| 2023-08-06 | I like this song very much and play it frequently on my keyboard. |
Michael | 2017-03-19 | LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST Thee GOD of abraham isaac jacob is thee RIGHTEOUS way Amen |
Obrirhe freedom | 2017-01-24 | Wt u mak hapen 4 others heaven mak hapen 4 u as u hv time 4 him he wil hv  |
Gary Potratz | 2016-09-15 | I hate some songs that repeat a lot but not this one. You can't say it enough! Thanks for such a powerful song.  |
| 2016-04-08 | Thank you , Lord and Savior. You alone deserve all praise, glory, and honor. I sing this song to you Lord. |
Renae forbes | 2016-01-01 | For your my lights and my life  |
Pavithra | 2015-05-12 | I love this song very much....i love u jesus  |
renae forbes | 2015-01-23 | In the adoration Lord must high
emmanuel | 2014-01-14 | its a master piece i love it    |
Leslie | 2013-10-28 | i love the song..it's totally inspiring!! Keep the good work.. God bless your ministry |
Charles | 2013-02-18 | I just listened to the version recorded by Azimuth. What a wonderful rendition of this beautiful song. |
catherine | 2012-12-03 | i love its so blessing and feels like worship i love it |
jun | 2012-06-19 |   adoration |
kyle joy nicole | 2012-06-05 |   |
Margaret | 2012-05-05 | Thank you so much for this great music of praise!   |
CeL | 2012-04-08 | super duper ;like this song ^^ God Bless u alL .. i wilL use this soNg to our church
Sharon | 2012-04-03 | Wow, thanks for the great song and may God bless u. |
maricon | 2012-03-31 | I really like this,, very inspiring
Clark | 2012-03-21 | Nice Song Thanks for a good song God Bless You |
Chadie Marge | 2012-03-20 | God be ever praise.I am so much blessed by the message; and coupled with the melody, this song compose with God in mind to glorify Him. |
vijay | 2012-02-18 | It appears good song. God bless you.  |
Rena | 2012-01-12 | Absolutely beautiful and uplifting. All positive words.......making it one of my all time favorites. The focus is right and it is a wonderful song of praise! |
Leah | 2011-09-18 | Praise God for this soul inspiring song!!!! |
ezekwem wisdom | 2011-09-14 | very inspirational |
| 2011-08-17 | very meaningful song |
Evelyn Baena | 2011-08-15 | I like it very much |
| 2011-07-26 | very nice Song  |
airica | 2011-06-26 | ilove this song very much. it makes happy   |
Gerald | 2011-06-25 | 美好的歌曲.Thank you Gerald Malaysia |
josephandrews | 2011-06-16 |   He is my saviour...all in all my life, |
Athena vhance | 2011-04-13 | I LOVE this song... very very very very very very much....
vhance From philippines |
Geethu, India | 2011-02-02 | this is simply awesome.. great song.. |
Sean | 2011-01-08 | ~~Outstanding~~ |
Linda S. | 2010-12-31 | I love this song! Wow! |
krelek | 2010-12-01 | um..... i think this song is great.....  |
cherriemae | 2010-11-10 | wow!!!!amazing.. |
cherriemae santos | 2010-11-10 | wow!!!!!! amazing...God Bless u |
Catherine | 2010-11-04 | Why is that cristian songs sound better in english (russian and german church songs are too though)and not in French ?! I ll play this one with my guitar,of that I m sure. catherine  |
| 2010-10-12 | It would be helpful if the piano score also included the lyrics. |
Ruth | 2010-07-31 | Great inspiration!Lyrics was from deep within the spirit of adoration. |
kate | 2010-07-25 | I love this song....I hope that you will continue to write beautiful songs for God that will inspire people. |
stephanie Faye | 2010-07-15 | I love it so muchh...      |
susie | 2010-04-19 | Hi, this is a wonderful song, such strength in your beautiful vocals, really glorifies the Lord, thank you so much for sharing this song. |
P Samuel | 2010-04-05 | Hi our God has given you a wonderful voice use it for his glory. Great song and Great voice. praise. |
Patrick | 2010-03-11 | Very Beautiful song.I like it. keep the work of our Lord Jesus. God bless all of you.at the moment I am working in the Maldives. I can't say in words how it waking me evry day when I am alone.Thanks |
Dr.Bil; Bangalore, India | 2010-02-06 | hi to the entire team, just wanted to let u know that i learnt this song from my eight year old daughter...well she was taught in their school and they (School choir) sang it for a graduation ceremony.it is a beautiful piece of music.God bless |
Chinenye Peace N. | 2010-01-18 | This song has ministered to my spirit and brought out the deepest yearning of my heart to express great worship to my king. More grace to you guys, my church must listen to this!!!  |
edna | 2010-01-17 | very nice song, keep up the good work, it was very nice that i found this site for praising god.the songs is very devotional |
nylanna28 | 2010-01-04 | Praise Jesus for this song.. i feel so much blessed after hearing and watching this song.. To all the songwriters, composers in this site, may u continue to be a blessing to others. And may your purpose be guided by our loving God most high!! God Bless everyone :) |
robbin | 2009-12-21 | By this song really we can adore our Beloved God praise to God for this song. I am very far away from God But I feeled very closer He is    |
victoria | 2009-11-20 | Thank you so much for the gift shared. God is to be praised for such wonderful works that glorifies his Name. It is a very inspiring song. I am a true Catholic and an adorer so I was attracted to the title, not knowing there's more than the title to see. |
| 2009-09-23 | a very overwhelming song Ilah/Omar Cornejo Mariveles, Bataan |
| 2009-07-15 | A Beautiful song. Great for Adoration and praise. Thank you. |
Peter Gakuya | 2009-06-28 | The Song is Lovely. Praise the Lord for this Talent. I played it over and over again, |
| 2009-06-05 | beautiful music |
Chalz | 2009-05-22 | Wonderful song... |
| 2009-04-17 | GOd bless you dear.Amen |
Mariya | 2009-04-08 | WOW!!! I love this song! Very beautiful,very! Keep up the good work and God bless you! |
hiruy | 2009-03-28 | this is a song which exalts the LORD.it is fantastic song.i'm blessed.thank you |
George Kutty | 2009-03-20 | Very good |
Al Jackson (Sound System) | 2009-03-07 | Great song, I Love the work you are doing.God Bless all of you. Thank you for your songs, I use them before and after Church Service. |
Arup Das | 2009-02-25 | Lovely, Awesome. All the praise and glory to the Almighty God. |
Christi Eapen (india) | 2009-02-15 | May the good GOD strengthen you with more talent for the making of inspiring songs. |
Danson | 2009-02-14 | Good works! keep it up. may God bless you all. Thank you for making it available for everyone to enjoy. Thanks to Lord God. Amen. |
George | 2009-02-12 | May The Lord continue toinspire and blessyou guys -Amen |
| 2009-02-08 | Just wonderful.Thanks be to God.I just love it. |
Kenrick Ohid | 2009-02-01 | bless the holy name of jesus. God bless you for this wonderful site |
regina | 2009-01-26 | my God bless u elton for this wonderful site...woow! |
| 2009-01-17 | This song is really nice,i really enjoyed listening to it!!!! |
Tony | 2009-01-08 | Excellent. Thanks for making it available to us here in Pakistan. |
Abedneju | 2009-01-02 | God Bless you. |
| 2008-12-26 | waoh that's beautiful indeed |
art | 2008-12-10 | I'm so bless there's christian music that touch our heart reach us out even we're here in saudi arabia. |
ALEX JEFRI | 2008-10-04 | wow! pleasing and amazing |
Boxley | 2008-09-30 | Wow, this song so expresses my own testimony! I was just greatly blessed by listening and watching the beautiful pictures. |
Kathy | 2008-09-21 | heart rendering! Beautiful. |
| 2008-09-03 | Alleluia! Praise to God! This song is really amazing, it not only touch my heart but it did feel with holy spirit with the almighty father.. God Bless.. |
| 2008-06-29 | A very good effort to praise the almighty , the divine power . very soothing song feels as if really we in the holy presence of our God Jesus Christ . I am a true catholic and surely recommend this hymn to be included in our prayers. |
Christia | 2008-06-20 | GREAT SONG...wow! |
emmanuel | 2008-06-07 | God bless you brother in Christ |
Carol | 2008-05-28 | I feel excited whenever I play and meditate upon the verses of this song. May the Almighty God continue to empower you for his good works. |
Alice C. Harris | 2008-05-26 | Simply beautiful! I love the creation of God. It speaks valumes and the songs about His creation you sing comes fm. your heart to Him. I have finally found songs of praise to our God that i can use when i am praising Him in my quiet time. There are christian songs and their are praise songs yours have the seal (anointing) of God's approvel. Thanky you soooo much!!!! May the Lord keep blessing your minestry as you are a blessing to others with your gift. |
steven rao | 2008-05-25 | I belive that day is going be a great day for me, the song as inspired me alot. praise the lord onece again. |
Denise Jones | 2008-04-20 | AWESOME Draws me Worship and adore the Lord Most high. Thankyou |
Denise Jones | 2008-04-20 | I Absolutely Love this song. I think this song is So beautiful it deaws me into Worship. How Great is the God whom we adore. The words just touch my heart the melody is just so warm and rich.It brings a new awareness of the Awesomness of God as we see His creation in all its Glory how can we NOT Give him all the Adoration and Glory due to His Mighty Powerful Name. |
BRO.ANTONY | 2008-04-20 | wow wonderful, its great, makes you feel you ARE CLOSER TO GOD.
juliet | 2008-04-19 | wow its lovely is just lke heavenly song.i love to listen to it every second how GOD is WOUNDER |
Ruth | 2008-03-12 | I really love to listen to this song. Builds up my faith. The Lord is my strength and my song ............ May the Lord bless you |
Gerald Green | 2008-03-01 | Is it possible to get a copy of the Adoration flash movie? If so , please tell me how. Thank you, |
Kathy | 2008-02-21 | I often have a heart full of praise, love and thanksgiving that my words cannot adequately to express. Today was one of those days and this song says it all. Thank you! |
hannah | 2008-02-14 | thank JESUS for this wonderful song..praise ye the Lord.. |
melbin | 2008-02-10 | nice song i love it!!! |
Barbara | 2008-01-10 | THIS IS AWESOME!! I've tried making things like this in Flash, with no success, but I'll let you do it :) Thanks for sharing this inspiring video! |
Timothy Ricks | 2007-11-17 | I like the song. I play the guitar and I love the lead sheet it's cool when I play it. I am 12 and love the songs you make. |
| 2007-10-26 | Remain Bless may Our Lord Jesus Christ inspire you mor and more |
Ann | 2007-09-25 | Thank You. It was great and has a wonderful message to the Lord. Ann |
john R wilkinson | 2007-09-16 | I have been playing this song over and over and really fell in love with the lyrics. |
| 2007-09-14 | its a great song... |
Cindy Gilmore | 2007-08-27 | Our Deaf church service were awesome with flash movie "Adoration" thru a projector. It is so beautiful viusal and inspirational song! And it is perfect for Deaf people to enjoy the flash movie, Thank you! |
| 2007-08-13 | A wonderful praise to God. Thank You! |
Pam Wyant | 2007-08-01 | This song gives me chills evertime I hear it. I can feel God's spirit running through me. One of my students said it brought her to tears, good tears. Thank you. |
sinead | 2007-06-23 | this song is my fabourite, i sang it with my choir at school it is so inspiring! sinead |
carolyne | 2007-06-19 | this song is so inspiring and also it reminds me that we were created to worship the lord most high. Wow! i like it i feel like singing everytime. |
Anthony Khanh LInh | 2007-06-19 | Thanks for your song. God bless you. |
Loralie | 2007-04-16 | This song was sent to me via email by a cousin. It blesses my soul everytime I here it. I am going to learn it and sing it in my church. Thank God for giving you this song!!! |
pearly | 2007-04-15 | Beautiful! |
Sharon | 2007-04-04 | This is truly a beautiful song! Well done! And to God be the glory! May He richly bless you in your work for Him! |
| 2007-04-01 | i really want to hear the song |
Rebecca carpenter | 2007-03-20 | Elton, I really like "Adoration." It is an excellent song and I really enjoy the music and vocals! Nice flash movie too. |
P J Joseph | 2007-03-14 | Dear Friends in Jesus, ADORATION makes us very very happy. I am going to learn it by heart and sing it at suitable occasion.Sincerely do I thank God almighty and you brothers and sisters behind this melodious and mellifluous song. Yes a little melody can cure a great malady. May God bless you all. |
Bella | 2007-02-26 | This song has really touched me, I play it every morning before I start work. Both lyrics and melody are really beautiful. Please keep up the good work... |
Elaiyel | 2007-02-25 | "Adoration" has a beautiful melody and inspiring lyrics which could only be enhanced by a chorus singing it in harmonies. May God continue to bless and inspiring the composers and lyricists involved in this piece of music. |
Joyce | 2007-02-23 | Its such a wonderful song. It brightens my day every morning I play this song. God bless you as you minister His word through these songs. |
Ophelia | 2007-02-21 | Great Musicians of God. I leave you the impression of God's work of art in your hands. God bless. |
jean nherisson | 2007-02-18 | i love jesus |
Dominic | 2007-02-12 | Its a lovely song whic makes one feel like the doors of heaven are nearer.Praise be To God. Amen |
mmabuese | 2007-02-12 | the song adoration lift up my spirit each time I listen to it. it bring me closer to God. it is a wonderful song to start off a day. |
Craig | 2007-02-11 | Your song Adoration is fantastic I am suprised I have not heard it on Christian radio it has the quality to win a Dove award! This song is just Great. |
Lea (Helsinki, Finland) | 2007-02-02 | Wow, what a wonderful song this is: great lyrics, beautiful melody and a glorious recording by Azimuth. I´m so blessed and encouraged by this song right now. I thank God for all of you, Elton and friends :) |