheung
1998-11-25奇 異 的 愛
Your Amazing Love (Cantonese)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Elizabeth Tolson and Benson Cheung
1998-11-25奇 異 的 愛
我 的 全 心
All Of My Heart (Mandarin)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Wendy Liu
1998-02-02 YouTube Image我 的 全 心
All Of My Heart (Mandarin)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Wendy Liu
1998-02-02 YouTube Image我 的 全 心
求 你 為 我 造 清 潔 的 心
Create In Me A Clean Heart (Chinese)
By Gilberto Barreto and Caleb Cheung
2005-09-21 Image求 你 為 我 造 清 潔 的 心
Create In Me A Clean Heart (Chinese)
By Gilberto Barreto and Caleb Cheung
2005-09-21 Image求 你 為 我 造 清 潔 的 心
Language: Dutch/Flemish
Als ik Uw stem hoor
By Peter Gringhuis
2007-11-07Als ik Uw stem hoor
By Peter Gringhuis
2007-11-07Als ik Uw stem hoor
Daarom Prijs Ik U
As Our Hearts To Heaven Cry (Dutch)
By Peter Gringhuis
2010-10-09Daarom Prijs Ik U
As Our Hearts To Heaven Cry (Dutch)
By Peter Gringhuis
2010-10-09Daarom Prijs Ik U
Dat deed u allemaal voor mij
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Steve Israel
2013-07-02 YouTubeDat deed u allemaal voor mij
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Steve Israel
2013-07-02 YouTubeDat deed u allemaal voor mij
Door Alles Heen
Through Everything (Dutch)
By Peter Gringhuis
2024-07-04 ImageDoor Alles Heen
Through Everything (Dutch)
By Peter Gringhuis
2024-07-04 ImageDoor Alles Heen
Een Heerlijk Weerzien
By Peter Gringhuis and Ria van Buuren Van den Berg
2011-07-22Een Heerlijk Weerzien
By Peter Gringhuis and Ria van Buuren Van den Berg
2011-07-22Een Heerlijk Weerzien
Heel mijn hart
All of My Heart (Dutch)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Judith Seip
2007-03-10 ImageHeel mijn hart
All of My Heart (Dutch)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Judith Seip
2007-03-10 ImageHeel mijn hart
Heel Mijn Leven
You Are The One (Dutch)
By Peter Gringhuis and Ria van Buuren-Van den Berg
2012-02-25Heel Mijn Leven
You Are The One (Dutch)
By Peter Gringhuis and Ria van Buuren-Van den Berg
2012-02-25Heel Mijn Leven
Hij schenkt de zon
He Brings The Sunshine (Flemish)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Steve Israel and Dennis Leavell
2002-02-21 ImageHij schenkt de zon
He Brings The Sunshine (Flemish)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Steve Israel and Dennis Leavell
2002-02-21 ImageHij schenkt de zon
Ik Ben Het Niet Waard
By Peter Gringhuis
2011-02-06Ik Ben Het Niet Waard
By Peter Gringhuis
2011-02-06Ik Ben Het Niet Waard
Ik Dank U Met Heel Mijn Hart
Your Presence Is All I Need (Dutch)
By Peter Gringhuis and Ria van Buuren van de Berg
2011-05-23Ik Dank U Met Heel Mijn Hart
Your Presence Is All I Need (Dutch)
By Peter Gringhuis and Ria van Buuren van de Berg
2011-05-23Ik Dank U Met Heel Mijn Hart
Ik Ga Terug Naar Golgotha
To The Cross My Heart Returns (Dutch)
By Peter Gringhuis
2010-10-31 YouTubeIk Ga Terug Naar Golgotha
To The Cross My Heart Returns (Dutch)
By Peter Gringhuis
2010-10-31 YouTubeIk Ga Terug Naar Golgotha
Ik geef Mijn leven
I Lay It Down (Dutch)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Heleen de Kort
2000-01-06 ImageIk geef Mijn leven
I Lay It Down (Dutch)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Heleen de Kort
2000-01-06 ImageIk geef Mijn leven
Ik roep uit naar U
I Cry Out To You (Dutch)
By Lance Krauter, translated to Dutch by Judith Seip
2007-03-10Ik roep uit naar U
I Cry Out To You (Dutch)
By Lance Krauter, translated to Dutch by Judith Seip
2007-03-10Ik roep uit naar U
Ik zoek je
Seeking You (Dutch)
By Peter Gringhuis, Markus Koolwaaij and Margriet Brasz
2014-08-31Ik zoek je
Seeking You (Dutch)
By Peter Gringhuis, Markus Koolwaaij and Margriet Brasz
2014-08-31Ik zoek je
Is Er Een Plaats?
Is There A Place? (Dutch)
By Peter Gringhuis
2025-02-26 ImageIs Er Een Plaats?
Is There A Place? (Dutch)
By Peter Gringhuis
2025-02-26 ImageIs Er Een Plaats?
Kom vul mijn hart
Come Fill My Heart (Dutch)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Steve Israel and Judith Seip
2007-03-10 ImageKom vul mijn hart
Come Fill My Heart (Dutch)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Steve Israel and Judith Seip
2007-03-10 ImageKom vul mijn hart
Leer mij U kennen Heer
Just To Know You More (Dutch)
By Steve Israel, Larry Holder, Elton Smith and Heleen de Kort
2001-01-01Leer mij U kennen Heer
Just To Know You More (Dutch)
By Steve Israel, Larry Holder, Elton Smith and Heleen de Kort
2001-01-01Leer mij U kennen Heer
Maar één ding weet ik
Your Love Is Strong (Dutch)
By Elton Smith, Steve Israel, Larry Holder and Judith Seip
2007-09-26Maar één ding weet ik
Your Love Is Strong (Dutch)
By Elton Smith, Steve Israel, Larry Holder and Judith Seip
2007-09-26Maar één ding weet ik
Meer Dan Een Kind
More Than a Child (Dutch)
By Larry Holder and Heleen de Kort
2002-07-27Meer Dan Een Kind
More Than a Child (Dutch)
By Larry Holder and Heleen de Kort
2002-07-27Meer Dan Een Kind
Mijn God Heerst
Our God Reigns (Dutch)
By Lenny Smith and Judith Seip
2006-01-31Mijn God Heerst
Our God Reigns (Dutch)
By Lenny Smith and Judith Seip
2006-01-31Mijn God Heerst
Mijn ziels verlangen
My Soul's Desire (Dutch)
By Steve Israel, Larry Holder, Elton Smith and Judith Seip
2007-03-10Mijn ziels verlangen
My Soul's Desire (Dutch)
By Steve Israel, Larry Holder, Elton Smith and Judith Seip
2007-03-10Mijn ziels verlangen
Puur Genade
By Peter Gringhuis
2012-06-23Puur Genade
By Peter Gringhuis
2012-06-23Puur Genade
Schep in mij een rein hart
Create In Me A Clean Heart (Dutch)
By Gilberto Barreto and Judith Seip
2007-03-10 ImageSchep in mij een rein hart
Create In Me A Clean Heart (Dutch)
By Gilberto Barreto and Judith Seip
2007-03-10 ImageSchep in mij een rein hart
Sta nu op
Now Arise (Dutch)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Steve Israel and Judith Seip
2007-03-10Sta nu op
Now Arise (Dutch)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Steve Israel and Judith Seip
2007-03-10Sta nu op
Tienduizend engelen
Ten Thousand Angels (Dutch)
By Lynn Cooper and Heleen de Kort
2002-07-27Tienduizend engelen
Ten Thousand Angels (Dutch)
By Lynn Cooper and Heleen de Kort
2002-07-27Tienduizend engelen
U Bent Mijn Alles
By Peter Gringhuis and Margriet Brasz
2013-10-05U Bent Mijn Alles
By Peter Gringhuis and Margriet Brasz
2013-10-05U Bent Mijn Alles
U bent onze God
You Are Our God (Dutch)
By Peter Gringhuis
2022-09-28U bent onze God
You Are Our God (Dutch)
By Peter Gringhuis
2022-09-28U bent onze God
Uw liefde zoeter dan wijn
Your Love Sweeter Than Wine (Dutch)
By Susan Tolle-Knight and Judith Seip
2007-03-10Uw liefde zoeter dan wijn
Your Love Sweeter Than Wine (Dutch)
By Susan Tolle-Knight and Judith Seip
2007-03-10Uw liefde zoeter dan wijn
Voor Eeuwig In Zijn Liefde
You're At Peace In His Love (Dutch)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Heleen de Kort
1999-10-18 ImageVoor Eeuwig In Zijn Liefde
You're At Peace In His Love (Dutch)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Heleen de Kort
1999-10-18 ImageVoor Eeuwig In Zijn Liefde
Waar zou ik zijn zonder U
I Can't Imagine (Dutch)
By Susan Tolle-Knight and Judith Seip
2007-03-10Waar zou ik zijn zonder U
I Can't Imagine (Dutch)
By Susan Tolle-Knight and Judith Seip
2007-03-10Waar zou ik zijn zonder U
Wanneer Begin Je Met Leven
By Peter Gringhuis
2011-02-05Wanneer Begin Je Met Leven
By Peter Gringhuis
2011-02-05Wanneer Begin Je Met Leven
Language: English
A Beautiful Symphony
Life’s Music
By Jan McIntosh and Elton Smith
1999-05-31 ImageA Beautiful Symphony
Life’s Music
By Jan McIntosh and Elton Smith
1999-05-31 ImageA Beautiful Symphony
A Call To Worship
By Rob Saranpa
2011-05-28 YouTubeA Call To Worship
By Rob Saranpa
2011-05-28 YouTubeA Call To Worship
A Child Is Born
By Jed Santa Maria
2010-10-24 YouTubeA Child Is Born
By Jed Santa Maria
2010-10-24 YouTubeA Child Is Born
A Christmas Prayer
By Jed Santa Maria
2010-10-24 YouTubeA Christmas Prayer
By Jed Santa Maria
2010-10-24 YouTubeA Christmas Prayer
A Garden For My King
(Based on Song of Solomon 4)
By Susan Tolle-Knight
2001-02-12A Garden For My King
(Based on Song of Solomon 4)
By Susan Tolle-Knight
2001-02-12A Garden For My King
A Gift For All
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1997-12-22A Gift For All
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1997-12-22A Gift For All
A King at the Door
By Cathy Smith and Wes Retherford
2023-02-07 YouTubeA King at the Door
By Cathy Smith and Wes Retherford
2023-02-07 YouTubeA King at the Door
A Living Hope
By Steve Israel
2006-03-06 YouTubeA Living Hope
By Steve Israel
2006-03-06 YouTubeA Living Hope
A New Alliance
By Gilberto Barreto
1998-10-21A New Alliance
By Gilberto Barreto
1998-10-21A New Alliance
A Purpose And A Promise
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2024-09-08 YouTube ImageA Purpose And A Promise
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2024-09-08 YouTube ImageA Purpose And A Promise
By Rick Founds, Rhesa Siregar, Paul Gentry and Elton Smith
2004-05-20 YouTube ImageAdoration
By Rick Founds, Rhesa Siregar, Paul Gentry and Elton Smith
2004-05-20 YouTube ImageAdoration
All Around Your Throne
By Rick Founds
2004-02-01 YouTubeAll Around Your Throne
By Rick Founds
2004-02-01 YouTubeAll Around Your Throne
All God's People Rejoice
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1997-10-08All God's People Rejoice
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1997-10-08All God's People Rejoice
All I Long For
By Larry Holder, Elton Smith and Steve Israel
2023-01-18 YouTube ImageAll I Long For
By Larry Holder, Elton Smith and Steve Israel
2023-01-18 YouTube ImageAll I Long For
All My Hope Is Found In You
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Peter Gringhuis
2014-03-15All My Hope Is Found In You
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Peter Gringhuis
2014-03-15All My Hope Is Found In You
All Of My Heart
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1997-12-31 YouTube ImageAll Of My Heart
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1997-12-31 YouTube ImageAll Of My Heart
All Praise and Glory To You Lord
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1997-09-28All Praise and Glory To You Lord
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1997-09-28All Praise and Glory To You Lord
All The Earth Worships You
By Ralph Palladino and Lenny Smith
2024-06-22 YouTube ImageAll The Earth Worships You
By Ralph Palladino and Lenny Smith
2024-06-22 YouTube ImageAll The Earth Worships You
An Irish Blessing
By Traditional
2024-05-28 YouTubeAn Irish Blessing
By Traditional
2024-05-28 YouTubeAn Irish Blessing
Angels From The Realms Of Glory
By James Montgomery, 1816
2006-07-07 ImageAngels From The Realms Of Glory
By James Montgomery, 1816
2006-07-07 ImageAngels From The Realms Of Glory
Angels Song
By Melissa Maki
2011-12-03Angels Song
By Melissa Maki
2011-12-03Angels Song
Angels We Have Heard On High
By Traditional
2006-07-08 ImageAngels We Have Heard On High
By Traditional
2006-07-08 ImageAngels We Have Heard On High
As I Gaze At The Stars
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Christa Ann Kaighn
1999-07-30 YouTube ImageAs I Gaze At The Stars
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Christa Ann Kaighn
1999-07-30 YouTube ImageAs I Gaze At The Stars
As I Rise To Walk With Him
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1998-12-21As I Rise To Walk With Him
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1998-12-21As I Rise To Walk With Him
As Our Hearts To Heaven Cry
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2010-10-09As Our Hearts To Heaven Cry
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2010-10-09As Our Hearts To Heaven Cry
As The River Runs
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1998-01-29As The River Runs
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1998-01-29As The River Runs
As We Come Together
By Peter Gringhuis and Elton Smith
2008-02-06 YouTubeAs We Come Together
By Peter Gringhuis and Elton Smith
2008-02-06 YouTubeAs We Come Together
Ascribe To The Lord
By Elton Smith and Steve Israel
1997-05-27Ascribe To The Lord
By Elton Smith and Steve Israel
1997-05-27Ascribe To The Lord
At Home With Jesus
By Elton Smith, Morgan Smith and Linda Edge
1998-01-17At Home With Jesus
By Elton Smith, Morgan Smith and Linda Edge
1998-01-17At Home With Jesus
At Just The Right Time
By Larry Holder, Steve Israel and Elton Smith
2014-01-17At Just The Right Time
By Larry Holder, Steve Israel and Elton Smith
2014-01-17At Just The Right Time
Away In A Manger
By J. C. File and James R. Murray
2006-07-08Away In A Manger
By J. C. File and James R. Murray
2006-07-08Away In A Manger
Beautiful Savior
By Peg Hardy and Elton Smith
2000-01-01Beautiful Savior
By Peg Hardy and Elton Smith
2000-01-01Beautiful Savior
Because Of Me
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Steve Israel
2013-02-02Because Of Me
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Steve Israel
2013-02-02Because Of Me
Because Your Love Is Better Than Life
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-04-01Because Your Love Is Better Than Life
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-04-01Because Your Love Is Better Than Life
Behold a Miracle
By Linda Edge and Elton Smith
1997-11-15 YouTubeBehold a Miracle
By Linda Edge and Elton Smith
1997-11-15 YouTubeBehold a Miracle
Birds, Bees, And Pretty Butterflies
By Elton Smith and Christine Goglin
1999-10-14Birds, Bees, And Pretty Butterflies
By Elton Smith and Christine Goglin
1999-10-14Birds, Bees, And Pretty Butterflies
Bless the Lord, O My Soul
By Gilberto Barreto and Elton Smith
1996-11-20Bless the Lord, O My Soul
By Gilberto Barreto and Elton Smith
1996-11-20Bless the Lord, O My Soul
Blessed Are Those
(Matthew 5: 3-12)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-12-31Blessed Are Those
(Matthew 5: 3-12)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-12-31Blessed Are Those
Blessed Is The Man
(Based on Psalm 1)
By Elton Smith
1997-06-17Blessed Is The Man
(Based on Psalm 1)
By Elton Smith
1997-06-17Blessed Is The Man
Born Again
(Based on John 3:1-21 & 1 Peter 1:23)
By Elton Smith and Elizabeth Tolson
2001-04-26Born Again
(Based on John 3:1-21 & 1 Peter 1:23)
By Elton Smith and Elizabeth Tolson
2001-04-26Born Again
Born To Be Our King
By Gilberto Barreto and Elton Smith
1996-09-16 YouTubeBorn To Be Our King
By Gilberto Barreto and Elton Smith
1996-09-16 YouTubeBorn To Be Our King
Both Now and Forever More
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-12-31Both Now and Forever More
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-12-31Both Now and Forever More
Boundless Love
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1998-03-08Boundless Love
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1998-03-08Boundless Love
Bread and Wine
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2002-07-26 ImageBread and Wine
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2002-07-26 ImageBread and Wine
Brother Savior Friend
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2021-11-17Brother Savior Friend
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2021-11-17Brother Savior Friend
Brother To Brother
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1997-10-21Brother To Brother
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1997-10-21Brother To Brother
By These Things
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2022-06-06 ImageBy These Things
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2022-06-06 ImageBy These Things
Call Upon Me
(Based on John 15:7 and Psalm 50:15)
By Gilberto Barreto
2001-09-15Call Upon Me
(Based on John 15:7 and Psalm 50:15)
By Gilberto Barreto
2001-09-15Call Upon Me
Calling Us To Believe
By LaVada Torzewski and Azimuth
2002-04-20 YouTubeCalling Us To Believe
By LaVada Torzewski and Azimuth
2002-04-20 YouTubeCalling Us To Believe
Center of My Heart
By Rhesa Siregar, Paul Gentry and Larry Holder
2007-02-19Center of My Heart
By Rhesa Siregar, Paul Gentry and Larry Holder
2007-02-19Center of My Heart
Christ Is Christmas
By Russell Adams and Steve Israel
2002-11-30 YouTubeChrist Is Christmas
By Russell Adams and Steve Israel
2002-11-30 YouTubeChrist Is Christmas
Christmas Is Your Birthday Lord
By Gilberto Barreto and Janet Goh
1997-01-01Christmas Is Your Birthday Lord
By Gilberto Barreto and Janet Goh
1997-01-01Christmas Is Your Birthday Lord
Christmas Morning
By Rhesa Siregar and Paul Gentry
2010-11-28Christmas Morning
By Rhesa Siregar and Paul Gentry
2010-11-28Christmas Morning
Christmas Time
By James Kasper and Raymond Rubican
2008-12-18 YouTubeChristmas Time
By James Kasper and Raymond Rubican
2008-12-18 YouTubeChristmas Time
Come As You Are
By Peter Gringhuis
2021-01-09 YouTubeCome As You Are
By Peter Gringhuis
2021-01-09 YouTubeCome As You Are
Come Fill My Heart
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Steve Israel
2000-10-30 YouTube ImageCome Fill My Heart
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Steve Israel
2000-10-30 YouTube ImageCome Fill My Heart
Come Let Us Sing For Joy
(Based on Psalm 95:1-3)
By Gilberto Barreto
1997-04-28Come Let Us Sing For Joy
(Based on Psalm 95:1-3)
By Gilberto Barreto
1997-04-28Come Let Us Sing For Joy
Come The Winter Snow
By Joe Buchheit
2009-11-24 YouTubeCome The Winter Snow
By Joe Buchheit
2009-11-24 YouTubeCome The Winter Snow
Come To Jesus
By Joe Medrek and Vinny Medrek
2011-05-05 YouTubeCome To Jesus
By Joe Medrek and Vinny Medrek
2011-05-05 YouTubeCome To Jesus
Come To Me
(Matthew 11: 28-30)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-12-01Come To Me
(Matthew 11: 28-30)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-12-01Come To Me
Come To The Table
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1999-08-10Come To The Table
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1999-08-10Come To The Table
Completely Healed
By Eve Ray and Jack Toney
2000-02-06 ImageCompletely Healed
By Eve Ray and Jack Toney
2000-02-06 ImageCompletely Healed
Counted As One Who Is Clean
By Nick Mott
2010-03-21Counted As One Who Is Clean
By Nick Mott
2010-03-21Counted As One Who Is Clean
Create In Me A Clean Heart
(Based on Psalms 51)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-06-01 YouTube ImageCreate In Me A Clean Heart
(Based on Psalms 51)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-06-01 YouTube ImageCreate In Me A Clean Heart
Dear Jesus, Everything, Amen
By Jill Elizabeth Keller
2021-11-15Dear Jesus, Everything, Amen
By Jill Elizabeth Keller
2021-11-15Dear Jesus, Everything, Amen
Delight Yourself In The Lord
By Steve Israel
2011-01-02Delight Yourself In The Lord
By Steve Israel
2011-01-02Delight Yourself In The Lord
By Joy Chastagner and Elton Smith
By Joy Chastagner and Elton Smith
Do You Know It's Christmas?
By Paul Gentry, Rhesa Siregar, Larry Holder and Elton Smith
2004-12-21 YouTube ImageDo You Know It's Christmas?
By Paul Gentry, Rhesa Siregar, Larry Holder and Elton Smith
2004-12-21 YouTube ImageDo You Know It's Christmas?
Do You Want To Dance
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2022-11-20Do You Want To Dance
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2022-11-20Do You Want To Dance
Don't Give Up On Me
By Ed Rieck
2006-12-07Don't Give Up On Me
By Ed Rieck
2006-12-07Don't Give Up On Me
Don't Lose Heart
(Based on Jude 1 and I Kings 19:3-9)
By Gilberto Barreto
1997-04-27 YouTubeDon't Lose Heart
(Based on Jude 1 and I Kings 19:3-9)
By Gilberto Barreto
1997-04-27 YouTubeDon't Lose Heart
Every Morning When I Wake Up
By Peter Gringhuis and Elton Smith
2007-12-10Every Morning When I Wake Up
By Peter Gringhuis and Elton Smith
2007-12-10Every Morning When I Wake Up
Everything To You
By Rhesa Siregar, Paul Gentry, Dave Cooley and Elton Smith
2003-10-12 YouTubeEverything To You
By Rhesa Siregar, Paul Gentry, Dave Cooley and Elton Smith
2003-10-12 YouTubeEverything To You
Exalt the Name
By Dan McCullough
2008-07-21Exalt the Name
By Dan McCullough
2008-07-21Exalt the Name
Face To Face
By Russell Adams, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2000-03-17Face To Face
By Russell Adams, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2000-03-17Face To Face
Father Forgive Them
By Van Wood
2014-01-16Father Forgive Them
By Van Wood
2014-01-16Father Forgive Them
Father I Love You
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2010-01-29 YouTubeFather I Love You
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2010-01-29 YouTubeFather I Love You
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
By Lance Krauter
2007-09-22 YouTubeFearfully and Wonderfully Made
By Lance Krauter
2007-09-22 YouTubeFearfully and Wonderfully Made
Finding Joy
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Nick Mott
2010-04-27Finding Joy
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Nick Mott
2010-04-27Finding Joy
Fool's Paradise
By Ed Rieck
2006-12-02Fool's Paradise
By Ed Rieck
2006-12-02Fool's Paradise
Footprints In The Sand
By Bob Forbes and Don Shafer
2007-08-21 YouTube ImageFootprints In The Sand
By Bob Forbes and Don Shafer
2007-08-21 YouTube ImageFootprints In The Sand
For The Wonder Of God's Love
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2000-07-31 YouTubeFor The Wonder Of God's Love
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2000-07-31 YouTubeFor The Wonder Of God's Love
For Your Love Won't Abandon My Soul
Based on Psalm 139
By Elton Smith, Steve Israel and Larry Holder
2025-03-09For Your Love Won't Abandon My Soul
Based on Psalm 139
By Elton Smith, Steve Israel and Larry Holder
2025-03-09For Your Love Won't Abandon My Soul
Free and Slave
(Based on Romans 6:8,22 and Romans 5:8-11)
By Gilberto Barreto
1998-09-05Free and Slave
(Based on Romans 6:8,22 and Romans 5:8-11)
By Gilberto Barreto
1998-09-05Free and Slave
Friends In The Lord
By Debbie Day
2008-09-29Friends In The Lord
By Debbie Day
2008-09-29Friends In The Lord
Friendship Jazz
By Gilberto Barreto and Elton Smith
1997-05-10Friendship Jazz
By Gilberto Barreto and Elton Smith
1997-05-10Friendship Jazz
Gentle Rain
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2009-09-03 YouTube ImageGentle Rain
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2009-09-03 YouTube ImageGentle Rain
Give Him Your Cares
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1997-09-28Give Him Your Cares
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1997-09-28Give Him Your Cares
Give Him Your Heart
By Peter Gringhuis and Larry Holder
2008-01-26Give Him Your Heart
By Peter Gringhuis and Larry Holder
2008-01-26Give Him Your Heart
God Bless the Children
By Patsy Stevens
2022-08-25 YouTube ImageGod Bless the Children
By Patsy Stevens
2022-08-25 YouTube ImageGod Bless the Children
God Gave The World
(The Perfect Gift)
By Ed Dowdall
2000-05-29 YouTubeGod Gave The World
(The Perfect Gift)
By Ed Dowdall
2000-05-29 YouTubeGod Gave The World
God Has Said
(Based on Hebrews 13:5-6)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-11-13God Has Said
(Based on Hebrews 13:5-6)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-11-13God Has Said
God Has Touched Me
By Dan Zigler and Elton Smith
2001-11-24God Has Touched Me
By Dan Zigler and Elton Smith
2001-11-24God Has Touched Me
God Is Calling
By Joe Medrek
2010-07-23 YouTubeGod Is Calling
By Joe Medrek
2010-07-23 YouTubeGod Is Calling
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
By Traditional
2006-07-08 ImageGod Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
By Traditional
2006-07-08 ImageGod Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
God Who Am I?
By Peter Gringhuis
2021-11-14 YouTubeGod Who Am I?
By Peter Gringhuis
2021-11-14 YouTubeGod Who Am I?
God's Love Makes Me New
(Based on 2 Corinthians 5:17)
By Elton Smith and Elizabeth Tolson
1998-12-27God's Love Makes Me New
(Based on 2 Corinthians 5:17)
By Elton Smith and Elizabeth Tolson
1998-12-27God's Love Makes Me New
Good Christian Men Rejoice
By Heinrich Suso
2006-07-09Good Christian Men Rejoice
By Heinrich Suso
2006-07-09Good Christian Men Rejoice
Grandma You Brought Sunshine To My Life!
By Elton Smith
1999-03-26 YouTube ImageGrandma You Brought Sunshine To My Life!
By Elton Smith
1999-03-26 YouTube ImageGrandma You Brought Sunshine To My Life!
Hallelujah, Christ Has Risen!
By Bob Forbes
2007-03-25 YouTube ImageHallelujah, Christ Has Risen!
By Bob Forbes
2007-03-25 YouTube ImageHallelujah, Christ Has Risen!
Hark The Herald Angels Sing
By Charles Wesley and Felix Mendelssohn
2006-07-09Hark The Herald Angels Sing
By Charles Wesley and Felix Mendelssohn
2006-07-09Hark The Herald Angels Sing
He Brings The Sunshine
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Steve Israel
1998-02-28 YouTube ImageHe Brings The Sunshine
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Steve Israel
1998-02-28 YouTube ImageHe Brings The Sunshine
He Changed Me
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1998-06-17He Changed Me
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1998-06-17He Changed Me
He Did It All For Me
By Van Wood
2024-10-11He Did It All For Me
By Van Wood
2024-10-11He Did It All For Me
He Is Risen
By Gilberto Barreto
2012-04-08 YouTubeHe Is Risen
By Gilberto Barreto
2012-04-08 YouTubeHe Is Risen
He Is There For You
By Peter Gringhuis and Larry Holder
2008-10-01He Is There For You
By Peter Gringhuis and Larry Holder
2008-10-01He Is There For You
He Rescues and He Saves
(Based on Daniel 6:26-27)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-12-08He Rescues and He Saves
(Based on Daniel 6:26-27)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-12-08He Rescues and He Saves
He Shall Be Called
(Isaiah 9:6, Matthew 1:21, 23)
By Ralph Merrifield
1999-10-09 YouTubeHe Shall Be Called
(Isaiah 9:6, Matthew 1:21, 23)
By Ralph Merrifield
1999-10-09 YouTubeHe Shall Be Called
He'll Bring Love
(The Story of Christmas)
By Alex Calvo
2010-03-01He'll Bring Love
(The Story of Christmas)
By Alex Calvo
2010-03-01He'll Bring Love
He's Coming Again
By Elton Smith
1999-02-03He's Coming Again
By Elton Smith
1999-02-03He's Coming Again
Hear, O Israel
(Mark 12:29-30)
By Gilberto Barreto
1998-09-16 ImageHear, O Israel
(Mark 12:29-30)
By Gilberto Barreto
1998-09-16 ImageHear, O Israel
Heroes Left Behind
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Rhesa Siregar and Steve Israel
2021-11-13Heroes Left Behind
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Rhesa Siregar and Steve Israel
2021-11-13Heroes Left Behind
Holy, Humble and Obedient
By James Pinto
2009-10-16 YouTubeHoly, Humble and Obedient
By James Pinto
2009-10-16 YouTubeHoly, Humble and Obedient
How Awesome Is This Place
By Ralph Merrifield
2002-10-12How Awesome Is This Place
By Ralph Merrifield
2002-10-12How Awesome Is This Place
How Faithful
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1999-01-02How Faithful
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1999-01-02How Faithful
How You Should Pray
(Based on Matthew 6:8-13)
By Gilberto Barreto
1998-10-18How You Should Pray
(Based on Matthew 6:8-13)
By Gilberto Barreto
1998-10-18How You Should Pray
I Am Rejoicing Again
By Steve Israel, Larry Holder and Elton Smith
1998-11-23I Am Rejoicing Again
By Steve Israel, Larry Holder and Elton Smith
1998-11-23I Am Rejoicing Again
I Am The Resurrection
Solo by Jesus
By Elton Smith and Dan Zigler
2000-01-15I Am The Resurrection
Solo by Jesus
By Elton Smith and Dan Zigler
2000-01-15I Am The Resurrection
I Believe In The Greatest Love
By Peter Gringhuis
2019-04-21 YouTubeI Believe In The Greatest Love
By Peter Gringhuis
2019-04-21 YouTubeI Believe In The Greatest Love
I Called You By Name
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2024-09-26 YouTube ImageI Called You By Name
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2024-09-26 YouTube ImageI Called You By Name
I Came To Serve
By Cyndi Aarrestad
2012-01-29 YouTubeI Came To Serve
By Cyndi Aarrestad
2012-01-29 YouTubeI Came To Serve
I Can't Imagine
By Susan Tolle-Knight
2000-05-30I Can't Imagine
By Susan Tolle-Knight
2000-05-30I Can't Imagine
I Can't Live A Day Without You
By Elton Smith and Deanna Irwin
1997-01-01I Can't Live A Day Without You
By Elton Smith and Deanna Irwin
1997-01-01I Can't Live A Day Without You
I Cry Out To You
By Lance Krauter
2006-05-13I Cry Out To You
By Lance Krauter
2006-05-13I Cry Out To You
I Gave My Life
By Michael Rosen
2009-03-30I Gave My Life
By Michael Rosen
2009-03-30I Gave My Life
I Had A Dream
By Peter Gringhuis and Elton Smith
2008-03-08 YouTubeI Had A Dream
By Peter Gringhuis and Elton Smith
2008-03-08 YouTubeI Had A Dream
I Just Love Worshiping You
By Gabriel Colalella
2004-03-13I Just Love Worshiping You
By Gabriel Colalella
2004-03-13I Just Love Worshiping You
I Just Want To Thank You
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2008-08-02I Just Want To Thank You
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2008-08-02I Just Want To Thank You
I Knew a Friend
By Gilberto Barreto
1997-04-29I Knew a Friend
By Gilberto Barreto
1997-04-29I Knew a Friend
I Lay It Down
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1998-08-25 ImageI Lay It Down
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1998-08-25 ImageI Lay It Down
I Love You Jesus!
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-04-19I Love You Jesus!
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-04-19I Love You Jesus!
I No Longer Live
A song about missions
By Gilberto Barreto
2024-07-03 YouTubeI No Longer Live
A song about missions
By Gilberto Barreto
2024-07-03 YouTubeI No Longer Live
I Praise You, My Father
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1998-07-20I Praise You, My Father
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1998-07-20I Praise You, My Father
I Rejoice In Your Love
By Steve Israel, Larry Holder and Elton Smith
1999-04-14I Rejoice In Your Love
By Steve Israel, Larry Holder and Elton Smith
1999-04-14I Rejoice In Your Love
I Thank You For Your Promises
(The Joy That's Waiting There)
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2010-05-27 YouTubeI Thank You For Your Promises
(The Joy That's Waiting There)
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2010-05-27 YouTubeI Thank You For Your Promises
I Thank You Lord
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1998-02-10I Thank You Lord
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1998-02-10I Thank You Lord
I Want To Be Like Jesus
By Elton Smith and Gilberto Barreto
1997-06-05 YouTube ImageI Want To Be Like Jesus
By Elton Smith and Gilberto Barreto
1997-06-05 YouTube ImageI Want To Be Like Jesus
I Want You To Know About Jesus
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1998-11-18I Want You To Know About Jesus
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1998-11-18I Want You To Know About Jesus
I Will Exalt You
(Psalm 145: 1-4)
By Gilberto Barreto
1997-01-12I Will Exalt You
(Psalm 145: 1-4)
By Gilberto Barreto
1997-01-12I Will Exalt You
I Will Follow All The Way
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Steve Israel
1999-01-02I Will Follow All The Way
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Steve Israel
1999-01-02I Will Follow All The Way
I Will Listen To You
By Peter Gringhuis and Elton Smith
2019-04-21 YouTubeI Will Listen To You
By Peter Gringhuis and Elton Smith
2019-04-21 YouTubeI Will Listen To You
I Will Meet You Tonight At The Dance
By Elton Smith
2025-03-23I Will Meet You Tonight At The Dance
By Elton Smith
2025-03-23I Will Meet You Tonight At The Dance
I'm Building My House
(Based on Psalm 1:3)
By Lenny Smith and Steve Israel
1997-11-11 YouTubeI'm Building My House
(Based on Psalm 1:3)
By Lenny Smith and Steve Israel
1997-11-11 YouTubeI'm Building My House
I'll Always Love You
By Peter Gringhuis and Elton Smith
2008-06-13I'll Always Love You
By Peter Gringhuis and Elton Smith
2008-06-13I'll Always Love You
I'll Turn To You
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1997-11-03 ImageI'll Turn To You
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1997-11-03 ImageI'll Turn To You
I'll Turn To You (Choral Version)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Patsy Stevens
1997-12-27 ImageI'll Turn To You (Choral Version)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Patsy Stevens
1997-12-27 ImageI'll Turn To You (Choral Version)
In All Our Dreams
By Elton Smith and Lorraine Gordon
1998-08-09In All Our Dreams
By Elton Smith and Lorraine Gordon
1998-08-09In All Our Dreams
In My Garden
By Joe Medrek
2011-01-15In My Garden
By Joe Medrek
2011-01-15In My Garden
In Prayer You Lift Me Up O God
By Bob Reynolds and Elton Smith
2002-08-24 YouTube ImageIn Prayer You Lift Me Up O God
By Bob Reynolds and Elton Smith
2002-08-24 YouTube ImageIn Prayer You Lift Me Up O God
In The Beginning Was The Word
(based on John 1:1-14)
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1999-08-08In The Beginning Was The Word
(based on John 1:1-14)
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1999-08-08In The Beginning Was The Word
In The Coming Of Messiah
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1998-05-12In The Coming Of Messiah
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1998-05-12In The Coming Of Messiah
In The Pages of the Bible
By Joy Chastagner and Elton Smith
1999-04-23 YouTube ImageIn The Pages of the Bible
By Joy Chastagner and Elton Smith
1999-04-23 YouTube ImageIn The Pages of the Bible
In The Presence Of Your Saints
By Gilberto Barreto
1999-01-02In The Presence Of Your Saints
By Gilberto Barreto
1999-01-02In The Presence Of Your Saints
In The Silence Of The Night
By Peter Gringhuis and Elton Smith
2007-07-22 YouTubeIn The Silence Of The Night
By Peter Gringhuis and Elton Smith
2007-07-22 YouTubeIn The Silence Of The Night
In Your Mountain
(Based on Psalms 48)
By Gilberto Barreto and Elton Smith
1996-09-01In Your Mountain
(Based on Psalms 48)
By Gilberto Barreto and Elton Smith
1996-09-01In Your Mountain
Into Your Hands
By Rich Buquet
2005-05-14 YouTube ImageInto Your Hands
By Rich Buquet
2005-05-14 YouTube ImageInto Your Hands
Is It Any Wonder?
By Elton Smith, Gilberto Barreto and Larry Holder
1998-12-11Is It Any Wonder?
By Elton Smith, Gilberto Barreto and Larry Holder
1998-12-11Is It Any Wonder?
Is There A Place?
By Peter Gringhuis
2025-02-26 ImageIs There A Place?
By Peter Gringhuis
2025-02-26 ImageIs There A Place?
It Came Upon The Midnight Clear
By Edmund H. Sears and Richard S. Willis
2006-07-09It Came Upon The Midnight Clear
By Edmund H. Sears and Richard S. Willis
2006-07-09It Came Upon The Midnight Clear
It Is Well With My Soul
By Horatio Spafford and Philip Bliss
2006-11-25 YouTube ImageIt Is Well With My Soul
By Horatio Spafford and Philip Bliss
2006-11-25 YouTube ImageIt Is Well With My Soul
It's Christmas
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Peter Gringhuis and Steve Israel
2012-12-20 YouTubeIt's Christmas
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Peter Gringhuis and Steve Israel
2012-12-20 YouTubeIt's Christmas
It's Christmas Morn
By Billy Bullman
2010-12-12 YouTubeIt's Christmas Morn
By Billy Bullman
2010-12-12 YouTubeIt's Christmas Morn
It's From The Lord
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2009-01-10 YouTubeIt's From The Lord
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2009-01-10 YouTubeIt's From The Lord
It’s A See You Later
By Peter Gringhuis, Jetty Jonkers and Larry Holder
2011-07-22It’s A See You Later
By Peter Gringhuis, Jetty Jonkers and Larry Holder
2011-07-22It’s A See You Later
Jesus Abides
By Larry Holder, Elton Smith and Steve Israel
2002-02-10Jesus Abides
By Larry Holder, Elton Smith and Steve Israel
2002-02-10Jesus Abides
Jesus All My Life I Give To You
By Gilberto Barreto
2009-01-25Jesus All My Life I Give To You
By Gilberto Barreto
2009-01-25Jesus All My Life I Give To You
Jesus Calls Us
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Steve Israel
1999-11-18Jesus Calls Us
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Steve Israel
1999-11-18Jesus Calls Us
Jesus Come
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2007-05-28Jesus Come
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2007-05-28Jesus Come
Jesus Died In My Place
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1999-02-20Jesus Died In My Place
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1999-02-20Jesus Died In My Place
Jesus Is The Light
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1998-05-24Jesus Is The Light
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1998-05-24Jesus Is The Light
Jesus Lives
By Daniel Ayisi
2012-09-01Jesus Lives
By Daniel Ayisi
2012-09-01Jesus Lives
Jesus Paid The Price
By Elton Smith and Steve Israel
1998-08-19Jesus Paid The Price
By Elton Smith and Steve Israel
1998-08-19Jesus Paid The Price
Jesus Really Loves Me
By Steve Israel
2006-05-29 YouTubeJesus Really Loves Me
By Steve Israel
2006-05-29 YouTubeJesus Really Loves Me
Jesus Suffered For You
(Based on I Peter 2: 21-22, 24)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-06-01Jesus Suffered For You
(Based on I Peter 2: 21-22, 24)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-06-01Jesus Suffered For You
Jesus Was Born In My Heart
By Gilberto Barreto
1998-11-08 YouTubeJesus Was Born In My Heart
By Gilberto Barreto
1998-11-08 YouTubeJesus Was Born In My Heart
Jesus You're The One
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2010-04-02Jesus You're The One
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2010-04-02Jesus You're The One
Jesus, You Fill My Heart With A Song
By Lena Kittrell and Steve Israel
2003-07-10Jesus, You Fill My Heart With A Song
By Lena Kittrell and Steve Israel
2003-07-10Jesus, You Fill My Heart With A Song
Jesus, You're the Song That I Sing
By Elton Smith and Lorrie Dunn
1997-09-21Jesus, You're the Song That I Sing
By Elton Smith and Lorrie Dunn
1997-09-21Jesus, You're the Song That I Sing
Jingle Bells
By James Pierpont
2006-07-09Jingle Bells
By James Pierpont
2006-07-09Jingle Bells
Job's Reply To The Lord
(Job: 42:2,5 and 19:25)
By Gilberto Barreto and Elton Smith
1997-04-23Job's Reply To The Lord
(Job: 42:2,5 and 19:25)
By Gilberto Barreto and Elton Smith
1997-04-23Job's Reply To The Lord
Joy Is Found In You
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2009-05-05Joy Is Found In You
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2009-05-05Joy Is Found In You
Joy To The World
By Isaac Watts and Lowell Mas (based on Handel)
2006-07-09 ImageJoy To The World
By Isaac Watts and Lowell Mas (based on Handel)
2006-07-09 ImageJoy To The World
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
By Henry J. van Dyke and Ludwig van Beethoven
2006-07-09Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
By Henry J. van Dyke and Ludwig van Beethoven
2006-07-09Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
Just To Know You More
By Steve Israel, Larry Holder and Elton Smith
1998-10-21Just To Know You More
By Steve Israel, Larry Holder and Elton Smith
1998-10-21Just To Know You More
King Of Israel
By Rhesa Siregar, Paul Gentry, Larry Holder and Elton Smith
2002-09-09King Of Israel
By Rhesa Siregar, Paul Gentry, Larry Holder and Elton Smith
2002-09-09King Of Israel
King Of The Universe
By Angela Dittmar
2010-01-27King Of The Universe
By Angela Dittmar
2010-01-27King Of The Universe
Kingdom Hymn
By Tim Barber
1999-03-10Kingdom Hymn
By Tim Barber
1999-03-10Kingdom Hymn
Let Every Tongue Confess
(Philippians 2:5-11)
By Elton Smith
1997-05-01Let Every Tongue Confess
(Philippians 2:5-11)
By Elton Smith
1997-05-01Let Every Tongue Confess
Let God Be Good To You
By Lenny Smith and Elton Smith
1997-06-21Let God Be Good To You
By Lenny Smith and Elton Smith
1997-06-21Let God Be Good To You
Let Not A Wise Man
By Steve Israel
2024-06-18 YouTubeLet Not A Wise Man
By Steve Israel
2024-06-18 YouTubeLet Not A Wise Man
Let Us Fix Our Eyes On Jesus
(Hebrews 12:2)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-12-17Let Us Fix Our Eyes On Jesus
(Hebrews 12:2)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-12-17Let Us Fix Our Eyes On Jesus
Like A Child
By Elton Smith
1998-10-31Like A Child
By Elton Smith
1998-10-31Like A Child
Listen To My Cry
(Based on Psalms 142 and 143)
By Elton Smith and Gilberto Barreto
1997-03-15Listen To My Cry
(Based on Psalms 142 and 143)
By Elton Smith and Gilberto Barreto
1997-03-15Listen To My Cry
Live For Today
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Peter Gringhuis
2009-06-06Live For Today
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Peter Gringhuis
2009-06-06Live For Today
Living Waters
(Based on Isaiah 55)
By Elton Smith and Elizabeth Tolson
1997-09-24Living Waters
(Based on Isaiah 55)
By Elton Smith and Elizabeth Tolson
1997-09-24Living Waters
Lollipops and Cars
By Eve Ray
2025-03-22Lollipops and Cars
By Eve Ray
2025-03-22Lollipops and Cars
Long Before You Knew Me
By Steve Israel
2003-10-09 YouTubeLong Before You Knew Me
By Steve Israel
2003-10-09 YouTubeLong Before You Knew Me
Looking Through The Eyes of Faith
By Larry Holder, Elton Smith and Steve Israel
1999-01-19 YouTubeLooking Through The Eyes of Faith
By Larry Holder, Elton Smith and Steve Israel
1999-01-19 YouTubeLooking Through The Eyes of Faith
Lord Forever In Your Presence
By Elton Smith, Norma Stephenson and Larry Holder
2001-06-18Lord Forever In Your Presence
By Elton Smith, Norma Stephenson and Larry Holder
2001-06-18Lord Forever In Your Presence
Lord I Lift Your Name On High
By Rick Founds
2009-09-12 YouTube ImageLord I Lift Your Name On High
By Rick Founds
2009-09-12 YouTube ImageLord I Lift Your Name On High
Lord When I Hear You
By Peter Gringhuis and Elton Smith
2007-11-07Lord When I Hear You
By Peter Gringhuis and Elton Smith
2007-11-07Lord When I Hear You
Lord You Are
By Gilberto Barreto and Janet Goh
1998-12-15Lord You Are
By Gilberto Barreto and Janet Goh
1998-12-15Lord You Are
Love Found Me
By Susan Krauter
2006-05-13 YouTube ImageLove Found Me
By Susan Krauter
2006-05-13 YouTube ImageLove Found Me
Love Like No Other
By Bob Forbes
2007-02-23 YouTubeLove Like No Other
By Bob Forbes
2007-02-23 YouTubeLove Like No Other
Love Never Fails
(I Corinthians 13:1-8a,13)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-06-01Love Never Fails
(I Corinthians 13:1-8a,13)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-06-01Love Never Fails
Lover Of My Soul
By Russell Adams and Steve Israel
1999-06-01Lover Of My Soul
By Russell Adams and Steve Israel
1999-06-01Lover Of My Soul
Magnify the Lord
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-04-17 YouTubeMagnify the Lord
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-04-17 YouTubeMagnify the Lord
Mary's Song
By Lynn Cooper
2000-06-26 YouTube ImageMary's Song
By Lynn Cooper
2000-06-26 YouTube ImageMary's Song
Mercy and Grace
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2004-03-13Mercy and Grace
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2004-03-13Mercy and Grace
Mighty One
(Based on Luke 1 and John 1)
By Ralph Merrifield
1998-10-01Mighty One
(Based on Luke 1 and John 1)
By Ralph Merrifield
1998-10-01Mighty One
Momma Look It's Jesus
(Based on Mark 10:13-16)
By Linda Edge and Elton Smith
1997-10-07Momma Look It's Jesus
(Based on Mark 10:13-16)
By Linda Edge and Elton Smith
1997-10-07Momma Look It's Jesus
More Grace
By Nick Mott
2010-03-21More Grace
By Nick Mott
2010-03-21More Grace
More Than A Child
By Larry Holder
1997-06-01 YouTubeMore Than A Child
By Larry Holder
1997-06-01 YouTubeMore Than A Child
More Than Ever Before
By Van Wood
2012-11-04More Than Ever Before
By Van Wood
2012-11-04More Than Ever Before
My Heart Beats At Your Command
By Lenny Smith
2000-02-27 YouTubeMy Heart Beats At Your Command
By Lenny Smith
2000-02-27 YouTubeMy Heart Beats At Your Command
My Heart Won't Find Rest
By Nick Mott
2007-05-08 YouTubeMy Heart Won't Find Rest
By Nick Mott
2007-05-08 YouTubeMy Heart Won't Find Rest
My Jesus I Love Thee
By William Ralph Featherston and Adoniram Gordon
2014-04-19 YouTubeMy Jesus I Love Thee
By William Ralph Featherston and Adoniram Gordon
2014-04-19 YouTubeMy Jesus I Love Thee
My One Desire
By Rick Founds, Larry Holder, Steve Israel and Elton Smith
2003-04-15My One Desire
By Rick Founds, Larry Holder, Steve Israel and Elton Smith
2003-04-15My One Desire
My Soul's Desire
By Steve Israel, Larry Holder and Elton Smith
1999-05-19My Soul's Desire
By Steve Israel, Larry Holder and Elton Smith
1999-05-19My Soul's Desire
Mystery Of Your Love
By LaVada Torzewski and Paul Gentry
2002-04-13 YouTubeMystery Of Your Love
By LaVada Torzewski and Paul Gentry
2002-04-13 YouTubeMystery Of Your Love
Nothing Can Compare
By Rick Founds and Elton Smith
2002-10-21Nothing Can Compare
By Rick Founds and Elton Smith
2002-10-21Nothing Can Compare
Nothing Would Be Without You
By Rhesa Siregar and Elton Smith
2003-03-10Nothing Would Be Without You
By Rhesa Siregar and Elton Smith
2003-03-10Nothing Would Be Without You
Now I Find Your Peace
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2011-02-27Now I Find Your Peace
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2011-02-27Now I Find Your Peace
O Christmas Tree
By Anonymous
2006-07-09O Christmas Tree
By Anonymous
2006-07-09O Christmas Tree
O Come All Ye Faithful
By unknown
2006-07-09 ImageO Come All Ye Faithful
By unknown
2006-07-09 ImageO Come All Ye Faithful
O Come And Worship
By Elton Smith and Lena Kittrell
2001-03-08O Come And Worship
By Elton Smith and Lena Kittrell
2001-03-08O Come And Worship
O Come, O Come Immanuel
By Anonymous
2006-07-09 ImageO Come, O Come Immanuel
By Anonymous
2006-07-09 ImageO Come, O Come Immanuel
O Holy Night
By Placide Cappeau and Adolphe C. Adam
2006-07-09 YouTube ImageO Holy Night
By Placide Cappeau and Adolphe C. Adam
2006-07-09 YouTube ImageO Holy Night
O Little Town of Bethlehem
By Phillips Brooks and Lewis H. Redner
2006-07-09O Little Town of Bethlehem
By Phillips Brooks and Lewis H. Redner
2006-07-09O Little Town of Bethlehem
O Lord My God
By Lenny Smith, Paul Gentry and Dan Swan
2002-09-11 YouTubeO Lord My God
By Lenny Smith, Paul Gentry and Dan Swan
2002-09-11 YouTubeO Lord My God
By Paul Gentry and Rhesa Siregar
2002-07-05 YouTubeOceanfront
By Paul Gentry and Rhesa Siregar
2002-07-05 YouTubeOceanfront
Oh What A Wonder
By Steve Israel, Larry Holder and Elton Smith
1998-12-05Oh What A Wonder
By Steve Israel, Larry Holder and Elton Smith
1998-12-05Oh What A Wonder
On Days Like This
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2020-07-30On Days Like This
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2020-07-30On Days Like This
On This Holy Night
By Bob Forbes and Yolanda Forbes
2007-10-12On This Holy Night
By Bob Forbes and Yolanda Forbes
2007-10-12On This Holy Night
Once Again
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2012-06-21Once Again
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2012-06-21Once Again
Open Up My Heart
By Peter Gringhuis and Manon Wierenga
2008-04-11Open Up My Heart
By Peter Gringhuis and Manon Wierenga
2008-04-11Open Up My Heart
Our God Reigns
(Isaiah 52:7; 53; Luke 24:5-6, 39)
By Lenny Smith
1999-06-26 YouTubeOur God Reigns
(Isaiah 52:7; 53; Luke 24:5-6, 39)
By Lenny Smith
1999-06-26 YouTubeOur God Reigns
Our Savior Has Come
By Rick Founds
2005-12-19 YouTubeOur Savior Has Come
By Rick Founds
2005-12-19 YouTubeOur Savior Has Come
Our Song of Victory
By Larry Holder
1998-12-23 YouTubeOur Song of Victory
By Larry Holder
1998-12-23 YouTubeOur Song of Victory
Paul's Prayer
(Philippians 1: 9-11)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-04-05Paul's Prayer
(Philippians 1: 9-11)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-04-05Paul's Prayer
Peace and Prosperity
(Based on Psalm 122)
By Gilberto Barreto
1998-10-04Peace and Prosperity
(Based on Psalm 122)
By Gilberto Barreto
1998-10-04Peace and Prosperity
Pour Your Spirit Out Upon Me
By Tom Lascoe, Larry Holder and Elton Smith
1999-08-24Pour Your Spirit Out Upon Me
By Tom Lascoe, Larry Holder and Elton Smith
1999-08-24Pour Your Spirit Out Upon Me
Praise Adonai
(aka "We Lift You Up")
By Rhesa Siregar, Elton Smith, Steve Israel and Larry Holder
2000-01-08Praise Adonai
(aka "We Lift You Up")
By Rhesa Siregar, Elton Smith, Steve Israel and Larry Holder
2000-01-08Praise Adonai
Praise The Lord
(Based on Psalm 150)
By Gilberto Barreto
1998-10-26Praise The Lord
(Based on Psalm 150)
By Gilberto Barreto
1998-10-26Praise The Lord
Praise the Lord, Give Thanks to the Lord
(Based on Psalms 106)
By Gilberto Barreto and Elton Smith
1996-04-19Praise the Lord, Give Thanks to the Lord
(Based on Psalms 106)
By Gilberto Barreto and Elton Smith
1996-04-19Praise the Lord, Give Thanks to the Lord
Praise The Name Of Jesus
By Rick Founds
2002-07-05 YouTubePraise The Name Of Jesus
By Rick Founds
2002-07-05 YouTubePraise The Name Of Jesus
Reach Out In Love
(Based on Matthew 25: 31-46)
By Elton Smith and Elizabeth Tolson
1998-03-19Reach Out In Love
(Based on Matthew 25: 31-46)
By Elton Smith and Elizabeth Tolson
1998-03-19Reach Out In Love
Receive Him Today
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1998-04-21Receive Him Today
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1998-04-21Receive Him Today
Retro Christmas
By Rhesa Siregar, Paul Gentry, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2006-10-08Retro Christmas
By Rhesa Siregar, Paul Gentry, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2006-10-08Retro Christmas
Sacred Supper
By Russell Adams and Steve Israel
1999-06-01 ImageSacred Supper
By Russell Adams and Steve Israel
1999-06-01 ImageSacred Supper
San Antonio Christmas
By Bo Reynolds
2012-04-08San Antonio Christmas
By Bo Reynolds
2012-04-08San Antonio Christmas
Secret Lies
By Dan Zigler
2000-01-08 ImageSecret Lies
By Dan Zigler
2000-01-08 ImageSecret Lies
Seeking You
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2014-08-31Seeking You
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2014-08-31Seeking You
Send Your Spirit Down
By Lynn Cooper
2023-02-20Send Your Spirit Down
By Lynn Cooper
2023-02-20Send Your Spirit Down
Sent From The Heart Of God
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1999-09-08Sent From The Heart Of God
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1999-09-08Sent From The Heart Of God
Set Me Free!
(Based on Psalm 142)
By Elton Smith and Elizabeth Tolson
1998-07-25Set Me Free!
(Based on Psalm 142)
By Elton Smith and Elizabeth Tolson
1998-07-25Set Me Free!
Share The Love

By Elton Smith, Rhesa Siregar and Larry Holder
1999-05-11Share The Love

By Elton Smith, Rhesa Siregar and Larry Holder
1999-05-11Share The Love
Shout For Joy To The Lord
(Based on Psalm 100)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-09-01Shout For Joy To The Lord
(Based on Psalm 100)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-09-01Shout For Joy To The Lord
Shout Hosanna
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1999-04-02Shout Hosanna
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1999-04-02Shout Hosanna
Silent Night
By Josef Mohr and Franz X. Gruber
2006-07-09 ImageSilent Night
By Josef Mohr and Franz X. Gruber
2006-07-09 ImageSilent Night
Silently I Stand
By Lynn Cooper
1998-06-14Silently I Stand
By Lynn Cooper
1998-06-14Silently I Stand
Sing Joyfully!
(Based on Psalm 33:1-5)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-06-01Sing Joyfully!
(Based on Psalm 33:1-5)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-06-01Sing Joyfully!
Sing Praise
(Psalms 47: 6-7)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-06-01Sing Praise
(Psalms 47: 6-7)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-06-01Sing Praise
Sing To The Lord
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1997-10-16Sing To The Lord
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1997-10-16Sing To The Lord
Softly, Sweetly
By Jed Santa Maria
2010-10-24 YouTubeSoftly, Sweetly
By Jed Santa Maria
2010-10-24 YouTubeSoftly, Sweetly
Something More
By Rhesa Siregar, Paul Gentry and Elton Smith
2002-09-03Something More
By Rhesa Siregar, Paul Gentry and Elton Smith
2002-09-03Something More
Song For Helene
(With All My Heart)
By Lenny and Elin Smith
2010-07-10 YouTubeSong For Helene
(With All My Heart)
By Lenny and Elin Smith
2010-07-10 YouTubeSong For Helene
Song of Freedom
By LaVada Torzewski and Paul Gentry
2002-04-18 YouTubeSong of Freedom
By LaVada Torzewski and Paul Gentry
2002-04-18 YouTubeSong of Freedom
Spirit Of The Living God
By Lenny Smith
2010-09-22 YouTubeSpirit Of The Living God
By Lenny Smith
2010-09-22 YouTubeSpirit Of The Living God
Splendor and Majesty
(Based on I Chronicles 16:24-27)
By Ralph Merrifield and Lenny Smith
1997-07-11 YouTubeSplendor and Majesty
(Based on I Chronicles 16:24-27)
By Ralph Merrifield and Lenny Smith
1997-07-11 YouTubeSplendor and Majesty
Standing Firm In The Storm
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1998-11-14Standing Firm In The Storm
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1998-11-14Standing Firm In The Storm
Still My Heart
By Elton Smith, Steve Israel and Larry Holder
2018-02-27 YouTube ImageStill My Heart
By Elton Smith, Steve Israel and Larry Holder
2018-02-27 YouTube ImageStill My Heart
Strong Tower
By Steve Israel
2006-09-18Strong Tower
By Steve Israel
2006-09-18Strong Tower
Sweet Lord Jesus
By Russell Adams
2002-04-11Sweet Lord Jesus
By Russell Adams
2002-04-11Sweet Lord Jesus
Sweet Victory
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2004-11-17Sweet Victory
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2004-11-17Sweet Victory
Tangled Up In The Blues
By Elton Smith and Steve Israel
2020-11-10Tangled Up In The Blues
By Elton Smith and Steve Israel
2020-11-10Tangled Up In The Blues
Teach Me Your Way
By Richard Jensen
2012-05-02 YouTubeTeach Me Your Way
By Richard Jensen
2012-05-02 YouTubeTeach Me Your Way
Tell Them Of Your Love
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2008-01-03Tell Them Of Your Love
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2008-01-03Tell Them Of Your Love
Ten Thousand Angels
By Lynn Cooper
2001-02-13 YouTube ImageTen Thousand Angels
By Lynn Cooper
2001-02-13 YouTube ImageTen Thousand Angels
Thank God For Christmas Day
By Dominic Finley and Chris Stewart
2008-11-09Thank God For Christmas Day
By Dominic Finley and Chris Stewart
2008-11-09Thank God For Christmas Day
Thank You For Your Grace
By Peter Gringhuis, Rick Founds and Elton Smith
2008-06-25Thank You For Your Grace
By Peter Gringhuis, Rick Founds and Elton Smith
2008-06-25Thank You For Your Grace
That's How You Know It's Christmas
By Jed Santa Maria
2010-10-24 YouTubeThat's How You Know It's Christmas
By Jed Santa Maria
2010-10-24 YouTubeThat's How You Know It's Christmas
The Ballad of the Cross
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1997-12-06 YouTube ImageThe Ballad of the Cross
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1997-12-06 YouTube ImageThe Ballad of the Cross
The Christmas Song
By Jim Walters
2010-09-22 YouTubeThe Christmas Song
By Jim Walters
2010-09-22 YouTubeThe Christmas Song
The First Noel
By Anonymous
2006-07-09 YouTubeThe First Noel
By Anonymous
2006-07-09 YouTubeThe First Noel
The Good Shepherd
(Based on John 10: 1-16)
By Elton Smith and Elizabeth Tolson
1998-03-29The Good Shepherd
(Based on John 10: 1-16)
By Elton Smith and Elizabeth Tolson
1998-03-29The Good Shepherd
The Holly and the Ivy
By Traditional
2007-11-08 ImageThe Holly and the Ivy
By Traditional
2007-11-08 ImageThe Holly and the Ivy
The Joy Of Life
By Elton Smith, Steve Israel and Larry Holder
2011-01-23The Joy Of Life
By Elton Smith, Steve Israel and Larry Holder
2011-01-23The Joy Of Life
The Lord Is My Portion
By Gilberto Barreto
1998-12-15The Lord Is My Portion
By Gilberto Barreto
1998-12-15The Lord Is My Portion
The Lord Is My Shepherd
(Psalm 23: 1-3)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-06-01The Lord Is My Shepherd
(Psalm 23: 1-3)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-06-01The Lord Is My Shepherd
The Lord Shall Return To Jerusalem
(Based on Isaiah 65:18-25 and Zechariah 8)
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1997-10-14 ImageThe Lord Shall Return To Jerusalem
(Based on Isaiah 65:18-25 and Zechariah 8)
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1997-10-14 ImageThe Lord Shall Return To Jerusalem
The Lord's Prayer
By Ralph Merrifield
2010-02-28The Lord's Prayer
By Ralph Merrifield
2010-02-28The Lord's Prayer
The Love Of God
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1999-03-09The Love Of God
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1999-03-09The Love Of God
The New Jerusalem
(Based on Revelation 21/22 and Ephesians 5:27)
By Gilberto Barreto
1997-03-28 ImageThe New Jerusalem
(Based on Revelation 21/22 and Ephesians 5:27)
By Gilberto Barreto
1997-03-28 ImageThe New Jerusalem
The Promise
(Based on Genesis 6-9)
By Linda Edge and Elton Smith
1997-10-01The Promise
(Based on Genesis 6-9)
By Linda Edge and Elton Smith
1997-10-01The Promise
The Rain Is Falling
By Elton Smith, Steve Israel and Larry Holder
2000-04-17The Rain Is Falling
By Elton Smith, Steve Israel and Larry Holder
2000-04-17The Rain Is Falling
The Shelter of Your Wings
(Based on Psalm 91 and Matthew 23:37)
By Elton Smith and Gilberto Barreto
1997-05-15The Shelter of Your Wings
(Based on Psalm 91 and Matthew 23:37)
By Elton Smith and Gilberto Barreto
1997-05-15The Shelter of Your Wings
The Shepherd's Song
By Rhesa Siregar, Paul Gentry and Elton Smith
2004-10-14 ImageThe Shepherd's Song
By Rhesa Siregar, Paul Gentry and Elton Smith
2004-10-14 ImageThe Shepherd's Song
The Son of Man
By Steve Israel
2017-12-23 YouTubeThe Son of Man
By Steve Israel
2017-12-23 YouTubeThe Son of Man
The Stars Are Out Tonight
By Elton Smith
2021-11-30 YouTube ImageThe Stars Are Out Tonight
By Elton Smith
2021-11-30 YouTube ImageThe Stars Are Out Tonight
The Wedding Song
(There Is Love)
By Noel Paul Stookey
2001-05-29 YouTube ImageThe Wedding Song
(There Is Love)
By Noel Paul Stookey
2001-05-29 YouTube ImageThe Wedding Song
The Whole World Turns In The Palm Of His Hand
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1998-02-17The Whole World Turns In The Palm Of His Hand
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1998-02-17The Whole World Turns In The Palm Of His Hand
The Wonder Of Your Love
By Elton Smith, Peter Gringhuis, Larry Holder and Steve Israel
2008-04-11 ImageThe Wonder Of Your Love
By Elton Smith, Peter Gringhuis, Larry Holder and Steve Israel
2008-04-11 ImageThe Wonder Of Your Love
Then Will I Hear From Heaven
(2 Chronicles 7:14-15)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-11-30Then Will I Hear From Heaven
(2 Chronicles 7:14-15)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-11-30Then Will I Hear From Heaven
There Is Nothing In All Creation
(Based on Romans 8:35-39)
By Steve Israel and Elton Smith
1997-07-27 YouTube ImageThere Is Nothing In All Creation
(Based on Romans 8:35-39)
By Steve Israel and Elton Smith
1997-07-27 YouTube ImageThere Is Nothing In All Creation
There's a Day That's Coming
(Based on I Thessalonians 4: 13-17)
By Gilberto Barreto and Elton Smith
1997-02-26There's a Day That's Coming
(Based on I Thessalonians 4: 13-17)
By Gilberto Barreto and Elton Smith
1997-02-26There's a Day That's Coming
There's One Thing
By Rick Founds, Rhesa Siregar and Paul Gentry
2003-05-09 YouTubeThere's One Thing
By Rick Founds, Rhesa Siregar and Paul Gentry
2003-05-09 YouTubeThere's One Thing
Those Who Hope in the Lord
(Isaiah 40:31)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-06-01Those Who Hope in the Lord
(Isaiah 40:31)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-06-01Those Who Hope in the Lord
Three In One
By Peter Gringhuis and Elton Smith
2008-11-18Three In One
By Peter Gringhuis and Elton Smith
2008-11-18Three In One
Three Times
By Dan Zigler
1999-06-01Three Times
By Dan Zigler
1999-06-01Three Times
Through Everything
By Peter Gringhuis and Elton Smith
2024-07-04 ImageThrough Everything
By Peter Gringhuis and Elton Smith
2024-07-04 ImageThrough Everything
To The Cross My Heart Returns
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2010-10-29 YouTubeTo The Cross My Heart Returns
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2010-10-29 YouTubeTo The Cross My Heart Returns
To The Great I Am
By Lenny Smith and Steve Israel
2005-07-01 YouTubeTo The Great I Am
By Lenny Smith and Steve Israel
2005-07-01 YouTubeTo The Great I Am
To You Alone
By Elton Smith, Paul Gentry, Dave Cooley and Rhesa Siregar
2005-06-16To You Alone
By Elton Smith, Paul Gentry, Dave Cooley and Rhesa Siregar
2005-06-16To You Alone
Together We Praise
By Rhesa Siregar, Dave Cooley and Elton Smith
2004-02-20Together We Praise
By Rhesa Siregar, Dave Cooley and Elton Smith
2004-02-20Together We Praise
Too Many Regrets
By Ed Rieck, Larry Winslow and Janie Barnett
2006-12-12Too Many Regrets
By Ed Rieck, Larry Winslow and Janie Barnett
2006-12-12Too Many Regrets
Transform Me Now!
By Dan Zigler and Elton Smith
2000-12-29Transform Me Now!
By Dan Zigler and Elton Smith
2000-12-29Transform Me Now!
Unless The Lord Builds The House
(Based on Psalm 127:1)
By Elton Smith
1997-09-18Unless The Lord Builds The House
(Based on Psalm 127:1)
By Elton Smith
1997-09-18Unless The Lord Builds The House
Until the Race Is Won
(Based on II Timothy 4:7 and Hebrews 12:1)
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1998-01-17Until the Race Is Won
(Based on II Timothy 4:7 and Hebrews 12:1)
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1998-01-17Until the Race Is Won
Waves of Sorrow
By Elton Smith, Berrien Lucius and Steve Israel
2018-01-03 YouTubeWaves of Sorrow
By Elton Smith, Berrien Lucius and Steve Israel
2018-01-03 YouTubeWaves of Sorrow
We Are The People Of The Lord
By Steve Israel, Larry Holder and Elton Smith
2000-01-08We Are The People Of The Lord
By Steve Israel, Larry Holder and Elton Smith
2000-01-08We Are The People Of The Lord
We Three Kings
By John H. Hopkins, Jr.
2006-07-09We Three Kings
By John H. Hopkins, Jr.
2006-07-09We Three Kings
We're His People
By Rick Founds and Elton Smith
2002-09-17We're His People
By Rick Founds and Elton Smith
2002-09-17We're His People
Weapons of Our Warfare
By Brother Ephraim
2001-05-24Weapons of Our Warfare
By Brother Ephraim
2001-05-24Weapons of Our Warfare
Weary World
By Van Wood
2024-03-12 ImageWeary World
By Van Wood
2024-03-12 ImageWeary World
What Child Is This?
By William C. Dix
2006-07-09What Child Is This?
By William C. Dix
2006-07-09What Child Is This?
What If Love?
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2011-11-04What If Love?
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2011-11-04What If Love?
What You've Done For Me
By Larry Holder, Steve Israel and Elton Smith
2014-09-26What You've Done For Me
By Larry Holder, Steve Israel and Elton Smith
2014-09-26What You've Done For Me
When Messiah is Revealed
(Based on Colossians 3:1-4)
By Steve Israel
1998-04-17 YouTubeWhen Messiah is Revealed
(Based on Colossians 3:1-4)
By Steve Israel
1998-04-17 YouTubeWhen Messiah is Revealed
Who Has Believed?
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1997-11-18Who Has Believed?
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1997-11-18Who Has Believed?
Who Is Like You?
By Gilberto Barreto
1998-11-16Who Is Like You?
By Gilberto Barreto
1998-11-16Who Is Like You?
Who Is Like You?
By Rick Founds
2004-02-01 YouTubeWho Is Like You?
By Rick Founds
2004-02-01 YouTubeWho Is Like You?
Who Was Born?
By John and Bonnie Evans
1999-10-22Who Was Born?
By John and Bonnie Evans
1999-10-22Who Was Born?
Wisemen Still Seek Him
By Lynn Cooper
2000-07-25 YouTube ImageWisemen Still Seek Him
By Lynn Cooper
2000-07-25 YouTube ImageWisemen Still Seek Him
Women of Grace
By Lynn Cooper
2003-06-10Women of Grace
By Lynn Cooper
2003-06-10Women of Grace
Worship You
By Carolyn Cavanagh
2024-05-27 YouTubeWorship You
By Carolyn Cavanagh
2024-05-27 YouTubeWorship You
Yes, It's You Lord
By Tom Lascoe, Larry Holder and Elton Smith
1999-10-10Yes, It's You Lord
By Tom Lascoe, Larry Holder and Elton Smith
1999-10-10Yes, It's You Lord
You Alone Are Worthy
By Nick Mott
2010-03-30You Alone Are Worthy
By Nick Mott
2010-03-30You Alone Are Worthy
You Are My Lord
By Peter Gringhuis and Elton Smith
2007-10-17You Are My Lord
By Peter Gringhuis and Elton Smith
2007-10-17You Are My Lord
You Are Our God
By Peter Gringhuis and Elton Smith
2022-09-28You Are Our God
By Peter Gringhuis and Elton Smith
2022-09-28You Are Our God
You Are The Holy One
By Rhesa Siregar, Paul Gentry, and Larry Holder
2006-01-17You Are The Holy One
By Rhesa Siregar, Paul Gentry, and Larry Holder
2006-01-17You Are The Holy One
You Are The Image
By Steve Israel
2009-10-04 YouTubeYou Are The Image
By Steve Israel
2009-10-04 YouTubeYou Are The Image
You Are The Lord
By Rick Founds
2004-02-01 YouTubeYou Are The Lord
By Rick Founds
2004-02-01 YouTubeYou Are The Lord
You Are The One
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2012-02-20You Are The One
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2012-02-20You Are The One
You Are Worthy
(Revelation 4:11)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-04-19You Are Worthy
(Revelation 4:11)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-04-19You Are Worthy
You Know Me Completely
(Based on Psalm 139:1-8)
By Elton Smith
1997-08-10You Know Me Completely
(Based on Psalm 139:1-8)
By Elton Smith
1997-08-10You Know Me Completely
You Love Me Still
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2009-02-15 YouTube ImageYou Love Me Still
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2009-02-15 YouTube ImageYou Love Me Still
You Open Up Your Hand
By Lenny Smith and Elton Smith
1999-12-18You Open Up Your Hand
By Lenny Smith and Elton Smith
1999-12-18You Open Up Your Hand
You Opened My Eyes
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Steve Israel
2001-11-04 YouTube ImageYou Opened My Eyes
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Steve Israel
2001-11-04 YouTube ImageYou Opened My Eyes
You Want Me
By Russell Adams and Steve Israel
2001-10-07You Want Me
By Russell Adams and Steve Israel
2001-10-07You Want Me
You're Always There
By Rhesa Siregar, Paul Gentry and Elton Smith
2003-11-02You're Always There
By Rhesa Siregar, Paul Gentry and Elton Smith
2003-11-02You're Always There
You're At Peace In His Love
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1999-09-17 YouTube ImageYou're At Peace In His Love
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1999-09-17 YouTube ImageYou're At Peace In His Love
You're My Strength and My Song
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1999-02-06You're My Strength and My Song
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
1999-02-06You're My Strength and My Song
You're My Water
By Scott Evans and Dave Cooley
2003-09-23 YouTubeYou're My Water
By Scott Evans and Dave Cooley
2003-09-23 YouTubeYou're My Water
Your Amazing Love
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Elizabeth Tolson
1998-10-10Your Amazing Love
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Elizabeth Tolson
1998-10-10Your Amazing Love
Your Beauty Amazes Me
By Russell Adams and William McDaniel
2009-08-01Your Beauty Amazes Me
By Russell Adams and William McDaniel
2009-08-01Your Beauty Amazes Me
Your Love For Me
By Lenny Smith
1998-03-28 YouTubeYour Love For Me
By Lenny Smith
1998-03-28 YouTubeYour Love For Me
Your Love Is Better Than Life
(Based on Psalm 63)
By Brother Ephraim
2000-06-19Your Love Is Better Than Life
(Based on Psalm 63)
By Brother Ephraim
2000-06-19Your Love Is Better Than Life
Your Love Is Everywhere
By Elton Smith and Lynn Cooper
1998-03-31Your Love Is Everywhere
By Elton Smith and Lynn Cooper
1998-03-31Your Love Is Everywhere
Your Love Is Strong
By Elton Smith, Steve Israel and Larry Holder
2002-06-14Your Love Is Strong
By Elton Smith, Steve Israel and Larry Holder
2002-06-14Your Love Is Strong
Your Love Is Sweeter Than Wine
(Based on Song of Solomon 1:1-4)
By Susan Tolle-Knight
2000-09-04 YouTubeYour Love Is Sweeter Than Wine
(Based on Song of Solomon 1:1-4)
By Susan Tolle-Knight
2000-09-04 YouTubeYour Love Is Sweeter Than Wine
Your Love Surrounds Me
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2004-04-03 YouTube ImageYour Love Surrounds Me
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2004-04-03 YouTube ImageYour Love Surrounds Me
Your Presence Is All I Need
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2011-05-29 YouTubeYour Presence Is All I Need
By Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2011-05-29 YouTubeYour Presence Is All I Need
Your Spirit Soars Around Me Like A Song
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2022-12-30 YouTubeYour Spirit Soars Around Me Like A Song
By Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2022-12-30 YouTubeYour Spirit Soars Around Me Like A Song
Language: Estonian
Ma ülistand Sind
I Will Exalt You (Estonian)
By Gilberto Barreto and Eve Terep
1998-03-07Ma ülistand Sind
I Will Exalt You (Estonian)
By Gilberto Barreto and Eve Terep
1998-03-07Ma ülistand Sind
Sest Su Armastus on Suurem Kui Elu
Because Your Love Is Better Than Life (Estonian)
By Gilberto Barreto and Eve Terep
1998-03-07Sest Su Armastus on Suurem Kui Elu
Because Your Love Is Better Than Life (Estonian)
By Gilberto Barreto and Eve Terep
1998-03-07Sest Su Armastus on Suurem Kui Elu
Language: Finnish
Enkeleitä Tuhansin
Ten Thousand Angels (Finnish)
By Lynn Cooper and Lea Alaja
2005-05-15Enkeleitä Tuhansin
Ten Thousand Angels (Finnish)
By Lynn Cooper and Lea Alaja
2005-05-15Enkeleitä Tuhansin
Jälleen Saavun Ristin Luo
To the Cross My Heart Returns (Finnish)
By Lea Alaja, Marja Väisänen, Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2014-01-11Jälleen Saavun Ristin Luo
To the Cross My Heart Returns (Finnish)
By Lea Alaja, Marja Väisänen, Peter Gringhuis, Elton Smith and Larry Holder
2014-01-11Jälleen Saavun Ristin Luo
Jeesus Tuli Maailmaan
Jesus Calls Us (Finnish)
By Larry Holder, Steve Israel and Lea Alaja
2005-04-27Jeesus Tuli Maailmaan
Jesus Calls Us (Finnish)
By Larry Holder, Steve Israel and Lea Alaja
2005-04-27Jeesus Tuli Maailmaan
Käsiisi Sun
Into Your Hands (Finnish)
By Rich Buquet and Lea Alaja
2006-03-05Käsiisi Sun
Into Your Hands (Finnish)
By Rich Buquet and Lea Alaja
2006-03-05Käsiisi Sun
Koko Maailma Piirtynyt On Kädelleen
The Whole World Turns in the Palm of His Hand (Finnish)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Lea Alaja
2007-06-20Koko Maailma Piirtynyt On Kädelleen
The Whole World Turns in the Palm of His Hand (Finnish)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Lea Alaja
2007-06-20Koko Maailma Piirtynyt On Kädelleen
Nyt Eteesi Sun Mä Polvistun
To You Alone (Finnish)
By Elton Smith, Paul Gentry, Dave Cooley, Rhesa Siregar and Lea Alaja
2005-07-18Nyt Eteesi Sun Mä Polvistun
To You Alone (Finnish)
By Elton Smith, Paul Gentry, Dave Cooley, Rhesa Siregar and Lea Alaja
2005-07-18Nyt Eteesi Sun Mä Polvistun
Rakkautes Ain Vahva On
Your Love Is Strong (Finnish)
By Elton Smith, Steve Israel, Larry Holder and Lea Alaja
2004-06-19Rakkautes Ain Vahva On
Your Love Is Strong (Finnish)
By Elton Smith, Steve Israel, Larry Holder and Lea Alaja
2004-06-19Rakkautes Ain Vahva On
Saan Luokses Tulla Rukoillen
In Prayer You Lift Me Up, O God (Finnish)
By Bob Reynolds, Elton Smith and Lea Alaja
2005-05-15Saan Luokses Tulla Rukoillen
In Prayer You Lift Me Up, O God (Finnish)
By Bob Reynolds, Elton Smith and Lea Alaja
2005-05-15Saan Luokses Tulla Rukoillen
Language: French
Ballade de la Croix
The Ballad of the Cross (French)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Sylvain Turcotte
2005-03-22 ImageBallade de la Croix
The Ballad of the Cross (French)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Sylvain Turcotte
2005-03-22 ImageBallade de la Croix
Crée en moi un coeur pur
Create In Me A Clean Heart (French)
By Gilberto Barreto and Raymond Masse
2014-08-24 ImageCrée en moi un coeur pur
Create In Me A Clean Heart (French)
By Gilberto Barreto and Raymond Masse
2014-08-24 ImageCrée en moi un coeur pur
De tout mon cœur
All Of My Heart (French)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Marc Lefebvre
2004-01-18 ImageDe tout mon cœur
All Of My Heart (French)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Marc Lefebvre
2004-01-18 ImageDe tout mon cœur
Il Donne La Pluie Et Le Soleil
He Brings The Sunshine (French)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Steve Israel and Marc Lefebvre
2003-03-17 ImageIl Donne La Pluie Et Le Soleil
He Brings The Sunshine (French)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Steve Israel and Marc Lefebvre
2003-03-17 ImageIl Donne La Pluie Et Le Soleil
Incomparable Sauveur
Nothing Can Compare (French)
By Rick Founds, Elton Smith et Marc Lefebvre
1999-01-01Incomparable Sauveur
Nothing Can Compare (French)
By Rick Founds, Elton Smith et Marc Lefebvre
1999-01-01Incomparable Sauveur
Merci Seigneur
I Thank You Lord (French)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder et Marc Lefebvre
1998-05-08Merci Seigneur
I Thank You Lord (French)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder et Marc Lefebvre
1998-05-08Merci Seigneur
Né pour être notre Roi
Born To Be Our King (French)
By Gilberto Barreto, Elton Smith and Raymond Masse
2014-08-24Né pour être notre Roi
Born To Be Our King (French)
By Gilberto Barreto, Elton Smith and Raymond Masse
2014-08-24Né pour être notre Roi
Oui Je Crois
I Believe (French)
By Norma Stephenson and Guy Pothin
2003-07-17Oui Je Crois
I Believe (French)
By Norma Stephenson and Guy Pothin
2003-07-17Oui Je Crois
Plus qu'un enfant!
More Than A Child (French)
By Larry Holder and Raymond Masse
2014-08-24Plus qu'un enfant!
More Than A Child (French)
By Larry Holder and Raymond Masse
2014-08-24Plus qu'un enfant!
Mighty One (French)
By Ralph Merrifield and Marc Lefebvre
Mighty One (French)
By Ralph Merrifield and Marc Lefebvre
Tu M'as Ouvert Les Yeux
You Opened My Eyes (French)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Steve Israel and Marc Lefebvre
2003-04-17Tu M'as Ouvert Les Yeux
You Opened My Eyes (French)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Steve Israel and Marc Lefebvre
2003-04-17Tu M'as Ouvert Les Yeux
Vers toi monte mon âme
My Soul's Desire (French)
By Steve Israel, Larry Holder, Elton Smith and Yvon Haché
1999-11-02Vers toi monte mon âme
My Soul's Desire (French)
By Steve Israel, Larry Holder, Elton Smith and Yvon Haché
1999-11-02Vers toi monte mon âme
Vivre avec Jésus
At Home With Jesus (French)
By Elton Smith, Veronica Smith, Linda Edge et Yvon Haché
1999-11-02Vivre avec Jésus
At Home With Jesus (French)
By Elton Smith, Veronica Smith, Linda Edge et Yvon Haché
1999-11-02Vivre avec Jésus
Language: German
Ballade vom Kreuz
The Ballad of the Cross (German)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Waldemar Mitulla
1999-10-23 ImageBallade vom Kreuz
The Ballad of the Cross (German)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Waldemar Mitulla
1999-10-23 ImageBallade vom Kreuz
Er Gibt Die Sonne
He Brings The Sunshine (German)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Steve Israel und Jörg & Judith Rieden
1998-06-17 ImageEr Gibt Die Sonne
He Brings The Sunshine (German)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Steve Israel und Jörg & Judith Rieden
1998-06-17 ImageEr Gibt Die Sonne
Ich wende mich Dir zu
I'll Turn To You (German)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Jörg & Judith Rieden
1998-08-09 ImageIch wende mich Dir zu
I'll Turn To You (German)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Jörg & Judith Rieden
1998-08-09 ImageIch wende mich Dir zu
In den Seiten meiner Bibel
In The Pages Of The Bible (German)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Andrea Truchel
2003-01-05In den Seiten meiner Bibel
In The Pages Of The Bible (German)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Andrea Truchel
2003-01-05In den Seiten meiner Bibel
Jesus ist das Licht
Jesus Is The Light (German)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Jörg & Judith Rieden
1999-12-22Jesus ist das Licht
Jesus Is The Light (German)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Jörg & Judith Rieden
1999-12-22Jesus ist das Licht
Kommt zu Mir
Come To Me (German)
By Gilberto Barreto and Jörg & Judith Rieden
2000-11-04Kommt zu Mir
Come To Me (German)
By Gilberto Barreto and Jörg & Judith Rieden
2000-11-04Kommt zu Mir
Mein ganzes Herz
All Of My Heart (German)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, and Jörg & Judith Rieden
1999-07-05 ImageMein ganzes Herz
All Of My Heart (German)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, and Jörg & Judith Rieden
1999-07-05 ImageMein ganzes Herz
Nah bei Dir
Face To Face (German)
By Russell Adams, Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Joerg Truchel
2003-01-25Nah bei Dir
Face To Face (German)
By Russell Adams, Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Joerg Truchel
2003-01-25Nah bei Dir
O Du mein Gott
O Lord My God (German)
By Lenny Smith, Paul Gentry, Dan Swan and Andrea Truchel
2005-02-08O Du mein Gott
O Lord My God (German)
By Lenny Smith, Paul Gentry, Dan Swan and Andrea Truchel
2005-02-08O Du mein Gott
Schaff' Du in mir ein reines Herz
Create In Me A Clean Heart (German)
By Gilberto Barreto and Andrea Truchel
2005-02-08 ImageSchaff' Du in mir ein reines Herz
Create In Me A Clean Heart (German)
By Gilberto Barreto and Andrea Truchel
2005-02-08 ImageSchaff' Du in mir ein reines Herz
There's One Thing (German)
By Rick Founds, Rhesa Siregar, Paul Gentry and Andrea Truchel
There's One Thing (German)
By Rick Founds, Rhesa Siregar, Paul Gentry and Andrea Truchel
Standfest im Sturm
Standing Firm In The Storm (German)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Jörg and Judith Rieden
2000-11-04Standfest im Sturm
Standing Firm In The Storm (German)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Jörg and Judith Rieden
2000-11-04Standfest im Sturm
Language: Hebrew
צור בתוכי לב נקי
Tzor betohi lev naki
Create In Me A Clean Heart (Hebrew)
By Gilberto Barreto and George Ostrovsky
2003-01-04 Imageצור בתוכי לב נקי
Tzor betohi lev naki
Tzor betohi lev naki
Create In Me A Clean Heart (Hebrew)
By Gilberto Barreto and George Ostrovsky
2003-01-04 Imageצור בתוכי לב נקי
Tzor betohi lev naki
Language: Italian
Adesso e per l'eternità
Both Now and Forever More (Italian)
By Gilberto Barreto and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-03-28Adesso e per l'eternità
Both Now and Forever More (Italian)
By Gilberto Barreto and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-03-28Adesso e per l'eternità
Che grande dono!
God Gave The World (Italian)
By Ed Dowdall and Claudia Guiati
2000-11-10Che grande dono!
God Gave The World (Italian)
By Ed Dowdall and Claudia Guiati
2000-11-10Che grande dono!
Con Gesù Parlo Ogni Dì
At Home With Jesus (Italian)
By Elton Smith, Veronica Smith, Linda Edge and Claudia Guiati
2000-06-05Con Gesù Parlo Ogni Dì
At Home With Jesus (Italian)
By Elton Smith, Veronica Smith, Linda Edge and Claudia Guiati
2000-06-05Con Gesù Parlo Ogni Dì
Costruisco la mia casa
I'm Building My House (Italian)
By Lenny Smith, Steve Israel and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-01-01Costruisco la mia casa
I'm Building My House (Italian)
By Lenny Smith, Steve Israel and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-01-01Costruisco la mia casa
Cristo Sei Le Note Che Intono
Jesus, You're the Song That I Sing (Italian)
By Elton Smith, Lorrie Dunn and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-03-28Cristo Sei Le Note Che Intono
Jesus, You're the Song That I Sing (Italian)
By Elton Smith, Lorrie Dunn and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-03-28Cristo Sei Le Note Che Intono
Dio ha fatto meraviglie!
For The Wonder Of God's Love (Italian)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Claudia Guiati
2000-11-10Dio ha fatto meraviglie!
For The Wonder Of God's Love (Italian)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Claudia Guiati
2000-11-10Dio ha fatto meraviglie!
Ecco il nostro Re!
Born To Be Our King (Italian)
By Gilberto Barreto, Elton Smith and Claudia Guiati
2000-11-10Ecco il nostro Re!
Born To Be Our King (Italian)
By Gilberto Barreto, Elton Smith and Claudia Guiati
2000-11-10Ecco il nostro Re!
Fa che sia Buon con te
Let God Be Good To You (Italian)
By Lenny Smith, Elton Smith and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-03-28Fa che sia Buon con te
Let God Be Good To You (Italian)
By Lenny Smith, Elton Smith and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-03-28Fa che sia Buon con te
Fratello e Fratello
Brother To Brother (Italian)
By Larry Holder, Elton Smith and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-01-01Fratello e Fratello
Brother To Brother (Italian)
By Larry Holder, Elton Smith and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-01-01Fratello e Fratello
Gesù Cristo ha Sofferto
Jesus Suffered For You (Italian)
By Gilberto Barreto and Claudia Guiati
2000-06-05Gesù Cristo ha Sofferto
Jesus Suffered For You (Italian)
By Gilberto Barreto and Claudia Guiati
2000-06-05Gesù Cristo ha Sofferto
Grida Osanna
Should Hosanna (Italian)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Vincenzo Miuccio
1999-12-22Grida Osanna
Should Hosanna (Italian)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Vincenzo Miuccio
1999-12-22Grida Osanna
Il Signore è il mio Pastore
The Lord Is My Shepherd (Italian)
By Gilberto Barreto and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-03-28Il Signore è il mio Pastore
The Lord Is My Shepherd (Italian)
By Gilberto Barreto and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-03-28Il Signore è il mio Pastore
Il Tuo Amor Per Me
Your Love For Me (Italian)
By Lenny Smith and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-04-29Il Tuo Amor Per Me
Your Love For Me (Italian)
By Lenny Smith and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-04-29Il Tuo Amor Per Me
In viaggio i magi cercano il Re
Wisemen Still Seek Him (Italian)
By Lynn Cooper and Claudia Guiati
2000-11-10In viaggio i magi cercano il Re
Wisemen Still Seek Him (Italian)
By Lynn Cooper and Claudia Guiati
2000-11-10In viaggio i magi cercano il Re
La canzone di Maria
Mary's Song (Italian)
By Lynn Cooper and Claudia Guiati
2000-11-10 ImageLa canzone di Maria
Mary's Song (Italian)
By Lynn Cooper and Claudia Guiati
2000-11-10 ImageLa canzone di Maria
La Preghiera di Paolo
Paul's Prayer (Italian)
By Gilberto Barreto and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-05-07La Preghiera di Paolo
Paul's Prayer (Italian)
By Gilberto Barreto and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-05-07La Preghiera di Paolo
Loda Dio, anima Mia
Bless the Lord, O My Soul (Italian)
By Gilberto Barreto, Elton Smith and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-03-28Loda Dio, anima Mia
Bless the Lord, O My Soul (Italian)
By Gilberto Barreto, Elton Smith and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-03-28Loda Dio, anima Mia
Loda Dio, Rendi Grazie a Dio
Praise the Lord, Give Thanks to the Lord (Italian)
By Gilberto Barreto, Elton Smith and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-05-08Loda Dio, Rendi Grazie a Dio
Praise the Lord, Give Thanks to the Lord (Italian)
By Gilberto Barreto, Elton Smith and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-05-08Loda Dio, Rendi Grazie a Dio
Lui Libera E Salva
He Rescues And He Saves (Italian)
By Gilberto Barreto and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-03-28Lui Libera E Salva
He Rescues And He Saves (Italian)
By Gilberto Barreto and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-03-28Lui Libera E Salva
Lui Morì
Jesus Died In My Place (Italian)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Claudia Guiati
2000-06-05Lui Morì
Jesus Died In My Place (Italian)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Claudia Guiati
2000-06-05Lui Morì
Nel Tuo Monte
In Your Mountain (Italian)
By Gilberto Barreto, Elton Smith and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-05-08Nel Tuo Monte
In Your Mountain (Italian)
By Gilberto Barreto, Elton Smith and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-05-08Nel Tuo Monte
Non vivo un sol dì senza Te
I Can't Live A Day Without You (Italian)
By Elton Smith, Deanna Irwin and Vincenzo Miuccio
1997-01-01Non vivo un sol dì senza Te
I Can't Live A Day Without You (Italian)
By Elton Smith, Deanna Irwin and Vincenzo Miuccio
1997-01-01Non vivo un sol dì senza Te
Nulla In Tutto Il Creato
There Is Nothing In All Creation (Italian)
(Romani 8: 35-39)
By Steve Israel, Elton Smith and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-03-28 ImageNulla In Tutto Il Creato
There Is Nothing In All Creation (Italian)
(Romani 8: 35-39)
By Steve Israel, Elton Smith and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-03-28 ImageNulla In Tutto Il Creato
Oh, quant'è grande!
Oh, What A Wonder (Italian)
By Steve Israel, Larry Holder, Elton Smith and Claudia Guiati
2000-11-10Oh, quant'è grande!
Oh, What A Wonder (Italian)
By Steve Israel, Larry Holder, Elton Smith and Claudia Guiati
2000-11-10Oh, quant'è grande!
Perché Il Tuo Amor è Più Che La Vita
Because Your Love Is Better Than Life (Italian)
By Gilberto Barreto and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-03-28Perché Il Tuo Amor è Più Che La Vita
Because Your Love Is Better Than Life (Italian)
By Gilberto Barreto and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-03-28Perché Il Tuo Amor è Più Che La Vita
Più Che Un Bimbo
More Than a Child (Italian)
By Larry Holder and Claudia Guiati
2000-11-10Più Che Un Bimbo
More Than a Child (Italian)
By Larry Holder and Claudia Guiati
2000-11-10Più Che Un Bimbo
Tutto Il Mio Cuor
All Of My Heart (Italian)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-03-28 ImageTutto Il Mio Cuor
All Of My Heart (Italian)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-03-28 ImageTutto Il Mio Cuor
Vedo il Miracolo
Behold a Miracle (Italian)
By Linda Edge, Elton Smith and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-03-28Vedo il Miracolo
Behold a Miracle (Italian)
By Linda Edge, Elton Smith and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-03-28Vedo il Miracolo
Venite a Me
Come To Me (Italian)
By Gilberto Barreto and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-03-28Venite a Me
Come To Me (Italian)
By Gilberto Barreto and Vincenzo Miuccio
1998-03-28Venite a Me
Language: Maltese
B'Qalbi Kollha
All Of My Heart (Maltese)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Eugenio Vella and Michael Bugeja
2004-01-03 ImageB'Qalbi Kollha
All Of My Heart (Maltese)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Eugenio Vella and Michael Bugeja
2004-01-03 ImageB'Qalbi Kollha
Wisemen Still Seek Him (Maltese)
By Lynn Cooper and Joe C Aquilina
Wisemen Still Seek Him (Maltese)
By Lynn Cooper and Joe C Aquilina
Language: Portuguese
A Balada Da Cruz
The Ballad of the Cross (Portuguese)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Ebenezer Igreja Cristã
2001-10-19 ImageA Balada Da Cruz
The Ballad of the Cross (Portuguese)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Ebenezer Igreja Cristã
2001-10-19 ImageA Balada Da Cruz
Canta Hosana
Shout Hosanna (Portuguese)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Aurília Santos e Henrique Morais
2001-10-19Canta Hosana
Shout Hosanna (Portuguese)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Aurília Santos e Henrique Morais
2001-10-19Canta Hosana
Cria Em Mim Um Coração Puro
Create In Me A Clean Heart (Portuguese)
By Gilberto Barreto
2006-09-05 ImageCria Em Mim Um Coração Puro
Create In Me A Clean Heart (Portuguese)
By Gilberto Barreto
2006-09-05 ImageCria Em Mim Um Coração Puro
Deus Deu Ao Mundo
God Gave The World (Portuguese)
By Ed Dowdall, Aurília Santos e Henrique Morais
2001-10-19Deus Deu Ao Mundo
God Gave The World (Portuguese)
By Ed Dowdall, Aurília Santos e Henrique Morais
2001-10-19Deus Deu Ao Mundo
Eis Aqui o Milagre
Behold A Miracle (Portuguese)
By Linda Edge, Elton Smith, Aurília Santos y Henrique Morais
2001-10-19Eis Aqui o Milagre
Behold A Miracle (Portuguese)
By Linda Edge, Elton Smith, Aurília Santos y Henrique Morais
2001-10-19Eis Aqui o Milagre
Ele me Amou Primeiro
Lover Of My Soul (Portuguese)
By Russell Adams, Steve Israel, Aurília Santos y Henrique Morais
2001-10-19Ele me Amou Primeiro
Lover Of My Soul (Portuguese)
By Russell Adams, Steve Israel, Aurília Santos y Henrique Morais
2001-10-19Ele me Amou Primeiro
Entao Eu Ouvirei Dos Ceus
Then Will I Hear From Heaven (Portuguese)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-11-30Entao Eu Ouvirei Dos Ceus
Then Will I Hear From Heaven (Portuguese)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-11-30Entao Eu Ouvirei Dos Ceus
Eu Sou a Ressurreição
I Am The Resurrection (Portuguese)
By Elton Smith, Dan Zigler, Aurília Santos and Henrique Morais
2001-10-19Eu Sou a Ressurreição
I Am The Resurrection (Portuguese)
By Elton Smith, Dan Zigler, Aurília Santos and Henrique Morais
2001-10-19Eu Sou a Ressurreição
Homens Sábios Procuram
Wisemen Still Seek Him (Portuguese)
By Lynn Cooper, Aurília Santos y Henrique Morais
2001-10-19Homens Sábios Procuram
Wisemen Still Seek Him (Portuguese)
By Lynn Cooper, Aurília Santos y Henrique Morais
2001-10-19Homens Sábios Procuram
Secret Lies (Portuguese)
By Dan Zigler, Aurília Santos and Henrique Morais
2001-10-19 ImageIntrigas
Secret Lies (Portuguese)
By Dan Zigler, Aurília Santos and Henrique Morais
2001-10-19 ImageIntrigas
Louvamos Adonai
Praise Adonai (Portuguese)
By Rhesa Siregar, Elton Smith, Steve Israel, Larry Holder and Ebenezer Igreja Cristã
2001-08-19Louvamos Adonai
Praise Adonai (Portuguese)
By Rhesa Siregar, Elton Smith, Steve Israel, Larry Holder and Ebenezer Igreja Cristã
2001-08-19Louvamos Adonai
Magnifique a Deus
Magnify The Lord (Portuguese)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-04-17Magnifique a Deus
Magnify The Lord (Portuguese)
By Gilberto Barreto
1996-04-17Magnifique a Deus
Mais Que Um Menino
More Than a Child (Portuguese)
By Larry Holder, Aurília Santos y Henrique Morais
2001-10-19Mais Que Um Menino
More Than a Child (Portuguese)
By Larry Holder, Aurília Santos y Henrique Morais
2001-10-19Mais Que Um Menino
Nasceu Para Ser Nosso Rei
Born To Be Our King (Portuguese)
By Gilberto Barreto, Elton Smith and Ebenezer Igreja Cristã
2001-10-19Nasceu Para Ser Nosso Rei
Born To Be Our King (Portuguese)
By Gilberto Barreto, Elton Smith and Ebenezer Igreja Cristã
2001-10-19Nasceu Para Ser Nosso Rei
Natal é Teu Aniversário
Christmas Is Your Birthday Lord (Portuguese)
By Gilberto Barreto, Janet Goh and Ebenezer Igreja Cristã
2001-10-19Natal é Teu Aniversário
Christmas Is Your Birthday Lord (Portuguese)
By Gilberto Barreto, Janet Goh and Ebenezer Igreja Cristã
2001-10-19Natal é Teu Aniversário
O Cântico de Maria
Mary's Song (Portuguese)
By Lynn Cooper, Aurília Santos y Henrique Morais
2001-10-19 ImageO Cântico de Maria
Mary's Song (Portuguese)
By Lynn Cooper, Aurília Santos y Henrique Morais
2001-10-19 ImageO Cântico de Maria
Oh! Que Maravilha!
Oh, What A Wonder (Portuguese)
By Steve Israel, Larry Holder, Elton Smith, Aurília Santos and Henrique Morais
2001-10-19Oh! Que Maravilha!
Oh, What A Wonder (Portuguese)
By Steve Israel, Larry Holder, Elton Smith, Aurília Santos and Henrique Morais
2001-10-19Oh! Que Maravilha!
Santa Ceia
Sacred Supper (Portuguese)
By Russell Adams, Steve Israel, Aurília Santos and Henrique Morais
2001-10-19 ImageSanta Ceia
Sacred Supper (Portuguese)
By Russell Adams, Steve Israel, Aurília Santos and Henrique Morais
2001-10-19 ImageSanta Ceia
Seu Maravilhoso Amor
For The Wonder Of God's Love (Portuguese)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Aurília Santos y Henrique Morais
2001-10-19Seu Maravilhoso Amor
For The Wonder Of God's Love (Portuguese)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Aurília Santos y Henrique Morais
2001-10-19Seu Maravilhoso Amor
Todo Meu Ser
All Of My Heart (Portuguese)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Scott Edwards
2007-06-03 ImageTodo Meu Ser
All Of My Heart (Portuguese)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Scott Edwards
2007-06-03 ImageTodo Meu Ser
Tudo Entrego
I Lay It Down (Portuguese)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Aurília Santos y Henrique Morais
2001-10-19 ImageTudo Entrego
I Lay It Down (Portuguese)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Aurília Santos y Henrique Morais
2001-10-19 ImageTudo Entrego
Language: Romanian
Inima Mea
All Of My Heart (Romanian)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Peter Mengher
1998-09-15 ImageInima Mea
All Of My Heart (Romanian)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Peter Mengher
1998-09-15 ImageInima Mea
Language: Russian
Богом Он послан был
Sent From The Heart Of God (Russian)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Timothy Ha
2007-12-16Богом Он послан был
Sent From The Heart Of God (Russian)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Timothy Ha
2007-12-16Богом Он послан был
Больше, чем скромный Младенец
More Than A Child (Russian)
By Larry Holder and Timothy Ha
2005-11-24Больше, чем скромный Младенец
More Than A Child (Russian)
By Larry Holder and Timothy Ha
2005-11-24Больше, чем скромный Младенец
Младенец Царь Господь
Born To Be Our King (Russian)
By Gilberto Barreto, Elton Smith and Mihail Stoyalov
1998-12-01Младенец Царь Господь
Born To Be Our King (Russian)
By Gilberto Barreto, Elton Smith and Mihail Stoyalov
1998-12-01Младенец Царь Господь
На страницах вечной Библии
In The Pages Of The Bible (Russian)
By Joy Chastagner, Elton Smith and Timothy Ha
1999-01-01На страницах вечной Библии
In The Pages Of The Bible (Russian)
By Joy Chastagner, Elton Smith and Timothy Ha
1999-01-01На страницах вечной Библии
Он изменил меня
He Changed Me (Russian)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Tanya Cantarella
1999-01-01Он изменил меня
He Changed Me (Russian)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Tanya Cantarella
1999-01-01Он изменил меня
Сияние солнца О! (Сияет солнце)
He Brings The Sunshine (Russian)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Steve Israel, Mihail Stoyalov and Timothy Ha
1998-12-30 ImageСияние солнца О! (Сияет солнце)
He Brings The Sunshine (Russian)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Steve Israel, Mihail Stoyalov and Timothy Ha
1998-12-30 ImageСияние солнца О! (Сияет солнце)
Словом тронул Бог меня
God Has Touched Me (Russian)
By Dan Zigler, Elton Smith and Nadya Pachomova
2007-01-05Словом тронул Бог меня
God Has Touched Me (Russian)
By Dan Zigler, Elton Smith and Nadya Pachomova
2007-01-05Словом тронул Бог меня
Сотвори моё сердце вновь
Create In Me A Clean Heart (Russian)
By Gilberto Barreto and Timothy Ha
2003-02-01 ImageСотвори моё сердце вновь
Create In Me A Clean Heart (Russian)
By Gilberto Barreto and Timothy Ha
2003-02-01 ImageСотвори моё сердце вновь
Я возлюбил
All of My Heart (Russian)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Yuri Krivonos
1998-03-21 ImageЯ возлюбил
All of My Heart (Russian)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Yuri Krivonos
1998-03-21 ImageЯ возлюбил
Language: Slovak
Preto žijem by som Ťa ľúbil
All Of My Heart (Slovak)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Branislav Mičieta
2006-11-24 ImagePreto žijem by som Ťa ľúbil
All Of My Heart (Slovak)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Branislav Mičieta
2006-11-24 ImagePreto žijem by som Ťa ľúbil
Language: Spanish
A Dios Magnificad
Magnify The Lord (Spanish)
By Gilberto Barreto y David Surpless
1999-04-17A Dios Magnificad
Magnify The Lord (Spanish)
By Gilberto Barreto y David Surpless
1999-04-17A Dios Magnificad
Abres tu mano Señor
You Open Up Your Hand (Spanish)
By Lenny Smith, Elton Smith and Pablo Requena
2005-04-23Abres tu mano Señor
You Open Up Your Hand (Spanish)
By Lenny Smith, Elton Smith and Pablo Requena
2005-04-23Abres tu mano Señor
Al mundo Dio
God Gave The World (Spanish)
By Ed Dowdall y Karina Ramirez
2005-11-01Al mundo Dio
God Gave The World (Spanish)
By Ed Dowdall y Karina Ramirez
2005-11-01Al mundo Dio
Sunrise (Spanish)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Steve Israel y Belén Mariscotti
2023-05-28 YouTube ImageAmanecer
Sunrise (Spanish)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Steve Israel y Belén Mariscotti
2023-05-28 YouTube ImageAmanecer
Amante de mí Ser, Amigo Fiel
Lover Of My Soul (Spanish)
By Russell Adams y Steve Israel
2008-03-02Amante de mí Ser, Amigo Fiel
Lover Of My Soul (Spanish)
By Russell Adams y Steve Israel
2008-03-02Amante de mí Ser, Amigo Fiel
Como El Río Fluye
As The River Runs (Spanish)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder y Angel Marrero
1998-03-18Como El Río Fluye
As The River Runs (Spanish)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder y Angel Marrero
1998-03-18Como El Río Fluye
Conocerte Más
Just To Know You More (Spanish)
By Steve Israel, Larry Holder, Elton Smith y David Surpless
1998-11-23Conocerte Más
Just To Know You More (Spanish)
By Steve Israel, Larry Holder, Elton Smith y David Surpless
1998-11-23Conocerte Más
Cuando Venga El Mesías
In The Coming Of Messiah (Spanish)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder y Luis Perez
1998-07-27Cuando Venga El Mesías
In The Coming Of Messiah (Spanish)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder y Luis Perez
1998-07-27Cuando Venga El Mesías
Descansando En Tu Amor
My Heart Rests in You (Spanish)
By Susan Tolle-Knight
2000-01-01Descansando En Tu Amor
My Heart Rests in You (Spanish)
By Susan Tolle-Knight
2000-01-01Descansando En Tu Amor
El Canto de Maria
Mary's Song (Spanish)
By Lynn Cooper y Karina Ramirez
2005-11-01 ImageEl Canto de Maria
Mary's Song (Spanish)
By Lynn Cooper y Karina Ramirez
2005-11-01 ImageEl Canto de Maria
El Gran Milagro
Behold a Miracle (Spanish)
By Linda Edge, Elton Smith and Karina Ramirez
2005-11-01El Gran Milagro
Behold a Miracle (Spanish)
By Linda Edge, Elton Smith and Karina Ramirez
2005-11-01El Gran Milagro
El Señor Es Mi Pastor
By Bob Forbes
2008-10-18 YouTubeEl Señor Es Mi Pastor
By Bob Forbes
2008-10-18 YouTubeEl Señor Es Mi Pastor
Gran Señor
Mighty One (Spanish)
By Ralph Merrifield y Luis Perez
1998-08-29Gran Señor
Mighty One (Spanish)
By Ralph Merrifield y Luis Perez
1998-08-29Gran Señor
Grita Hosanna
Shout Hosanna (Spanish)
By Elton Smith y Larry Holder
2008-03-02Grita Hosanna
Shout Hosanna (Spanish)
By Elton Smith y Larry Holder
2008-03-02Grita Hosanna
Jesús Volverá a Jerusalén
The Lord Shall Return To Jerusalem (Spanish)
By Larry Holder, Elton Smith y Luis Perez
1998-07-11 ImageJesús Volverá a Jerusalén
The Lord Shall Return To Jerusalem (Spanish)
By Larry Holder, Elton Smith y Luis Perez
1998-07-11 ImageJesús Volverá a Jerusalén
La Balada de la Cruz
The Ballad of the Cross (Spanish)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and David Surpless
1998-03-22 ImageLa Balada de la Cruz
The Ballad of the Cross (Spanish)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and David Surpless
1998-03-22 ImageLa Balada de la Cruz
La Carrera Ganar
Until The Race Is Won (Spanish)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder y Angel Marrero
1998-03-25La Carrera Ganar
Until The Race Is Won (Spanish)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder y Angel Marrero
1998-03-25La Carrera Ganar
La Pongo a Tus Pies
I Lay It Down (Spanish)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder y Leticia Reguero
2008-03-02 ImageLa Pongo a Tus Pies
I Lay It Down (Spanish)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder y Leticia Reguero
2008-03-02 ImageLa Pongo a Tus Pies
Los Sabios lo Buscan
Wisemen Still Seek Him (Spanish)
By Lynn Cooper y Pablo Requena
2005-11-01Los Sabios lo Buscan
Wisemen Still Seek Him (Spanish)
By Lynn Cooper y Pablo Requena
2005-11-01Los Sabios lo Buscan
Maravilla de amor
For The Wonder Of God's Love (Spanish)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Pablo Requena
2005-09-10Maravilla de amor
For The Wonder Of God's Love (Spanish)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Pablo Requena
2005-09-10Maravilla de amor
Mas que un Bebe
More Than A Child (Spanish)
By Larry Holder y Karina Ramirez
2005-11-01Mas que un Bebe
More Than A Child (Spanish)
By Larry Holder y Karina Ramirez
2005-11-01Mas que un Bebe
Mi Corazón
All Of My Heart (Spanish)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, David Surpless and Belen Mariscotti.
1998-03-02 YouTube ImageMi Corazón
All Of My Heart (Spanish)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, David Surpless and Belen Mariscotti.
1998-03-02 YouTube ImageMi Corazón
Mi Pensamiento Eres Tu, Señor
By Bob Forbes and Yolanda Forbes
2009-01-09 YouTubeMi Pensamiento Eres Tu, Señor
By Bob Forbes and Yolanda Forbes
2009-01-09 YouTubeMi Pensamiento Eres Tu, Señor
No Me Imagino
I Can't Imagine (Spanish)
By Susan Tolle-Knight
2004-02-01No Me Imagino
I Can't Imagine (Spanish)
By Susan Tolle-Knight
2004-02-01No Me Imagino
Nos Trae El Sol
He Brings The Sunshine (Spanish)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Steve Israel y David Surpless
1998-11-25 ImageNos Trae El Sol
He Brings The Sunshine (Spanish)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder, Steve Israel y David Surpless
1998-11-25 ImageNos Trae El Sol
Pon En Mí Un Limpio Corazón
Create In Me A Clean Heart (Spanish)
By Gilberto Barreto y Pablo Requena
2005-07-21 ImagePon En Mí Un Limpio Corazón
Create In Me A Clean Heart (Spanish)
By Gilberto Barreto y Pablo Requena
2005-07-21 ImagePon En Mí Un Limpio Corazón
Santa Cena
Sacred Supper (Spanish)
By Russell Adams, Steve Israel y Leticia Reguero
2008-03-02 ImageSanta Cena
Sacred Supper (Spanish)
By Russell Adams, Steve Israel y Leticia Reguero
2008-03-02 ImageSanta Cena
Señor, Las Gracias Doy
I Thank You Lord (Spanish)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder y David Surpless
1998-03-01Señor, Las Gracias Doy
I Thank You Lord (Spanish)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder y David Surpless
1998-03-01Señor, Las Gracias Doy
Te Alabo, Mi Padre
I Praise You My Father (Spanish)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder y David Surpless
1998-11-25Te Alabo, Mi Padre
I Praise You My Father (Spanish)
By Elton Smith, Larry Holder y David Surpless
1998-11-25Te Alabo, Mi Padre
Todo A Cristo Yo Me Rindo
By Bob Forbes and Yolanda Forbes
2009-01-09 YouTubeTodo A Cristo Yo Me Rindo
By Bob Forbes and Yolanda Forbes
2009-01-09 YouTubeTodo A Cristo Yo Me Rindo
Tu Amor Es Mas Dulce Que El Vino
Your Love Is Sweeter Than Wine (Spanish)
By Susan Tolle-Knight
2000-09-04 YouTubeTu Amor Es Mas Dulce Que El Vino
Your Love Is Sweeter Than Wine (Spanish)
By Susan Tolle-Knight
2000-09-04 YouTubeTu Amor Es Mas Dulce Que El Vino
Un jardín para mi Rey
A Garden For My King (Spanish)
By Susan Tolle-Knight
2000-09-04Un jardín para mi Rey
A Garden For My King (Spanish)
By Susan Tolle-Knight
2000-09-04Un jardín para mi Rey
Vuestro Rey Nacio
Born To Be Our King (Spanish)
By Gilberto Barreto, Elton Smith and Karina Ramirez
2005-11-01Vuestro Rey Nacio
Born To Be Our King (Spanish)
By Gilberto Barreto, Elton Smith and Karina Ramirez
2005-11-01Vuestro Rey Nacio
Yo Soy Resurrección
I Am The Resurrection (Spanish)
By Elton Smith, Dan Zigler y Leticia Reguero
2008-03-02Yo Soy Resurrección
I Am The Resurrection (Spanish)
By Elton Smith, Dan Zigler y Leticia Reguero
2008-03-02Yo Soy Resurrección
¡Qué Maravilla!
Oh, What A Wonder (Spanish)
By Steve Israel, Elton Smith, Larry Holder y David Surpless
1998-12-16¡Qué Maravilla!
Oh, What A Wonder (Spanish)
By Steve Israel, Elton Smith, Larry Holder y David Surpless
1998-12-16¡Qué Maravilla!
Language: Swahili
I'm Building My House (Swahili)
By Lenny Smith , Steve Israel, Grace and Glory Singers
I'm Building My House (Swahili)
By Lenny Smith , Steve Israel, Grace and Glory Singers
Language: Swedish
Är det konstigt då?
Is It Any Wonder (Swedish)
By Elton Smith, Gilberto Barreto, Larry Holder and Tore Eriksson
2004-06-09Är det konstigt då?
Is It Any Wonder (Swedish)
By Elton Smith, Gilberto Barreto, Larry Holder and Tore Eriksson
2004-06-09Är det konstigt då?
Language: Tagalog
Panalangin sa Pasko
A Christmas Prayer (Tagalog)
By Jed Santa Maria
2010-10-24Panalangin sa Pasko
A Christmas Prayer (Tagalog)
By Jed Santa Maria
2010-10-24Panalangin sa Pasko
Image Type: Vera Griffin Paintings
Neuschwanstein Castle
By Vera Griffin
2007-02-14Neuschwanstein Castle
By Vera Griffin
2007-02-14Neuschwanstein Castle
Bluebonnets and Barn
By Vera Griffin
2007-02-14Bluebonnets and Barn
By Vera Griffin
2007-02-14Bluebonnets and Barn
Girls in a Field of Bluebonnets
By Vera Griffin
2007-02-14Girls in a Field of Bluebonnets
By Vera Griffin
2007-02-14Girls in a Field of Bluebonnets
Bluebonnet Scene with Wagon
By Vera Griffin
2007-02-14Bluebonnet Scene with Wagon
By Vera Griffin
2007-02-14Bluebonnet Scene with Wagon
Adobe Village
By Vera Griffin
2007-02-14Adobe Village
By Vera Griffin
2007-02-14Adobe Village
Native American Pottery
By Vera Griffin
2007-02-14Native American Pottery
By Vera Griffin
2007-02-14Native American Pottery
Indian Portrait in Pastel
By Vera Griffin
2007-09-22Indian Portrait in Pastel
By Vera Griffin
2007-09-22Indian Portrait in Pastel
In Memory of Hollis Smith
By Vera Griffin
2007-09-22In Memory of Hollis Smith
By Vera Griffin
2007-09-22In Memory of Hollis Smith
Autumn Colors
By Vera Griffin
2007-09-22Autumn Colors
By Vera Griffin
2007-09-22Autumn Colors
Bluebonnets and Barn
By Vera Griffin
2007-09-22Bluebonnets and Barn
By Vera Griffin
2007-09-22Bluebonnets and Barn
Image Type: Morgan's Drawings
Realistic Cat
By Morgan
2007-03-03Realistic Cat
By Morgan
2007-03-03Realistic Cat
Phoenix and Roses
By Morgan
2007-03-03Phoenix and Roses
By Morgan
2007-03-03Phoenix and Roses
By Morgan
By Morgan
Armadillo Bandido
By Morgan
2007-03-03Armadillo Bandido
By Morgan
2007-03-03Armadillo Bandido
Portrait of Eric Smith
By Morgan
2008-08-24Portrait of Eric Smith
By Morgan
2008-08-24Portrait of Eric Smith
Image Type: Paintings
The Resurrected Christ
By Salvator Rosa
2007-03-03The Resurrected Christ
By Salvator Rosa
2007-03-03The Resurrected Christ
Dante and Beatrice
By Henry Holiday
2007-03-31Dante and Beatrice
By Henry Holiday
2007-03-31Dante and Beatrice
The Infant Samuel
By Sir Joshua Reynolds
2007-03-31The Infant Samuel
By Sir Joshua Reynolds
2007-03-31The Infant Samuel
A Man With a Glove in His Hand
By Frans Hals
2007-03-31A Man With a Glove in His Hand
By Frans Hals
2007-03-31A Man With a Glove in His Hand
His Own Portrait
By Rembrandt
2007-03-31His Own Portrait
By Rembrandt
2007-03-31His Own Portrait
The Strawberry Girl
By Sir Joshua Reynolds
2007-03-31The Strawberry Girl
By Sir Joshua Reynolds
2007-03-31The Strawberry Girl
The Ambassadors
By Hans Holbein the Younger
2007-03-31The Ambassadors
By Hans Holbein the Younger
2007-03-31The Ambassadors
The Vagrants
By Frederick Walker
2007-03-31The Vagrants
By Frederick Walker
2007-03-31The Vagrants
A Naughty Child
By Sir Edwin Landseer
2007-03-31A Naughty Child
By Sir Edwin Landseer
2007-03-31A Naughty Child
The Madonna and Child
By Botticelli
2007-03-31The Madonna and Child
By Botticelli
2007-03-31The Madonna and Child
A Rainy Day
By Peter Graham
2007-03-31A Rainy Day
By Peter Graham
2007-03-31A Rainy Day
King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid
By Sir Edward Oley Burne-Jones
2007-03-31King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid
By Sir Edward Oley Burne-Jones
2007-03-31King Cophetua and the Beggar Maid
A Good Story
By W. Dendy Sadler
2007-03-31A Good Story
By W. Dendy Sadler
2007-03-31A Good Story
By J. Seymour Lucas
By J. Seymour Lucas
The Last Match
By William Small
2007-03-31The Last Match
By William Small
2007-03-31The Last Match
The Print Collector
By Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier
2007-03-31The Print Collector
By Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier
2007-03-31The Print Collector
Mowing Bracken
By H.H. La Thangue
2007-03-31Mowing Bracken
By H.H. La Thangue
2007-03-31Mowing Bracken
Peace: Burial at Sea of the Body of Sir David Wilkie
By J.M.W. Turner
2003-03-31Peace: Burial at Sea of the Body of Sir David Wilkie
By J.M.W. Turner
2003-03-31Peace: Burial at Sea of the Body of Sir David Wilkie
A Prayer to the Madonna
By M. Bompard
2003-03-31A Prayer to the Madonna
By M. Bompard
2003-03-31A Prayer to the Madonna
Sun and Moon Flowers
By G.D. Leslie
2007-03-31Sun and Moon Flowers
By G.D. Leslie
2007-03-31Sun and Moon Flowers
Caroline of Brunswick, Queen of George IV
By Sir Thomas Lawrence
2007-03-31Caroline of Brunswick, Queen of George IV
By Sir Thomas Lawrence
2007-03-31Caroline of Brunswick, Queen of George IV
The Blessed Bread
By Pascal Adolphe Jean Dagnan-Bouveret
2007-03-31The Blessed Bread
By Pascal Adolphe Jean Dagnan-Bouveret
2007-03-31The Blessed Bread
Boat-Building Near Flatford Mill
By John Constable
2007-03-31Boat-Building Near Flatford Mill
By John Constable
2007-03-31Boat-Building Near Flatford Mill
A Fisherman
By Anders Zorn
2007-03-31A Fisherman
By Anders Zorn
2007-03-31A Fisherman
Portrait of a Spanish Lady
By Velazquez
2007-03-31Portrait of a Spanish Lady
By Velazquez
2007-03-31Portrait of a Spanish Lady
Rain, Steam and Speed. The Great Western Railway
By J.M.W. Turner
2007-03-31Rain, Steam and Speed. The Great Western Railway
By J.M.W. Turner
2007-03-31Rain, Steam and Speed. The Great Western Railway
The Parson's Daughter
By George Romney
2007-03-31The Parson's Daughter
By George Romney
2007-03-31The Parson's Daughter
A Highland Funeral
By Sir James Guthrie
2007-03-31A Highland Funeral
By Sir James Guthrie
2007-03-31A Highland Funeral
The Farmer's Daughter
By Sir William Quiller
2007-03-31The Farmer's Daughter
By Sir William Quiller
2007-03-31The Farmer's Daughter
Going to Work
By Jean Francois Millet
2007-03-31Going to Work
By Jean Francois Millet
2007-03-31Going to Work
Diana of the Uplands
By C.W. Furse
2007-03-31Diana of the Uplands
By C.W. Furse
2007-03-31Diana of the Uplands
The Angelus
By Jean Francois Millet
2007-03-31The Angelus
By Jean Francois Millet
2007-03-31The Angelus
The Reckoning
By George Morland
2007-04-08The Reckoning
By George Morland
2007-04-08The Reckoning
Miss Ellen Terry as Lady Macbeth
By John Singer Sargent
2007-04-08Miss Ellen Terry as Lady Macbeth
By John Singer Sargent
2007-04-08Miss Ellen Terry as Lady Macbeth
All Hands To The Pumps
By Henry Scott Tuke
2007-04-08All Hands To The Pumps
By Henry Scott Tuke
2007-04-08All Hands To The Pumps
The River Bank
By Arnesby Brown
2007-04-08The River Bank
By Arnesby Brown
2007-04-08The River Bank
On The Road From Waterloo To Paris
By Marcus Stone
2007-04-08On The Road From Waterloo To Paris
By Marcus Stone
2007-04-08On The Road From Waterloo To Paris
When Nature Painted All Things Gay
By Alfred Parsons
2007-04-08When Nature Painted All Things Gay
By Alfred Parsons
2007-04-08When Nature Painted All Things Gay
Speak! Speak!
By Sir John Everett Millais
2007-04-08Speak! Speak!
By Sir John Everett Millais
2007-04-08Speak! Speak!
The Meeting
By Marie Bashkirtseff
2007-04-08The Meeting
By Marie Bashkirtseff
2007-04-08The Meeting
Monna Lisa (aka Mona Lisa)
By Leonardo Da Vinci
2007-04-08Monna Lisa (aka Mona Lisa)
By Leonardo Da Vinci
2007-04-08Monna Lisa (aka Mona Lisa)
Mother's Darling
By Joseph Clark
2007-04-08Mother's Darling
By Joseph Clark
2007-04-08Mother's Darling
A Canal With A Fisherman
By Alphonse Legros
2007-04-08A Canal With A Fisherman
By Alphonse Legros
2007-04-08A Canal With A Fisherman
Queen Charlotte
By Thomas Gainsborough
2007-04-08Queen Charlotte
By Thomas Gainsborough
2007-04-08Queen Charlotte
The Inside Of The Stable
By George Morland
2007-04-08The Inside Of The Stable
By George Morland
2007-04-08The Inside Of The Stable
The Fisherman's Hut
By Jean Baptiste Camille Corot
2007-04-08The Fisherman's Hut
By Jean Baptiste Camille Corot
2007-04-08The Fisherman's Hut
Day Dreams
By Dante Gabriel Rossetti
2007-04-08Day Dreams
By Dante Gabriel Rossetti
2007-04-08Day Dreams
The Immaculate Conception Of The Virgin
By Bartolome Estaban Murillo
2007-04-08The Immaculate Conception Of The Virgin
By Bartolome Estaban Murillo
2007-04-08The Immaculate Conception Of The Virgin
Watering Horses
By Anton Mauve
2007-04-08Watering Horses
By Anton Mauve
2007-04-08Watering Horses
The Sisters
By Ralph Peacock
2007-04-08The Sisters
By Ralph Peacock
2007-04-08The Sisters
Grace Before Meat
By Jan Steen
2007-04-08Grace Before Meat
By Jan Steen
2007-04-08Grace Before Meat
Portrait Of The Artist
By Elisabeth Louise Vigee Le Brun
2007-04-08Portrait Of The Artist
By Elisabeth Louise Vigee Le Brun
2007-04-08Portrait Of The Artist
The Stream In Summer-Time
By Benjamin Williams Leader
2007-04-08The Stream In Summer-Time
By Benjamin Williams Leader
2007-04-08The Stream In Summer-Time
My Great Grandmother
By James Archer
2007-04-08My Great Grandmother
By James Archer
2007-04-08My Great Grandmother
The Hay-Wain
By John Constable
2007-04-08The Hay-Wain
By John Constable
2007-04-08The Hay-Wain
From The Dorsetshire Cliffs
By John Brett
2007-04-08From The Dorsetshire Cliffs
By John Brett
2007-04-08From The Dorsetshire Cliffs
A Cavalier
By J.L.E. Meissonier
2007-04-08A Cavalier
By J.L.E. Meissonier
2007-04-08A Cavalier
His First Offence
By Lady Stanley (Dorothy Tennant)
2007-04-08His First Offence
By Lady Stanley (Dorothy Tennant)
2007-04-08His First Offence
The Temptation In The Wilderness
By Briton Riviere
2007-04-08The Temptation In The Wilderness
By Briton Riviere
2007-04-08The Temptation In The Wilderness
Watering Cattle
By Constant Troyon
2007-04-08Watering Cattle
By Constant Troyon
2007-04-08Watering Cattle
Sweethearts And Wives
By S.E. Waller
2007-04-08Sweethearts And Wives
By S.E. Waller
2007-04-08Sweethearts And Wives
The Market Cart
By Thomas Gainsborough
2007-04-08The Market Cart
By Thomas Gainsborough
2007-04-08The Market Cart
My First Sermon
By Sir J.E. Millais
2007-04-08My First Sermon
By Sir J.E. Millais
2007-04-08My First Sermon
Syndics Of The Cloth Merchants' Guild
By Rembrandt
2007-04-08Syndics Of The Cloth Merchants' Guild
By Rembrandt
2007-04-08Syndics Of The Cloth Merchants' Guild
Windsor Castle
By Alfred William Hunt
2007-04-08Windsor Castle
By Alfred William Hunt
2007-04-08Windsor Castle
The Shipwrecked Mariner
By Josef Israels
2007-04-08The Shipwrecked Mariner
By Josef Israels
2007-04-08The Shipwrecked Mariner
Portrait Of Mrs. Richard Hoare With Her Infant
By Sir Joshua Reynolds
2007-04-08Portrait Of Mrs. Richard Hoare With Her Infant
By Sir Joshua Reynolds
2007-04-08Portrait Of Mrs. Richard Hoare With Her Infant
King Philip IV. Of Spain
By Velazquez
2007-04-08King Philip IV. Of Spain
By Velazquez
2007-04-08King Philip IV. Of Spain
Home With The Tide
By James Clark Hook
2007-04-08Home With The Tide
By James Clark Hook
2007-04-08Home With The Tide
Man with a Pipe
By Pablo Picasso
2008-03-15Man with a Pipe
By Pablo Picasso
2008-03-15Man with a Pipe
Rough Sea at a Jetty
By Jacob Van Ruisdael
2008-03-15Rough Sea at a Jetty
By Jacob Van Ruisdael
2008-03-15Rough Sea at a Jetty
The Anger of Achilles
By Jacques-Louis David
2008-03-15The Anger of Achilles
By Jacques-Louis David
2008-03-15The Anger of Achilles
Christ Blessing
By Giovanni Bellini
2008-03-15Christ Blessing
By Giovanni Bellini
2008-03-15Christ Blessing
The Supper at Emmaus
By Jacopo Bassano
2008-03-15The Supper at Emmaus
By Jacopo Bassano
2008-03-15The Supper at Emmaus
George Washington
By Rembrandt Peale
2011-01-03George Washington
By Rembrandt Peale
2011-01-03George Washington
Yellow Cactus Flowers
By Georgia O’Keeffe
2011-01-03Yellow Cactus Flowers
By Georgia O’Keeffe
2011-01-03Yellow Cactus Flowers
That Gentleman
By Andrew Wyeth, 1917-2009
2011-01-03That Gentleman
By Andrew Wyeth, 1917-2009
2011-01-03That Gentleman
Winter Scene in Brooklyn
By Francis Guy, 1760-1820
2011-01-03Winter Scene in Brooklyn
By Francis Guy, 1760-1820
2011-01-03Winter Scene in Brooklyn
The Guitarist
By Pablo Picasso
2011-01-03The Guitarist
By Pablo Picasso
2011-01-03The Guitarist
Valle Buona, Near Bordighera
By Claude Monet
2011-01-03Valle Buona, Near Bordighera
By Claude Monet
2011-01-03Valle Buona, Near Bordighera
Water Lilies
By Claude Monet
2011-01-03Water Lilies
By Claude Monet
2011-01-03Water Lilies
Lighthouse Hill
By Edward Hopper
2011-01-03Lighthouse Hill
By Edward Hopper
2011-01-03Lighthouse Hill
An Indian Paradise (Green River, Wyoming)
By Thomas Moran
2011-01-03An Indian Paradise (Green River, Wyoming)
By Thomas Moran
2011-01-03An Indian Paradise (Green River, Wyoming)
Apple Picking at Eragny-sur-Epte
By Camille Pissarro
2011-01-03Apple Picking at Eragny-sur-Epte
By Camille Pissarro
2011-01-03Apple Picking at Eragny-sur-Epte
Water Carriers of the Ganges
By Edwin Lord Weeks
2011-01-03Water Carriers of the Ganges
By Edwin Lord Weeks
2011-01-03Water Carriers of the Ganges
Image Type: England
The train station at York
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03The train station at York
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03The train station at York
Micklegate Bar in York
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Micklegate Bar in York
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Micklegate Bar in York
Breast cancer march
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Breast cancer march
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Breast cancer march
Reflective doors
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Reflective doors
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Reflective doors
Clifford's Tower
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Clifford's Tower
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Clifford's Tower
A street in York England
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04A street in York England
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04A street in York England
Warehouses on the river
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Warehouses on the river
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Warehouses on the river
Inside Clifford's Tower
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Inside Clifford's Tower
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Inside Clifford's Tower
The top of Clifford's Tower
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04The top of Clifford's Tower
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04The top of Clifford's Tower
A York sightseeing bus
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04A York sightseeing bus
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04A York sightseeing bus
Stairway in Clifford's Tower
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Stairway in Clifford's Tower
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Stairway in Clifford's Tower
York Minster
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04York Minster
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04York Minster
York Minster
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04York Minster
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04York Minster
Inside York Minster
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Inside York Minster
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Inside York Minster
Roman Column
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Roman Column
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Roman Column
Inside York Minster
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Inside York Minster
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Inside York Minster
York Minster Statues
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04York Minster Statues
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04York Minster Statues
York Minster
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04York Minster
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04York Minster
Constantine The Great
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Constantine The Great
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Constantine The Great
York Minster
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04York Minster
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04York Minster
York Minster
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04York Minster
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04York Minster
York Minster
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04York Minster
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04York Minster
York Minster Window
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04York Minster Window
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04York Minster Window
Construction at York Minster
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Construction at York Minster
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Construction at York Minster
The Shambles in York
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04The Shambles in York
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04The Shambles in York
A London taxi
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04A London taxi
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04A London taxi
Piccadilly Circus
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Piccadilly Circus
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Piccadilly Circus
Alice in Wonderland
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Alice in Wonderland
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Alice in Wonderland
Alice in Wonderland
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Alice in Wonderland
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Alice in Wonderland
Alice in Wonderland
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Alice in Wonderland
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Alice in Wonderland
Inside the Underground
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Inside the Underground
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Inside the Underground
Street in Bristol
By Elton Smith
2207-03-04Street in Bristol
By Elton Smith
2207-03-04Street in Bristol
Bristol Cathedral
By Elton Smith
2207-03-04Bristol Cathedral
By Elton Smith
2207-03-04Bristol Cathedral
Bristol tombstones
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Bristol tombstones
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Bristol tombstones
Bristol Cathedral
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Bristol Cathedral
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Bristol Cathedral
A crypt in Bristol Cathedral
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04A crypt in Bristol Cathedral
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04A crypt in Bristol Cathedral
Bath Cathedral at night
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Bath Cathedral at night
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Bath Cathedral at night
Bridge over the Avon
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Bridge over the Avon
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Bridge over the Avon
Train station in Bath
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Train station in Bath
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Train station in Bath
Underground in London
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Underground in London
By Elton Smith
2007-03-04Underground in London
Image Type: The Rocky Mountains
Dusk In The Mountains
By Elton Smith
2007-02-14Dusk In The Mountains
By Elton Smith
2007-02-14Dusk In The Mountains
Vendors in Santa Fe
By Elton Smith
2007-02-23Vendors in Santa Fe
By Elton Smith
2007-02-23Vendors in Santa Fe
Vendors in Santa Fe
By Elton Smith
2007-02-23Vendors in Santa Fe
By Elton Smith
2007-02-23Vendors in Santa Fe
Train in Santa Fe
By Elton Smith
2007-02-23Train in Santa Fe
By Elton Smith
2007-02-23Train in Santa Fe
Train in Santa Fe
By Elton Smith
2007-02-23Train in Santa Fe
By Elton Smith
2007-02-23Train in Santa Fe
A train in Santa Fe
By Elton Smith
2007-02-23A train in Santa Fe
By Elton Smith
2007-02-23A train in Santa Fe
A train in Santa Fe
By Elton Smith
2007-02-23A train in Santa Fe
By Elton Smith
2007-02-23A train in Santa Fe
Mountains in New Mexico
By Elton Smith
2007-02-24Mountains in New Mexico
By Elton Smith
2007-02-24Mountains in New Mexico
Mountains in New Mexico
By Elton Smith
2007-02-24Mountains in New Mexico
By Elton Smith
2007-02-24Mountains in New Mexico
Mountains in New Mexico
By Elton Smith
2007-02-24Mountains in New Mexico
By Elton Smith
2007-02-24Mountains in New Mexico
Trees on a hill
By Elton Smith
2007-02-24Trees on a hill
By Elton Smith
2007-02-24Trees on a hill
Trees on a hill
By Elton Smith
2007-02-24Trees on a hill
By Elton Smith
2007-02-24Trees on a hill
Mountains in New Mexico
By Elton Smith
2007-02-24Mountains in New Mexico
By Elton Smith
2007-02-24Mountains in New Mexico
Mountains in New Mexico
By Elton Smith
2007-02-24Mountains in New Mexico
By Elton Smith
2007-02-24Mountains in New Mexico
Trees on a hill
By Elton Smith
2007-02-24Trees on a hill
By Elton Smith
2007-02-24Trees on a hill
Mountains in New Mexico
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Mountains in New Mexico
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Mountains in New Mexico
Mountains in New Mexico
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Mountains in New Mexico
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Mountains in New Mexico
Mountains in New Mexico
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Mountains in New Mexico
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Mountains in New Mexico
Mountains in New Mexico
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Mountains in New Mexico
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Mountains in New Mexico
Mountains in New Mexico
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Mountains in New Mexico
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Mountains in New Mexico
Ouray Colorado
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Ouray Colorado
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Ouray Colorado
Trees on a hill
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Trees on a hill
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Trees on a hill
Trees on a hill
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Trees on a hill
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Trees on a hill
Mountain near Ouray Colorado
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Mountain near Ouray Colorado
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Mountain near Ouray Colorado
Trees on a hill
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Trees on a hill
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Trees on a hill
Trees on a mountain side
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Trees on a mountain side
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Trees on a mountain side
Trees on a mountain side
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Trees on a mountain side
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Trees on a mountain side
A mountain stream
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A mountain stream
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A mountain stream
A mountain stream
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A mountain stream
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A mountain stream
Mountain near Ouray Colorado
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Mountain near Ouray Colorado
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Mountain near Ouray Colorado
Mountain near Ouray Colorado
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Mountain near Ouray Colorado
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Mountain near Ouray Colorado
A mining camp
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A mining camp
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A mining camp
A mining camp
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A mining camp
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A mining camp
Bridge in the mountains
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Bridge in the mountains
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Bridge in the mountains
A mountain peak
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A mountain peak
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A mountain peak
Ouray Colorado
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Ouray Colorado
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25Ouray Colorado
The Western Hotel
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25The Western Hotel
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25The Western Hotel
The Western Hotel
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25The Western Hotel
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25The Western Hotel
A mountain stream
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A mountain stream
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A mountain stream
A mountain stream
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A mountain stream
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A mountain stream
A dead tree
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A dead tree
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A dead tree
A mountain peak
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A mountain peak
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A mountain peak
A mountain view
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A mountain view
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A mountain view
A waterfall
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A waterfall
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A waterfall
A waterfall
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A waterfall
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A waterfall
A mountain stream
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A mountain stream
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A mountain stream
A mountain stream
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A mountain stream
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A mountain stream
A mountain peak
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A mountain peak
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A mountain peak
A mountain stream
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A mountain stream
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A mountain stream
A ghost town
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A ghost town
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A ghost town
A ghost town
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A ghost town
By Elton Smith
2007-02-25A ghost town
Bare mountainside
By Elton Smith
2007-02-26Bare mountainside
By Elton Smith
2007-02-26Bare mountainside
Bare mountainside
By Elton Smith
2007-02-26Bare mountainside
By Elton Smith
2007-02-26Bare mountainside
Downed trees
By Elton Smith
2007-02-26Downed trees
By Elton Smith
2007-02-26Downed trees
Downed trees
By Elton Smith
2007-02-26Downed trees
By Elton Smith
2007-02-26Downed trees
The mountain tops
By Elton Smith
2007-02-26The mountain tops
By Elton Smith
2007-02-26The mountain tops
The mountain tops
By Elton Smith
2007-02-26The mountain tops
By Elton Smith
2007-02-26The mountain tops
The mountain tops
By Elton Smith
2007-02-26The mountain tops
By Elton Smith
2007-02-26The mountain tops
The mountain tops
By Elton Smith
2007-02-26The mountain tops
By Elton Smith
2007-02-26The mountain tops
The mountain tops
By Elton Smith
2007-02-26The mountain tops
By Elton Smith
2007-02-26The mountain tops
Snow on the mountain tops
By Elton Smith
2007-02-26Snow on the mountain tops
By Elton Smith
2007-02-26Snow on the mountain tops
The mountain tops
By Elton Smith
2007-02-26The mountain tops
By Elton Smith
2007-02-26The mountain tops
A very cold road
By Elton Smith
2007-02-26A very cold road
By Elton Smith
2007-02-26A very cold road
Snow on the mountain tops
By Elton Smith
2007-02-26Snow on the mountain tops
By Elton Smith
2007-02-26Snow on the mountain tops
A very cold lake
By Elton Smith
2007-02-26A very cold lake
By Elton Smith
2007-02-26A very cold lake
Lake in the mountains
By Elton Smith
2007-02-28Lake in the mountains
By Elton Smith
2007-02-28Lake in the mountains
Mountain flowers
By Elton Smith
2007-02-28Mountain flowers
By Elton Smith
2007-02-28Mountain flowers
Snow on the mountains
By Elton Smith
2007-02-28Snow on the mountains
By Elton Smith
2007-02-28Snow on the mountains
Snow on the mountains
By Elton Smith
2007-02-28Snow on the mountains
By Elton Smith
2007-02-28Snow on the mountains
Snow on the mountains
By Elton Smith
2007-02-28Snow on the mountains
By Elton Smith
2007-02-28Snow on the mountains
Mining equipment
By Elton Smith
2007-03-01Mining equipment
By Elton Smith
2007-03-01Mining equipment
A green valley
By Elton Smith
2007-03-01A green valley
By Elton Smith
2007-03-01A green valley
A dead tree high in the mountains
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02A dead tree high in the mountains
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02A dead tree high in the mountains
A green valley
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02A green valley
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02A green valley
Colorful mountains with snow
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Colorful mountains with snow
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Colorful mountains with snow
Mountains near Ouray Colorado
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Mountains near Ouray Colorado
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Mountains near Ouray Colorado
Mountains near Ouray Colorado
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Mountains near Ouray Colorado
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Mountains near Ouray Colorado
Red River mountains
By Elton Smith
2007-03-11Red River mountains
By Elton Smith
2007-03-11Red River mountains
Mountains from a ski lift
By Elton Smith
2007-03-11Mountains from a ski lift
By Elton Smith
2007-03-11Mountains from a ski lift
Red River mountains
By Elton Smith
2007-03-11Red River mountains
By Elton Smith
2007-03-11Red River mountains
Red River mountains
By Elton Smith
2007-03-11Red River mountains
By Elton Smith
2007-03-11Red River mountains
Wagon wheel
By Elton Smith
2007-03-11Wagon wheel
By Elton Smith
2007-03-11Wagon wheel
Image Type: Florida
A sailboat
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08A sailboat
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08A sailboat
Parrot fish
By Mike Goldberg
2007-03-08Parrot fish
By Mike Goldberg
2007-03-08Parrot fish
Sea Turtle
By Mike Goldberg
2007-03-08Sea Turtle
By Mike Goldberg
2007-03-08Sea Turtle
School of fish
By Mike Goldberg
2007-03-08School of fish
By Mike Goldberg
2007-03-08School of fish
Swimming with dolphins
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Swimming with dolphins
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Swimming with dolphins
Swimming with dolphins
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Swimming with dolphins
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Swimming with dolphins
The dolphin trainer
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08The dolphin trainer
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08The dolphin trainer
Swimming with dolphins
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Swimming with dolphins
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Swimming with dolphins
Swimming with dolphins
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Swimming with dolphins
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Swimming with dolphins
Swimming with dolphins
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Swimming with dolphins
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Swimming with dolphins
Injured turtle
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Injured turtle
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Injured turtle
Injured turtle
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Injured turtle
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Injured turtle
Injured turtle
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Injured turtle
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Injured turtle
Injured turtle
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Injured turtle
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Injured turtle
Injured turtle
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Injured turtle
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Injured turtle
Injured turtle
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Injured turtle
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Injured turtle
Injured turtle
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Injured turtle
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Injured turtle
Bridge across a swamp
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Bridge across a swamp
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Bridge across a swamp
The Everglades
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08The Everglades
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08The Everglades
The Everglades
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08The Everglades
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08The Everglades
Moss on a branch
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Moss on a branch
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Moss on a branch
Sunset in Naples Florida
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset in Naples Florida
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset in Naples Florida
Sunset in Naples Florida
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset in Naples Florida
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset in Naples Florida
Sunset in Naples Florida
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset in Naples Florida
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset in Naples Florida
Sunset in Naples Florida
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset in Naples Florida
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset in Naples Florida
People on the beach
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08People on the beach
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08People on the beach
Sunset in Naples Florida
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset in Naples Florida
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset in Naples Florida
Sand on the beach
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sand on the beach
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sand on the beach
Sand on the beach
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sand on the beach
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sand on the beach
Sunset on the pier
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset on the pier
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset on the pier
Sunset on the pier
2007-03-08Sunset on the pier
2007-03-08Sunset on the pier
Sunset in Naples Florida
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset in Naples Florida
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset in Naples Florida
Sunset in Naples Florida
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset in Naples Florida
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset in Naples Florida
Sunset in Naples Florida
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset in Naples Florida
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset in Naples Florida
Sunset in Naples Florida
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset in Naples Florida
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset in Naples Florida
Sunset in Naples Florida
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset in Naples Florida
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset in Naples Florida
Sunset in Naples Florida
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset in Naples Florida
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset in Naples Florida
Sunset in Naples Florida
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset in Naples Florida
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset in Naples Florida
Sunset in Naples Florida
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset in Naples Florida
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset in Naples Florida
Sunset in Naples Florida
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset in Naples Florida
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sunset in Naples Florida
Under the pier
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Under the pier
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Under the pier
Sand dunes
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Sand dunes
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Sand dunes
Sand Castle
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Sand Castle
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Sand Castle
Sand Castle
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Sand Castle
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Sand Castle
Sand Castle
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Sand Castle
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Sand Castle
Sand Castle
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Sand Castle
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Sand Castle
On the beach
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09On the beach
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09On the beach
Sand Castle
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Sand Castle
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Sand Castle
Sand Castle
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Sand Castle
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Sand Castle
Patterns in the sand
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Patterns in the sand
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Patterns in the sand
Patterns in the sand
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Patterns in the sand
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Patterns in the sand
Image Type: Washington DC
Steps of the capitol
By Morgan
2007-03-09Steps of the capitol
By Morgan
2007-03-09Steps of the capitol
The Capitol dome
By Morgan
2007-03-09The Capitol dome
By Morgan
2007-03-09The Capitol dome
Dinosaur skeletons
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Dinosaur skeletons
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Dinosaur skeletons
Dinosaur skeletons
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Dinosaur skeletons
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Dinosaur skeletons
Shells in the Smithsonian
By Morgan
2007-03-09Shells in the Smithsonian
By Morgan
2007-03-09Shells in the Smithsonian
Madagascar Hissing Cockroach
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Madagascar Hissing Cockroach
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Madagascar Hissing Cockroach
The Capitol
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09The Capitol
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09The Capitol
The Capitol
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09The Capitol
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09The Capitol
Dinosaur skeleton
By Elton Smith
0000-00-00Dinosaur skeleton
By Elton Smith
0000-00-00Dinosaur skeleton
Hope Diamond
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Hope Diamond
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Hope Diamond
The White House
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09The White House
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09The White House
Washington memorial
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Washington memorial
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Washington memorial
Lincoln memorial
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Lincoln memorial
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Lincoln memorial
Abraham Lincoln
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Abraham Lincoln
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Abraham Lincoln
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Abraham Lincoln
Gettysberg address
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Gettysberg address
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Gettysberg address
Abraham Lincoln
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Abraham Lincoln
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Abraham Lincoln
Reflecting pool
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Reflecting pool
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Reflecting pool
Image Type: New York City
Lower Manhattan
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Lower Manhattan
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Lower Manhattan
Ground zero flag
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Ground zero flag
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Ground zero flag
Ground zero
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Ground zero
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Ground zero
Ground zero
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Ground zero
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Ground zero
Ground zero
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Ground zero
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Ground zero
Ground zero
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Ground zero
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Ground zero
Statue of Liberty
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Statue of Liberty
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Statue of Liberty
Atlas moth
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Atlas moth
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Atlas moth
Williamette Meteorite
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Williamette Meteorite
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Williamette Meteorite
Central Park
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Central Park
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Central Park
New York City
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09New York City
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09New York City
New York City
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09New York City
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09New York City
New York City
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09New York City
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09New York City
New York City
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09New York City
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09New York City
Image Type: California
Giant Redwood
By Elton Smith
2007-03-07Giant Redwood
By Elton Smith
2007-03-07Giant Redwood
Drive through tree
By Elton Smith
2007-03-07Drive through tree
By Elton Smith
2007-03-07Drive through tree
Giant Redwood
By Elton Smith
2007-03-07Giant Redwood
By Elton Smith
2007-03-07Giant Redwood
Giant redwoods
By Elton Smith
2007-03-07Giant redwoods
By Elton Smith
2007-03-07Giant redwoods
Looking up into a tree
By Elton Smith
2007-03-07Looking up into a tree
By Elton Smith
2007-03-07Looking up into a tree
Yosemite scene
By Elton Smith
2007-03-07Yosemite scene
By Elton Smith
2007-03-07Yosemite scene
Snow fight in Yosemite
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Snow fight in Yosemite
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Snow fight in Yosemite
Snow on the trees
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Snow on the trees
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Snow on the trees
Leslie on the Tioga road
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Leslie on the Tioga road
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Leslie on the Tioga road
Tenaya Lake
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Tenaya Lake
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Tenaya Lake
Fog in Yosemite
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Fog in Yosemite
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Fog in Yosemite
Ground Squirrel
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Ground Squirrel
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Ground Squirrel
Yosemite Valley
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Yosemite Valley
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Yosemite Valley
Yosemite Valley
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Yosemite Valley
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Yosemite Valley
Mountains in Yosemite
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Mountains in Yosemite
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Mountains in Yosemite
Trees in Yosemite
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Trees in Yosemite
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Trees in Yosemite
Ships in San Francisco
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Ships in San Francisco
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Ships in San Francisco
Steering the Balcutha
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Steering the Balcutha
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Steering the Balcutha
Up into the trees
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Up into the trees
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Up into the trees
Cabin swing
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Cabin swing
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Cabin swing
Fog along the coast
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Fog along the coast
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Fog along the coast
Agate Beach
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Agate Beach
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Agate Beach
Sun through the trees
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sun through the trees
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Sun through the trees
On the Agate beach
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08On the Agate beach
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08On the Agate beach
Fog on the beach
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Fog on the beach
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Fog on the beach
Driftwood house
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Driftwood house
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Driftwood house
Banana slug
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Banana slug
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Banana slug
Patrick's Point
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Patrick's Point
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Patrick's Point
Starfish on the rocks
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Starfish on the rocks
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Starfish on the rocks
Yurok indian village
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Yurok indian village
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Yurok indian village
Starfish on the rocks
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Starfish on the rocks
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Starfish on the rocks
Fern Canyon
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Fern Canyon
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Fern Canyon
Fog along the coast
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Fog along the coast
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Fog along the coast
Bridalveil Fall
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Bridalveil Fall
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Bridalveil Fall
The Grizzly Giant
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09The Grizzly Giant
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09The Grizzly Giant
Trees in Yosemite
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Trees in Yosemite
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Trees in Yosemite
Image Type: Mesa Verde
A burned tree
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02A burned tree
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02A burned tree
A burned tree
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02A burned tree
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02A burned tree
Mesa Verde Cliff Palace
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Mesa Verde Cliff Palace
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Mesa Verde Cliff Palace
A kiva at Mesa Verde Cliff Palace
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02A kiva at Mesa Verde Cliff Palace
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02A kiva at Mesa Verde Cliff Palace
3 kivas at Mesa Verde Cliff Palace
By Elton Smith
2007-03-023 kivas at Mesa Verde Cliff Palace
By Elton Smith
2007-03-023 kivas at Mesa Verde Cliff Palace
Storage area above the Cliff Palace
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Storage area above the Cliff Palace
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Storage area above the Cliff Palace
Burned trees at Mesa Verde
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Burned trees at Mesa Verde
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Burned trees at Mesa Verde
Cliff House tour guide
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Cliff House tour guide
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Cliff House tour guide
2 kivas at Mesa Verde Cliff Palace
By Elton Smith
2007-03-022 kivas at Mesa Verde Cliff Palace
By Elton Smith
2007-03-022 kivas at Mesa Verde Cliff Palace
Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
Wall Close Up
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Wall Close Up
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Wall Close Up
Wood in the walls
By Elton Smith
0000-00-00Wood in the walls
By Elton Smith
0000-00-00Wood in the walls
Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
A kiva label
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02A kiva label
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02A kiva label
Kiva floor
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Kiva floor
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Kiva floor
Looking down into a kiva
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Looking down into a kiva
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Looking down into a kiva
Looking down into a kiva
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Looking down into a kiva
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Looking down into a kiva
Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
A keyhole door
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02A keyhole door
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02A keyhole door
Inside a room
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Inside a room
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Inside a room
Inside a room
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Inside a room
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Inside a room
Mesa Verde tour guide
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Mesa Verde tour guide
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Mesa Verde tour guide
Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
By Elton Smith
2007-03-02Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde
Ladder leaving the Cliff Palace
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Ladder leaving the Cliff Palace
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Ladder leaving the Cliff Palace
Ladder to the Balcony House
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Ladder to the Balcony House
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Ladder to the Balcony House
Ladder to the Balcony House
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Ladder to the Balcony House
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Ladder to the Balcony House
Entrance to the Balcony House
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Entrance to the Balcony House
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Entrance to the Balcony House
Doorway at the Balcony House
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Doorway at the Balcony House
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Doorway at the Balcony House
Canyon in front of the Balcony House
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Canyon in front of the Balcony House
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Canyon in front of the Balcony House
Looking into a kiva
By Elton Smith
2020-07-03Looking into a kiva
By Elton Smith
2020-07-03Looking into a kiva
Wood in the walls
By Elton Smith
2020-07-03Wood in the walls
By Elton Smith
2020-07-03Wood in the walls
Burned ceiling
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Burned ceiling
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Burned ceiling
Tour group at Balcony House
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Tour group at Balcony House
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Tour group at Balcony House
Burned ceiling at Balcony House
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Burned ceiling at Balcony House
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Burned ceiling at Balcony House
The walkway at Balcony House
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03The walkway at Balcony House
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03The walkway at Balcony House
Corn grinding stones
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Corn grinding stones
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Corn grinding stones
Exiting the Balcony House
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Exiting the Balcony House
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Exiting the Balcony House
Pottery Kiva Jar
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Pottery Kiva Jar
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Pottery Kiva Jar
Drills, Knives, Scrapers, Saws
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Drills, Knives, Scrapers, Saws
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Drills, Knives, Scrapers, Saws
Dead burned trees
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Dead burned trees
By Elton Smith
2007-03-03Dead burned trees
Image Type: Coins
1899 Five Dollar Gold Piece
By Elton Smith
2007-02-201899 Five Dollar Gold Piece
By Elton Smith
2007-02-201899 Five Dollar Gold Piece
1787 Fugio Cent
By Elton Smith
2007-02-211787 Fugio Cent
By Elton Smith
2007-02-211787 Fugio Cent
1834 Half Dollar
By Elton Smith
2007-02-211834 Half Dollar
By Elton Smith
2007-02-211834 Half Dollar
1838 Anti-Slavery Hard Times Token
By Elton Smith
2007-02-211838 Anti-Slavery Hard Times Token
By Elton Smith
2007-02-211838 Anti-Slavery Hard Times Token
1866 Two Cent Piece
By Elton Smith
2007-02-211866 Two Cent Piece
By Elton Smith
2007-02-211866 Two Cent Piece
1927 $20 Gold Piece
By Elton Smith
2007-02-211927 $20 Gold Piece
By Elton Smith
2007-02-211927 $20 Gold Piece
1894 Quarter
By Elton Smith
2007-02-211894 Quarter
By Elton Smith
2007-02-211894 Quarter
1917 D Quarter Dollar Type 1
By Elton Smith
2007-02-221917 D Quarter Dollar Type 1
By Elton Smith
2007-02-221917 D Quarter Dollar Type 1
1917 Quarter Dollar Type 2
By Elton Smith
2007-02-221917 Quarter Dollar Type 2
By Elton Smith
2007-02-221917 Quarter Dollar Type 2
1884O Silver Dollar
By Elton Smith
2007-02-221884O Silver Dollar
By Elton Smith
2007-02-221884O Silver Dollar
1900 Nickel
By Elton Smith
2007-02-221900 Nickel
By Elton Smith
2007-02-221900 Nickel
1883 Nickel (no Cents)
By Elton Smith
2007-02-221883 Nickel (no Cents)
By Elton Smith
2007-02-221883 Nickel (no Cents)
1909 VDB Cent
By Elton Smith
2007-02-221909 VDB Cent
By Elton Smith
2007-02-221909 VDB Cent
1837 Quarter Dollar
By Elton Smith
2007-02-221837 Quarter Dollar
By Elton Smith
2007-02-221837 Quarter Dollar
1913 Nickel Type 1
By Elton Smith
2007-02-221913 Nickel Type 1
By Elton Smith
2007-02-221913 Nickel Type 1
1802 Large Cent
By Elton Smith
2007-02-221802 Large Cent
By Elton Smith
2007-02-221802 Large Cent
1804 Half Cent
By Elton Smith
2007-02-221804 Half Cent
By Elton Smith
2007-02-221804 Half Cent
1853 Half Cent
By Elton Smith
2007-02-221853 Half Cent
By Elton Smith
2007-02-221853 Half Cent
1925 Two and a Half Dollar Gold Piece
By Elton Smith
2007-02-221925 Two and a Half Dollar Gold Piece
By Elton Smith
2007-02-221925 Two and a Half Dollar Gold Piece
1946D Half Dollar
By Elton Smith
2007-02-261946D Half Dollar
By Elton Smith
2007-02-261946D Half Dollar
1835 Half Cent
By Elton Smith
2007-03-111835 Half Cent
By Elton Smith
2007-03-111835 Half Cent
1857 Flying Eagle Cent
By Elton Smith
2007-03-111857 Flying Eagle Cent
By Elton Smith
2007-03-111857 Flying Eagle Cent
1900 Silver Dollar
By Elton Smith
2007-03-111900 Silver Dollar
By Elton Smith
2007-03-111900 Silver Dollar
1915 D Half Dollar
By Elton Smith
2007-03-111915 D Half Dollar
By Elton Smith
2007-03-111915 D Half Dollar
Andrew Jackson Token
By Elton Smith
2007-03-11Andrew Jackson Token
By Elton Smith
2007-03-11Andrew Jackson Token
1819 Large Cent
By Elton Smith
2009-02-281819 Large Cent
By Elton Smith
2009-02-281819 Large Cent
Roman Copper Coin Nero
By Elton Smith
2009-02-28Roman Copper Coin Nero
By Elton Smith
2009-02-28Roman Copper Coin Nero
Roman Coin Constans
By Elton Smith
2009-02-28Roman Coin Constans
By Elton Smith
2009-02-28Roman Coin Constans
1787 Massachusetts Cent
By Elton Smith
2009-02-281787 Massachusetts Cent
By Elton Smith
2009-02-281787 Massachusetts Cent
1788 New Jersey Cent
By Elton Smith
2009-02-281788 New Jersey Cent
By Elton Smith
2009-02-281788 New Jersey Cent
George Washington Golden Dollar
By Elton Smith
2009-02-28George Washington Golden Dollar
By Elton Smith
2009-02-28George Washington Golden Dollar
John Adams Golden Dollar
By Elton Smith
2009-02-28John Adams Golden Dollar
By Elton Smith
2009-02-28John Adams Golden Dollar
1904 US $20 Gold Coin
By Elton Smith
2009-03-241904 US $20 Gold Coin
By Elton Smith
2009-03-241904 US $20 Gold Coin
1795 Half Cent
By Elton Smith
2009-07-061795 Half Cent
By Elton Smith
2009-07-061795 Half Cent
1858 Half Dollar
By Elton Smith
2011-01-231858 Half Dollar
By Elton Smith
2011-01-231858 Half Dollar
1835 Half Dime
By Elton Smith
2011-12-311835 Half Dime
By Elton Smith
2011-12-311835 Half Dime
Webster/Van Buren Hardtimes Token
By Elton Smith
2020-12-08Webster/Van Buren Hardtimes Token
By Elton Smith
2020-12-08Webster/Van Buren Hardtimes Token
Image Type: The Mediterranean
Scooters in Barcelona
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Scooters in Barcelona
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Scooters in Barcelona
Sagrada Familia cathedral
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Sagrada Familia cathedral
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Sagrada Familia cathedral
Sagrada Familia cathedral
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Sagrada Familia cathedral
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Sagrada Familia cathedral
Sagrada Familia cathedral
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Sagrada Familia cathedral
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Sagrada Familia cathedral
Tennis courts in Monaco
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Tennis courts in Monaco
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Tennis courts in Monaco
Nice France
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Nice France
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Nice France
Nice France
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Nice France
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Nice France
The Marco Polo
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05The Marco Polo
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05The Marco Polo
The Colosseum
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05The Colosseum
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05The Colosseum
Inside the Colosseum
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Inside the Colosseum
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Inside the Colosseum
The Colosseum
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05The Colosseum
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05The Colosseum
The Colosseum
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05The Colosseum
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05The Colosseum
The Colosseum
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05The Colosseum
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05The Colosseum
Trevi Fountain in Rome
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Trevi Fountain in Rome
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Trevi Fountain in Rome
St. Peter's Basilica
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05St. Peter's Basilica
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05St. Peter's Basilica
St. Peter's Basilica
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05St. Peter's Basilica
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05St. Peter's Basilica
Mural in Pompeii
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Mural in Pompeii
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Mural in Pompeii
Churches in Oia
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Churches in Oia
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Churches in Oia
Donkey Taxi
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Donkey Taxi
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Donkey Taxi
The Acropolis
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05The Acropolis
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05The Acropolis
The temple of Apollo
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05The temple of Apollo
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05The temple of Apollo
Column in Corinth
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Column in Corinth
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Column in Corinth
Ruins in Corinth
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Ruins in Corinth
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Ruins in Corinth
Ruins in Corinth
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Ruins in Corinth
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Ruins in Corinth
Ruins in Corinth
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Ruins in Corinth
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Ruins in Corinth
Ruins in Corinth
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Ruins in Corinth
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Ruins in Corinth
Ruins in Corinth
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Ruins in Corinth
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Ruins in Corinth
Ruins in Corinth
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Ruins in Corinth
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-05Ruins in Corinth
Image Type: Houston
Racoon in a cage
By Elton Smith
2007-03-07Racoon in a cage
By Elton Smith
2007-03-07Racoon in a cage
Guns on the Battleship Texas
By Elton Smith
2007-03-07Guns on the Battleship Texas
By Elton Smith
2007-03-07Guns on the Battleship Texas
Spiderweb on a gun
By Elton Smith
2007-03-07Spiderweb on a gun
By Elton Smith
2007-03-07Spiderweb on a gun
Battleship Texas
By Elton Smith
2007-03-07Battleship Texas
By Elton Smith
2007-03-07Battleship Texas
Sitting at Sam Houston's feet
By Nathaniel Smith
2007-03-07Sitting at Sam Houston's feet
By Nathaniel Smith
2007-03-07Sitting at Sam Houston's feet
Sam Houston
By Elton Smith
2007-03-07Sam Houston
By Elton Smith
2007-03-07Sam Houston
Ship Bunks
By Elton Smith
2007-03-11Ship Bunks
By Elton Smith
2007-03-11Ship Bunks
Cub Scouts on the Battleship Texas
By Elton Smith
2007-03-11Cub Scouts on the Battleship Texas
By Elton Smith
2007-03-11Cub Scouts on the Battleship Texas
The Battleship Texas
By Elton Smith
2007-03-11The Battleship Texas
By Elton Smith
2007-03-11The Battleship Texas
The Battleship Texas
By Elton Smith
2007-03-11The Battleship Texas
By Elton Smith
2007-03-11The Battleship Texas
The Battleship Texas seen from the San Jacinto Monument
By Elton Smith
2007-03-11The Battleship Texas seen from the San Jacinto Monument
By Elton Smith
2007-03-11The Battleship Texas seen from the San Jacinto Monument
The San Jacinto Monument seen from the Battleship Texas
By Elton Smith
2007-03-11The San Jacinto Monument seen from the Battleship Texas
By Elton Smith
2007-03-11The San Jacinto Monument seen from the Battleship Texas
Sam Houston
By Elton Smith
2007-03-11Sam Houston
By Elton Smith
2007-03-11Sam Houston
Image Type: Miscellaneous
Dinosaur track
By Morgan
2007-03-08Dinosaur track
By Morgan
2007-03-08Dinosaur track
The Memphis Egg
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09The Memphis Egg
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09The Memphis Egg
River Walk on Mud Island
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09River Walk on Mud Island
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09River Walk on Mud Island
Natural Chimneys
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Natural Chimneys
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Natural Chimneys
River walk on Mud Island
By Morgan
2007-03-09River walk on Mud Island
By Morgan
2007-03-09River walk on Mud Island
Guinea Pig doctors
By Morgan
2007-03-09Guinea Pig doctors
By Morgan
2007-03-09Guinea Pig doctors
A huge snake
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09A huge snake
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09A huge snake
Shenendoah valley.
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Shenendoah valley.
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Shenendoah valley.
Shenendoah valley
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Shenendoah valley
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Shenendoah valley
Shenendoah valley
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Shenendoah valley
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Shenendoah valley
Shenendoah valley
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Shenendoah valley
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Shenendoah valley
Image Type: Our Family
Squinty Eyes
By Elton Smith
2007-03-07Squinty Eyes
By Elton Smith
2007-03-07Squinty Eyes
The guitar player
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08The guitar player
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08The guitar player
Big book and a small boy
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Big book and a small boy
By Elton Smith
2007-03-08Big book and a small boy
Cub scout cross over
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Cub scout cross over
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Cub scout cross over
She's holding a snake
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09She's holding a snake
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09She's holding a snake
Image Type: Caves
Luray Caverns
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Luray Caverns
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Luray Caverns
Luray Caverns
By Morgan
2007-03-09Luray Caverns
By Morgan
2007-03-09Luray Caverns
Luray Caverns
By Morgan
2007-03-09Luray Caverns
By Morgan
2007-03-09Luray Caverns
Luray Caverns
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Luray Caverns
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Luray Caverns
Luray Caverns
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Luray Caverns
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Luray Caverns
Luray Caverns
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Luray Caverns
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Luray Caverns
Luray Caverns
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Luray Caverns
By Elton Smith
2007-03-09Luray Caverns
Image Type: Alaska and B.C.
BC Ferries
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31BC Ferries
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31BC Ferries
Flowers in Butchart Gardens
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31Flowers in Butchart Gardens
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31Flowers in Butchart Gardens
Flowers in Butchart Gardens
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31Flowers in Butchart Gardens
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31Flowers in Butchart Gardens
Butchart Gardens
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31Butchart Gardens
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31Butchart Gardens
A topiary in Butchart Gardens
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31A topiary in Butchart Gardens
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31A topiary in Butchart Gardens
A Water Fountain in Butchart Gardens
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31A Water Fountain in Butchart Gardens
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31A Water Fountain in Butchart Gardens
Butchart Gardens
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31Butchart Gardens
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31Butchart Gardens
Totem poles in Butchart Gardens
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31Totem poles in Butchart Gardens
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31Totem poles in Butchart Gardens
Flowers in Butchart Gardens
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31Flowers in Butchart Gardens
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31Flowers in Butchart Gardens
Flowers in Butchart Gardens
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31Flowers in Butchart Gardens
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31Flowers in Butchart Gardens
A Water Fountain in Butchart Gardens
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31A Water Fountain in Butchart Gardens
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31A Water Fountain in Butchart Gardens
Meconopsis (Tibetan Blue Poppy)
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31Meconopsis (Tibetan Blue Poppy)
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31Meconopsis (Tibetan Blue Poppy)
The Empress Hotel
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31The Empress Hotel
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31The Empress Hotel
The VanDusen Botanical Gardens
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31The VanDusen Botanical Gardens
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31The VanDusen Botanical Gardens
The VanDusen Botanical Gardens
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31The VanDusen Botanical Gardens
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31The VanDusen Botanical Gardens
The VanDusen Botanical Gardens
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31The VanDusen Botanical Gardens
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31The VanDusen Botanical Gardens
The VanDusen Botanical Gardens
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31The VanDusen Botanical Gardens
By Harry Shetrone
2007-08-31The VanDusen Botanical Gardens
Vancouver from the Summit Ship
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Vancouver from the Summit Ship
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Vancouver from the Summit Ship
A Bald Eagle
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02A Bald Eagle
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02A Bald Eagle
Totem Poles in the Saxman Village
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Totem Poles in the Saxman Village
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Totem Poles in the Saxman Village
The inside passage
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02The inside passage
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02The inside passage
The mountains at Skagway
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02The mountains at Skagway
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02The mountains at Skagway
Eagles nest
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Eagles nest
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Eagles nest
A bear carving
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02A bear carving
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02A bear carving
Alaska mountains
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Alaska mountains
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Alaska mountains
Bay near Hubbard glacier
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Bay near Hubbard glacier
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Bay near Hubbard glacier
Bay near Hubbard glacier
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Bay near Hubbard glacier
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Bay near Hubbard glacier
Bay near Hubbard glacier
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Bay near Hubbard glacier
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Bay near Hubbard glacier
Puffins in the Sealife Center
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Puffins in the Sealife Center
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Puffins in the Sealife Center
Common Murrs
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Common Murrs
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Common Murrs
Harbor Seal
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Harbor Seal
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Harbor Seal
Harbor Seal
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Harbor Seal
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Harbor Seal
Bear Carving
By Donna Shetrone
2007-09-02Bear Carving
By Donna Shetrone
2007-09-02Bear Carving
Exit Glacier near Seward Alaska
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Exit Glacier near Seward Alaska
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Exit Glacier near Seward Alaska
Blue ice in Exit Glacier
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Blue ice in Exit Glacier
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Blue ice in Exit Glacier
Blue ice in Exit Glacier
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Blue ice in Exit Glacier
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Blue ice in Exit Glacier
A ferrie boat
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02A ferrie boat
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02A ferrie boat
An iceberg
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02An iceberg
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02An iceberg
Dall sheep
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Dall sheep
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Dall sheep
Wind Surfing
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Wind Surfing
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Wind Surfing
An Arctic Turn chick
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02An Arctic Turn chick
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02An Arctic Turn chick
An Arctic Turn feeding a chick
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02An Arctic Turn feeding a chick
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02An Arctic Turn feeding a chick
Mount McKinley
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Mount McKinley
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Mount McKinley
Teklanika River
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Teklanika River
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Teklanika River
Sled Dog Exhibit
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Sled Dog Exhibit
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Sled Dog Exhibit
Vancouver BC Panorama
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Vancouver BC Panorama
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Vancouver BC Panorama
Teklanika River Panorama
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Teklanika River Panorama
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Teklanika River Panorama
Polychrome Overlook Panorama
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Polychrome Overlook Panorama
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Polychrome Overlook Panorama
Denali Train Station Panorama
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Denali Train Station Panorama
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Denali Train Station Panorama
Polychrome Overlook Panorama
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Polychrome Overlook Panorama
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Polychrome Overlook Panorama
Fish Creek Turnaround Panorama
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Fish Creek Turnaround Panorama
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Fish Creek Turnaround Panorama
Seward Harbor Panorama
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Seward Harbor Panorama
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Seward Harbor Panorama
Seward Panorama
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Seward Panorama
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Seward Panorama
Skagway Harbor Panorama
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Skagway Harbor Panorama
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Skagway Harbor Panorama
Skagway Alaska Panorama
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Skagway Alaska Panorama
By Harry Shetrone
2007-09-02Skagway Alaska Panorama
Arch entrance to Halibut Cove
By Susan Penny
2007-10-07Arch entrance to Halibut Cove
By Susan Penny
2007-10-07Arch entrance to Halibut Cove
Cabins at Halibut Cove
By Susan Penny
2007-10-07Cabins at Halibut Cove
By Susan Penny
2007-10-07Cabins at Halibut Cove
Bald Eagles in tree
By Susan Penny
2007-10-07Bald Eagles in tree
By Susan Penny
2007-10-07Bald Eagles in tree
Bald Eagles in tree
By Susan Penny
2007-10-07Bald Eagles in tree
By Susan Penny
2007-10-07Bald Eagles in tree
Otters at Halibut Cove
By Susan Penny
2007-10-07Otters at Halibut Cove
By Susan Penny
2007-10-07Otters at Halibut Cove
Otters at Halibut Cove
By Susan Penny
2007-10-07Otters at Halibut Cove
By Susan Penny
2007-10-07Otters at Halibut Cove
Halibut Catch
By Susan Penny
2007-10-07Halibut Catch
By Susan Penny
2007-10-07Halibut Catch
Halibut Catch
By Susan Penny
2007-10-07Halibut Catch
By Susan Penny
2007-10-07Halibut Catch
Gull Nests
By Matthew Shetrone
2007-10-07Gull Nests
By Matthew Shetrone
2007-10-07Gull Nests
Saegulls and Otters
By Matthew Shetrone
2007-10-07Saegulls and Otters
By Matthew Shetrone
2007-10-07Saegulls and Otters
Image Type: Hawaii
Hana tour on Maui
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Hana tour on Maui
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Hana tour on Maui
Koi pond at the Hilo Seaside Hotel
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Koi pond at the Hilo Seaside Hotel
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Koi pond at the Hilo Seaside Hotel
Polynesian Cultural Center
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Polynesian Cultural Center
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Polynesian Cultural Center
Polynesian Cultural Center
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Polynesian Cultural Center
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Polynesian Cultural Center
Amelia Earhart banyan tree
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Amelia Earhart banyan tree
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Amelia Earhart banyan tree
Sugar cane
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Sugar cane
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Sugar cane
Botanical gardens
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Botanical gardens
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Botanical gardens
Botanical gardens
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Botanical gardens
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Botanical gardens
Botanical gardens
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Botanical gardens
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Botanical gardens
Botanical gardens
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Botanical gardens
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Botanical gardens
Waterfall in Botanical Gardens
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Waterfall in Botanical Gardens
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Waterfall in Botanical Gardens
Botanical gardens
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Botanical gardens
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Botanical gardens
Breadfruit tree
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Breadfruit tree
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Breadfruit tree
Tropical plant
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Tropical plant
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Tropical plant
Flowers in front of the Crouching Lion Restaurant
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Flowers in front of the Crouching Lion Restaurant
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Flowers in front of the Crouching Lion Restaurant
Ioa Valley State Park
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Ioa Valley State Park
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Ioa Valley State Park
Ioa Valley State Park
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Ioa Valley State Park
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Ioa Valley State Park
Ginger flower
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Ginger flower
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Ginger flower
Yellow orchids
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Yellow orchids
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Yellow orchids
Poinsetta with lilies
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Poinsetta with lilies
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Poinsetta with lilies
Palm tree forest
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Palm tree forest
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Palm tree forest
Rainbow bark eucalyptus trees
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Rainbow bark eucalyptus trees
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Rainbow bark eucalyptus trees
Rainbow bark eucalyptus trees
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Rainbow bark eucalyptus trees
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Rainbow bark eucalyptus trees
Rainbow bark eucalyptus trees
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Rainbow bark eucalyptus trees
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Rainbow bark eucalyptus trees
Canoes at Polynesian Cultural Center
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Canoes at Polynesian Cultural Center
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Canoes at Polynesian Cultural Center
Waterfall on Kauai
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Waterfall on Kauai
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Waterfall on Kauai
Kaenae Peninsula Lookout
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Kaenae Peninsula Lookout
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Kaenae Peninsula Lookout
Surfing competition
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Surfing competition
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Surfing competition
Flowers at the Dole Plantation
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Flowers at the Dole Plantation
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Flowers at the Dole Plantation
Bird of Paradise flower
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Bird of Paradise flower
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Bird of Paradise flower
By Patsy Stevens
By Patsy Stevens
Scrambled egg tree
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Scrambled egg tree
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Scrambled egg tree
Beach scene on Kauai
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Beach scene on Kauai
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Beach scene on Kauai
Iao Valley State Park
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Iao Valley State Park
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Iao Valley State Park
Ocean view
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Ocean view
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Ocean view
Maui surfing beach
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Maui surfing beach
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Maui surfing beach
Surfing beach on Maui
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Surfing beach on Maui
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Surfing beach on Maui
Ocean view on Maui
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Ocean view on Maui
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Ocean view on Maui
Ocean view on Maui
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Ocean view on Maui
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Ocean view on Maui
Kaenae Peninsula Lookout
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Kaenae Peninsula Lookout
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Kaenae Peninsula Lookout
Scene on Maui
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Scene on Maui
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Scene on Maui
Scene on Maui
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Scene on Maui
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Scene on Maui
Wainapanapa State Park
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Wainapanapa State Park
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Wainapanapa State Park
Wainapanapa State Park
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Wainapanapa State Park
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Wainapanapa State Park
Lava rock on a black sand beach
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Lava rock on a black sand beach
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Lava rock on a black sand beach
Lava rock on a black sand beach
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Lava rock on a black sand beach
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Lava rock on a black sand beach
Spider lily
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Spider lily
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Spider lily
Christmas Costus
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Christmas Costus
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Christmas Costus
Botanical gardens
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Botanical gardens
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Botanical gardens
Indonesian Ginger
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Indonesian Ginger
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Indonesian Ginger
Botanical gardens Hilo
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Botanical gardens Hilo
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Botanical gardens Hilo
Botanical gardens Hilo
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Botanical gardens Hilo
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Botanical gardens Hilo
Amelia Earhart Banyan tree
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Amelia Earhart Banyan tree
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Amelia Earhart Banyan tree
Orchid nursery
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Orchid nursery
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Orchid nursery
Orchid nursery
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Orchid nursery
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Orchid nursery
Antherium and ginger blossoms
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Antherium and ginger blossoms
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Antherium and ginger blossoms
Rain Forest in Kona
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Rain Forest in Kona
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Rain Forest in Kona
Black sand beach
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Black sand beach
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Black sand beach
Ocean scene near Kona
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Ocean scene near Kona
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Ocean scene near Kona
Ocean scene near Kona
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Ocean scene near Kona
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Ocean scene near Kona
Turtle on the beach
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Turtle on the beach
By Patsy Stevens
2007-03-26Turtle on the beach
Image Type: New England
Salem Witch Trial Museum
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Salem Witch Trial Museum
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Salem Witch Trial Museum
Friendship replica clipper ship
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Friendship replica clipper ship
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Friendship replica clipper ship
Bar Harbor Maine
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Bar Harbor Maine
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Bar Harbor Maine
Nova Scotia Rock Formations
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Nova Scotia Rock Formations
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Nova Scotia Rock Formations
Peggy's Cove in Nova Scotia
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Peggy's Cove in Nova Scotia
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Peggy's Cove in Nova Scotia
Lighthouse in Peggy's Cove
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Lighthouse in Peggy's Cove
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Lighthouse in Peggy's Cove
Coastline of Quebec
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Coastline of Quebec
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Coastline of Quebec
Montmorency Manor
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Montmorency Manor
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Montmorency Manor
Making Maple Taffy
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Making Maple Taffy
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Making Maple Taffy
Wood storage at the Sugar Shack
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Wood storage at the Sugar Shack
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Wood storage at the Sugar Shack
Wood storage at the Sugar Shack
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Wood storage at the Sugar Shack
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Wood storage at the Sugar Shack
Fall foliage in Quebec Canada
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Fall foliage in Quebec Canada
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Fall foliage in Quebec Canada
Corner Brook Newfoundland
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Corner Brook Newfoundland
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Corner Brook Newfoundland
Historic Train
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Historic Train
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Historic Train
Historic Train
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Historic Train
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Historic Train
Waterfall near Corner Brook
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Waterfall near Corner Brook
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Waterfall near Corner Brook
Waterfall near Corner Brook
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Waterfall near Corner Brook
By Patsy Stevens
2008-07-06Waterfall near Corner Brook
Image Type: Costa Rica
Riding Horses
By Sydney Baker
2008-07-12Riding Horses
By Sydney Baker
2008-07-12Riding Horses
Riding Horses
By Sydney Baker
2008-07-12Riding Horses
By Sydney Baker
2008-07-12Riding Horses
Steam rising from the hot spring
By Sydney Baker
2008-07-12Steam rising from the hot spring
By Sydney Baker
2008-07-12Steam rising from the hot spring
Leaf Cutter ant mound
By Sydney Baker
2008-07-12Leaf Cutter ant mound
By Sydney Baker
2008-07-12Leaf Cutter ant mound
Tree Trunk
By Sydney Baker
2008-07-12Tree Trunk
By Sydney Baker
2008-07-12Tree Trunk
Matapalo Ficus tree
By Sydney Baker
2008-07-12Matapalo Ficus tree
By Sydney Baker
2008-07-12Matapalo Ficus tree
Standing around a tree
By Sydney Baker
2008-07-12Standing around a tree
By Sydney Baker
2008-07-12Standing around a tree
The Cows Are Out
By Sydney Baker
2008-07-12The Cows Are Out
By Sydney Baker
2008-07-12The Cows Are Out
Bulls Pulling a Wagon
By Sydney Baker
2008-07-12Bulls Pulling a Wagon
By Sydney Baker
2008-07-12Bulls Pulling a Wagon
Image Type: Dallas World Aquarium
Pink Flamingos
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Pink Flamingos
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Pink Flamingos
Pink Flamingos
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Pink Flamingos
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Pink Flamingos
Feeding a Reluctant Penguin
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Feeding a Reluctant Penguin
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Feeding a Reluctant Penguin
Looking down on the glass covered walkway
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Looking down on the glass covered walkway
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Looking down on the glass covered walkway
Sea Anemones
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Sea Anemones
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Sea Anemones
Black-footed Penguins
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Black-footed Penguins
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Black-footed Penguins
A Large Shellfish
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07A Large Shellfish
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07A Large Shellfish
What is this?
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07What is this?
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07What is this?
Sea Anemones
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Sea Anemones
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Sea Anemones
A Clown Fish
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07A Clown Fish
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07A Clown Fish
Leafy Seadragon
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Leafy Seadragon
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Leafy Seadragon
A sloth in a sling
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07A sloth in a sling
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07A sloth in a sling
Three Toed Sloth
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Three Toed Sloth
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Three Toed Sloth
Brown Stingrays
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Brown Stingrays
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Brown Stingrays
Anaconda under the water
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Anaconda under the water
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Anaconda under the water
Bare faced curassow
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Bare faced curassow
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Bare faced curassow
Polka-Dot Stingray
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Polka-Dot Stingray
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Polka-Dot Stingray
Longsnout Seahorses
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Longsnout Seahorses
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Longsnout Seahorses
Jabiru stork
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Jabiru stork
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Jabiru stork
Fairy Penguins
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Fairy Penguins
By Elton Smith
2008-07-07Fairy Penguins
Image Type: India
Electronics City at dusk
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Electronics City at dusk
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Electronics City at dusk
Young women walking in pairs
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Young women walking in pairs
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Young women walking in pairs
Hotel security guards and their dog
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Hotel security guards and their dog
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Hotel security guards and their dog
Hotel landscape maintenance crew
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Hotel landscape maintenance crew
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Hotel landscape maintenance crew
Children in Bangalore
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Children in Bangalore
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Children in Bangalore
Mass transit system in development
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Mass transit system in development
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Mass transit system in development
Flower display shaped like the Sydney opera house
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Flower display shaped like the Sydney opera house
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Flower display shaped like the Sydney opera house
Flower display shaped like a butterfly
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Flower display shaped like a butterfly
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Flower display shaped like a butterfly
Vegetable couple
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Vegetable couple
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Vegetable couple
The Glass House at Lalbagh Botanical Garden
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24The Glass House at Lalbagh Botanical Garden
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24The Glass House at Lalbagh Botanical Garden
Nuns dressed in pink
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Nuns dressed in pink
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Nuns dressed in pink
Brides of India road sign
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Brides of India road sign
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Brides of India road sign
Men in an autorickshaw
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Men in an autorickshaw
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Men in an autorickshaw
Street scene in Shivaji Nagar
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Street scene in Shivaji Nagar
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Street scene in Shivaji Nagar
Street scene in Shivaji Nagar
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Street scene in Shivaji Nagar
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Street scene in Shivaji Nagar
Cows in the street in Shivaji Nagar
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Cows in the street in Shivaji Nagar
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Cows in the street in Shivaji Nagar
Women selling vegetables in Shivaji Nagar
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Women selling vegetables in Shivaji Nagar
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Women selling vegetables in Shivaji Nagar
A downpour in Shivaji Nagar
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24A downpour in Shivaji Nagar
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24A downpour in Shivaji Nagar
Family on a motor cycle
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Family on a motor cycle
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Family on a motor cycle
Family going to church on a motor cycle
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Family going to church on a motor cycle
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Family going to church on a motor cycle
Grace Chapel in Bangalore
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Grace Chapel in Bangalore
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Grace Chapel in Bangalore
Street protest in Electronics City
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Street protest in Electronics City
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Street protest in Electronics City
Quick reaction team monitoring protest
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Quick reaction team monitoring protest
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Quick reaction team monitoring protest
Police monitoring protest
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Police monitoring protest
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Police monitoring protest
Playing an agile game
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Playing an agile game
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Playing an agile game
Voyager in four languages
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Voyager in four languages
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Voyager in four languages
Happy independence day
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Happy independence day
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Happy independence day
Constructing a building
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Constructing a building
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Constructing a building
Anti-corruption sign in Electronics City
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Anti-corruption sign in Electronics City
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Anti-corruption sign in Electronics City
Man building a speed bump / crosswalk
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Man building a speed bump / crosswalk
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Man building a speed bump / crosswalk
Sri Aprameya Swamy Temple
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Sri Aprameya Swamy Temple
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Sri Aprameya Swamy Temple
Sri Aprameya Swamy Temple details
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Sri Aprameya Swamy Temple details
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Sri Aprameya Swamy Temple details
Standing in front of Sri Aprameya Swamy Temple
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Standing in front of Sri Aprameya Swamy Temple
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Standing in front of Sri Aprameya Swamy Temple
Planting rice
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Planting rice
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Planting rice
Details on the Nimishamba temple
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Details on the Nimishamba temple
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Details on the Nimishamba temple
Bathing in the Cauvery river at Nimishamba temple
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Bathing in the Cauvery river at Nimishamba temple
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Bathing in the Cauvery river at Nimishamba temple
Woman placing flowers on altar
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Woman placing flowers on altar
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Woman placing flowers on altar
People entering Nimishamba temple
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24People entering Nimishamba temple
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24People entering Nimishamba temple
Gumbaz tomb and mosque
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Gumbaz tomb and mosque
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Gumbaz tomb and mosque
Cenotaphs at Gumbaz tomb and mosque
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Cenotaphs at Gumbaz tomb and mosque
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Cenotaphs at Gumbaz tomb and mosque
Dome of Gumbaz tomb and mosque
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Dome of Gumbaz tomb and mosque
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Dome of Gumbaz tomb and mosque
Standing outside Chamundi Hill temple
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Standing outside Chamundi Hill temple
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Standing outside Chamundi Hill temple
Chamundi Hill temple
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Chamundi Hill temple
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Chamundi Hill temple
Offerings in front of Chamundi Hill temple
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Offerings in front of Chamundi Hill temple
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Offerings in front of Chamundi Hill temple
Sitting all alone
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Sitting all alone
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Sitting all alone
Bull Temple on Chamundi Hill
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Bull Temple on Chamundi Hill
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Bull Temple on Chamundi Hill
Approaching Mysore palace
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Approaching Mysore palace
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Approaching Mysore palace
The main gate at Mysore palace
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24The main gate at Mysore palace
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24The main gate at Mysore palace
Riding camels at Mysore palace
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Riding camels at Mysore palace
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Riding camels at Mysore palace
Elephant loading dock at Mysore palace
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Elephant loading dock at Mysore palace
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Elephant loading dock at Mysore palace
Riding an elephant at Mysore palace
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Riding an elephant at Mysore palace
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Riding an elephant at Mysore palace
Construction at the palace in Mysore
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Construction at the palace in Mysore
By Elton Smith
2011-08-24Construction at the palace in Mysore
Image Type: Nepal
Looking out the bus window
By Morgan
2012-09-30Looking out the bus window
By Morgan
2012-09-30Looking out the bus window
Dugout canoes
By Morgan
2012-09-30Dugout canoes
By Morgan
2012-09-30Dugout canoes
Termite Mound
By Morgan
2012-09-30Termite Mound
By Morgan
2012-09-30Termite Mound
A vine strangling a tree
By Morgan
2012-09-30A vine strangling a tree
By Morgan
2012-09-30A vine strangling a tree
Elephant barn
By Morgan
2012-09-30Elephant barn
By Morgan
2012-09-30Elephant barn
Baby elephant with mother
By Morgan
2012-09-30Baby elephant with mother
By Morgan
2012-09-30Baby elephant with mother
Getting sprayed by an elephant
By Morgan
2012-09-30Getting sprayed by an elephant
By Morgan
2012-09-30Getting sprayed by an elephant
Elephants walking though the forest
By Morgan
2012-09-30Elephants walking though the forest
By Morgan
2012-09-30Elephants walking though the forest
Street scene with Coca Cola sign
By Morgan
2012-09-30Street scene with Coca Cola sign
By Morgan
2012-09-30Street scene with Coca Cola sign
Cows walking down the street
By Morgan
2012-09-30Cows walking down the street
By Morgan
2012-09-30Cows walking down the street
Workers in a rice field
By Morgan
2012-09-30Workers in a rice field
By Morgan
2012-09-30Workers in a rice field
Plowing a rice field
By Morgan
2012-09-30Plowing a rice field
By Morgan
2012-09-30Plowing a rice field
Bicycle rickshaw
By Morgan
2012-09-30Bicycle rickshaw
By Morgan
2012-09-30Bicycle rickshaw
Flags hanging on a tree
By Morgan
2012-09-30Flags hanging on a tree
By Morgan
2012-09-30Flags hanging on a tree
School children
By Morgan
2012-09-30School children
By Morgan
2012-09-30School children
A very small store
By Morgan
2012-09-30A very small store
By Morgan
2012-09-30A very small store
Two Nepali girls
By Morgan
2012-09-30Two Nepali girls
By Morgan
2012-09-30Two Nepali girls
School children
By Morgan
2012-09-30School children
By Morgan
2012-09-30School children
Chickens eating from a stone bowl
By Morgan
2012-09-30Chickens eating from a stone bowl
By Morgan
2012-09-30Chickens eating from a stone bowl
Mother and baby
By Morgan
2012-09-30Mother and baby
By Morgan
2012-09-30Mother and baby
Playing in a bicycle tire
By Morgan
2012-09-30Playing in a bicycle tire
By Morgan
2012-09-30Playing in a bicycle tire
Soldiers walking down the street
By Morgan
2012-09-30Soldiers walking down the street
By Morgan
2012-09-30Soldiers walking down the street
Children walking down the street
By Morgan
2012-09-30Children walking down the street
By Morgan
2012-09-30Children walking down the street
Cow with stone bowls
By Morgan
2012-09-30Cow with stone bowls
By Morgan
2012-09-30Cow with stone bowls
Mother goat and kids
By Morgan
2012-09-30Mother goat and kids
By Morgan
2012-09-30Mother goat and kids
Child and chicken
By Morgan
2012-09-30Child and chicken
By Morgan
2012-09-30Child and chicken
Boys pumping water
By Morgan
2012-09-30Boys pumping water
By Morgan
2012-09-30Boys pumping water
Nepali children
By Morgan
2012-09-30Nepali children
By Morgan
2012-09-30Nepali children
Young girl
By Morgan
2012-09-30Young girl
By Morgan
2012-09-30Young girl
Young girl
By Morgan
2012-09-30Young girl
By Morgan
2012-09-30Young girl
Two reclining cows
By Morgan
2012-09-30Two reclining cows
By Morgan
2012-09-30Two reclining cows
Young people
By Morgan
2012-09-30Young people
By Morgan
2012-09-30Young people
Mother and son
By Morgan
2012-09-30Mother and son
By Morgan
2012-09-30Mother and son
Young girl
By Morgan
2012-09-30Young girl
By Morgan
2012-09-30Young girl
Dinner in Nepal
By Morgan
2012-09-30Dinner in Nepal
By Morgan
2012-09-30Dinner in Nepal
Selling vegetables under a red tarp
By Morgan
2012-09-30Selling vegetables under a red tarp
By Morgan
2012-09-30Selling vegetables under a red tarp
Selling fish
By Morgan
2012-09-30Selling fish
By Morgan
2012-09-30Selling fish
Young men selling chickens
By Morgan
2012-09-30Young men selling chickens
By Morgan
2012-09-30Young men selling chickens
Man selling chickens
By Morgan
2012-09-30Man selling chickens
By Morgan
2012-09-30Man selling chickens
Women in the market
By Morgan
2012-09-30Women in the market
By Morgan
2012-09-30Women in the market
Man selling vegetables
By Morgan
2012-09-30Man selling vegetables
By Morgan
2012-09-30Man selling vegetables
Girl weighing fruit
By Veronica Smith
2012-09-30Girl weighing fruit
By Veronica Smith
2012-09-30Girl weighing fruit
Image Type: Oregon
Wilson Arch
By Elton Smith
2021-01-09Wilson Arch
By Elton Smith
2021-01-09Wilson Arch
Wilson Arch
By Elton Smith
2021-01-09Wilson Arch
By Elton Smith
2021-01-09Wilson Arch
The Columbia River
By Elton Smith
2021-01-09The Columbia River
By Elton Smith
2021-01-09The Columbia River
Haystack Rock at Cannon Beach
By Elton Smith
2021-01-09Haystack Rock at Cannon Beach
By Elton Smith
2021-01-09Haystack Rock at Cannon Beach
Ecola State Park tsunami sign
By Elton Smith
2021-01-09Ecola State Park tsunami sign
By Elton Smith
2021-01-09Ecola State Park tsunami sign
Haystack Rock from the north
By Elton Smith
2021-01-09Haystack Rock from the north
By Elton Smith
2021-01-09Haystack Rock from the north
Mount Hood
By Elton Smith
2021-01-09Mount Hood
By Elton Smith
2021-01-09Mount Hood
The Painted Hills
By Elton Smith
2021-01-09The Painted Hills
By Elton Smith
2021-01-09The Painted Hills
Basalt Columns
By Elton Smith
2021-01-09Basalt Columns
By Elton Smith
2021-01-09Basalt Columns
James Cant Ranch
By Elton Smith
2021-01-09James Cant Ranch
By Elton Smith
2021-01-09James Cant Ranch
Farm equipment at the James Cant Ranch
By Elton Smith
2021-01-09Farm equipment at the James Cant Ranch
By Elton Smith
2021-01-09Farm equipment at the James Cant Ranch
Mount Hood through the trees
By Elton Smith
2021-01-09Mount Hood through the trees
By Elton Smith
2021-01-09Mount Hood through the trees
The Mount Hood ski resort
By Elton Smith
2021-01-09The Mount Hood ski resort
By Elton Smith
2021-01-09The Mount Hood ski resort
Looking up at the Mount Hood summit
By Elton Smith
2021-01-09Looking up at the Mount Hood summit
By Elton Smith
2021-01-09Looking up at the Mount Hood summit
A woman skiing on Mount Hood
By Elton Smith
2021-01-11A woman skiing on Mount Hood
By Elton Smith
2021-01-11A woman skiing on Mount Hood
Selfie at the Oregon Country Fair
By Elton Smith
2021-01-11Selfie at the Oregon Country Fair
By Elton Smith
2021-01-11Selfie at the Oregon Country Fair
Viewing the solar eclipse
By Elton Smith
2021-01-11Viewing the solar eclipse
By Elton Smith
2021-01-11Viewing the solar eclipse
Viewing the solar eclipse
By Elton Smith
2021-01-11Viewing the solar eclipse
By Elton Smith
2021-01-11Viewing the solar eclipse
Mount Hood and Mount Adams from a plane
By Elton Smith
2021-01-11Mount Hood and Mount Adams from a plane
By Elton Smith
2021-01-11Mount Hood and Mount Adams from a plane
Image Type: AI Images from the "Your Love Surrounds Me" video
Roman architecture
By Elton Smith
2023-08-15Roman architecture
By Elton Smith
2023-08-15Roman architecture
Boy looking up at the stars
By Elton Smith
2023-08-15Boy looking up at the stars
By Elton Smith
2023-08-15Boy looking up at the stars
Roman Christians worshiping in catacombs
By Elton Smith
2023-08-15Roman Christians worshiping in catacombs
By Elton Smith
2023-08-15Roman Christians worshiping in catacombs
Tuscan sunset
By Elton Smith
2023-08-15Tuscan sunset
By Elton Smith
2023-08-15Tuscan sunset
Roman refugees standing on the dock
By Elton Smith
2023-08-15Roman refugees standing on the dock
By Elton Smith
2023-08-15Roman refugees standing on the dock
Refugees on a boat in ancient Rome
By Elton Smith
2023-08-15Refugees on a boat in ancient Rome
By Elton Smith
2023-08-15Refugees on a boat in ancient Rome
An ancient Roman mother and child
By Elton Smith
2023-08-15An ancient Roman mother and child
By Elton Smith
2023-08-15An ancient Roman mother and child
Mosaic of a child refugee
By Elton Smith
2023-08-15Mosaic of a child refugee
By Elton Smith
2023-08-15Mosaic of a child refugee
Far Throughout The Land
By Elton Smith
2023-08-15Far Throughout The Land
By Elton Smith
2023-08-15Far Throughout The Land
Image Type: AI Images from the "How Long" video
Boy looking up at the stars
By Elton Smith
2023-08-01Boy looking up at the stars
By Elton Smith
2023-08-01Boy looking up at the stars
Family walking across a field
By Elton Smith
2023-08-01Family walking across a field
By Elton Smith
2023-08-01Family walking across a field
Jesus in the clouds
By Elton Smith
2023-08-01Jesus in the clouds
By Elton Smith
2023-08-01Jesus in the clouds
Three ladies
By Elton Smith
2023-08-05Three ladies
By Elton Smith
2023-08-05Three ladies
A family standing in a field
By Elton Smith
2023-08-05A family standing in a field
By Elton Smith
2023-08-05A family standing in a field
Keep the faith
By Elton Smith
2023-08-05Keep the faith
By Elton Smith
2023-08-05Keep the faith
Mama and her son
By Elton Smith
2023-08-05Mama and her son
By Elton Smith
2023-08-05Mama and her son
Two boys stargazing
By Elton Smith
2023-08-05Two boys stargazing
By Elton Smith
2023-08-05Two boys stargazing
Men walking toward the sunrise
By Elton Smith
2023-08-05Men walking toward the sunrise
By Elton Smith
2023-08-05Men walking toward the sunrise
Image Type: AI Images from the "The Stars Are Out Tonight" video
A mother and child
By Elton Smith
2024-07-31A mother and child
By Elton Smith
2024-07-31A mother and child
Oil painting of Yosemite
By Elton Smith
2024-07-31Oil painting of Yosemite
By Elton Smith
2024-07-31Oil painting of Yosemite
Oil painting of Yosemite
By Elton Smith
2024-07-31Oil painting of Yosemite
By Elton Smith
2024-07-31Oil painting of Yosemite
Redwood trees in Yosemite
By Elton Smith
2024-07-31Redwood trees in Yosemite
By Elton Smith
2024-07-31Redwood trees in Yosemite
By Elton Smith
By Elton Smith
A native American woman giving thanks in Yosemite
By Elton Smith
2024-07-31A native American woman giving thanks in Yosemite
By Elton Smith
2024-07-31A native American woman giving thanks in Yosemite
Native Americans gathering at night in Yosemite
By Elton Smith
2024-07-31Native Americans gathering at night in Yosemite
By Elton Smith
2024-07-31Native Americans gathering at night in Yosemite
A surreal field of flowers
By Elton Smith
2024-07-31A surreal field of flowers
By Elton Smith
2024-07-31A surreal field of flowers
A native American camp in Yosemite
By Elton Smith
2024-07-31A native American camp in Yosemite
By Elton Smith
2024-07-31A native American camp in Yosemite
Image Type: AI Images from the "A Purpose And A Promise" video
A man plowing behind a horse
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15A man plowing behind a horse
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15A man plowing behind a horse
The road ahead is blocked by a fallen tree
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15The road ahead is blocked by a fallen tree
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15The road ahead is blocked by a fallen tree
A woman comforting her father
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15A woman comforting her father
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15A woman comforting her father
A mother making clothes for her family
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15A mother making clothes for her family
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15A mother making clothes for her family
An old woman near the end of her journey
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15An old woman near the end of her journey
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15An old woman near the end of her journey
Two women sewing
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15Two women sewing
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15Two women sewing
A baby in the arms of his father
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15A baby in the arms of his father
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15A baby in the arms of his father
A family saying grace before their meal
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15A family saying grace before their meal
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15A family saying grace before their meal
A boy sitting on a fence looking out over a field
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15A boy sitting on a fence looking out over a field
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15A boy sitting on a fence looking out over a field
A girl looking up at the sky
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15A girl looking up at the sky
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15A girl looking up at the sky
Image Type: AI Images from the "You Opened My Eyes" video
A blind man
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15A blind man
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15A blind man
The eyes of a child
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15The eyes of a child
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15The eyes of a child
The eyes of Jesus
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15The eyes of Jesus
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15The eyes of Jesus
The eyes of a man
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15The eyes of a man
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15The eyes of a man
A mother and her baby looking into each other's eyes
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15A mother and her baby looking into each other's eyes
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15A mother and her baby looking into each other's eyes
A starry night
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15A starry night
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15A starry night
The sunrise
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15The sunrise
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15The sunrise
Monks on a pilgrimage
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15Monks on a pilgrimage
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15Monks on a pilgrimage
The eyes of a woman
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15The eyes of a woman
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15The eyes of a woman
The eyes of a modern woman
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15The eyes of a modern woman
By Elton Smith
2024-09-15The eyes of a modern woman