Booker T. Washington Word Scramble

Directions: Read the story. Unscramble the words below and enter them in the boxes. Click the button to check your work.

Booker T. Washington was born a slave in Franklin County, Virginia. After the family was freed they moved to West Virginia. His step-father, who worked in the salt mines, got jobs for Booker and John in the salt mines. Sometimes they worked in the coal mines. Booker was able to attend school, but he had to work before and after school. He wanted to go to school in Hampton. He would work as the assistant janitor to pay for his room and board at the school. His mother Jane died while he was at home for vacation during the summer. It was a very sad time for him. One of his teachers at Hampton, gave him lessons in elocution or public speaking. These lessons would prove vital to his success later on. After graduation he returned to his hometown and became a teacher at the first school he ever attended. In the day school he had a class of 80-90 students. He also taught night classes and two Sunday schools. He returned to Hampton as a teacher and a post-graduate student. When they started a school for black children in Tuskegee, Alabama, he became the teacher. He was able to purchase farmland eventually totaling over 2,000 acres on which to build the school. He married Fannie Smith and they had a daughter, Portia. Within the year Fannie passed away. Booker T. Washington was an eloquent speaker and used this skill for the benefit of Tuskegee Institute. The school continued to grow. Booker married again. Olivia Davidson, assistant principal of the school, was his wife for four years and mother to two sons before she too passed away. Four years later he married Maggie Murray, a teacher at Tuskegee. Friends gave money for Booker and his wife to visit Europe where they had tea with Queen Victoria.



































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