Winston Churchill Word Scramble

Directions: Read the story. Unscramble the words below and enter them in the boxes. Click the button to check your work.

Winston Churchill was born in Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, England. At age eight his parents enrolled him in St. George's, a boarding school at Ascot. He was very unhappy there. When he was eleven he became very ill with pneumonia, but he survived. The highlight of his school year was the visit of his nanny, Mrs. Everest, whom he called "Wooms". Winston Churchill smoked a cigar, which along with the "V for Victory" hand sign, became his trademark. He joined the Army and during his enlistment he spent time in Cuba, India, and in Egypt. He read a lot, educated himself, and then began writing. When he was twenty-four he decided to leave the Army and pursue a writing career. He traveled to South Africa as a war correspondent. Churchill was taken captive, but managed to escape. He made it to Pretoria, South Africa. When he finally arrived home, he learned he had become world-famous overnight. He was elected to Parliament, an office he would occupy the greater part of his life. Churchill began painting and became well-known as an artist. When he was thirty-four years old he married Clementine Hozier. They had four children; three daughters, Diana, Sarah, and Mary, and one son, Randolph. When he was sixty-six years old he became prime minister of Great Britain. He declared, " Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will say, 'This was their finest hour'". In 1953 Queen Elizabeth knighted him "Sir Winston Churchill". That same year he also won the Nobel peace prize for literature. In 1963 The United States Congress voted to make Winston Churchill an honorary citizen of the United States. He died at the age of ninety after suffering a stroke.



































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