I Am Sure
Written by Elton Smith and Larry Holder
Links to contributors: Larry Holder
I attended a Vinyard music program in Plano recently and heard Eddie Espinoza sing. At one point he played 2 chords over and over (G and a permutation of Cmaj7). I thought he was a little crazy, but the next day I wrote this music around this sound (with much elaboration). A few days later I wrote some of the lyrics. Larry wrote the rest of the lyrics. Visit Larry's popular web site for more great music. - Elton, May 19, 1998
This marks the 20th song that Elton and I have co-written and published since last September. I especially like the theme of this song, the peace and eternal security we find in the Lord. In the year 1972, I found this peace; may it be yours as well. - Larry, May 19, 1998