The Good Shepherd
(Based on John 10: 1-16)
Written by Elton Smith and Elizabeth Tolson
I wrote this country melody and sent it to Elizabeth in Scotland. Elizabeth wrote the wonderful words. Visit her site for more original praise songs. - Elton, March 29, 1998
There is a Shepherd and His sheep all know His voice.
They are safe and protected in the sheepfold of His choice.
We, too, can join them sharing life with God's own Son
If we only will follow when He calls us one by one.
He is my Friend. He walks with me.
The Shepherd true who leads me onward
Through days of joy and days of sorrow
For by His death, His dear blood bought me.
And when I strayed, in love He sought me
And brought me home in loving arms.
There is a Shepherd and His life He'll gladly give
For the sheep of His pasture,
washed in the blood that they might live.
Sheep found in pastures far are led by God's own Son.
We'll be one flock together for He calls us one by one.
He is my Friend. He walks with me.
The Shepherd true who leads me onward
Through days of joy and days of sorrow
For by His death, His dear blood bought me.
And when I strayed, in love He sought me
And brought me home in loving arms.
Copyright © 1998 Elton Smith and Elizabeth Tolson