Until the Race Is Won

(Based on II Timothy 4:7 and Hebrews 12:1)

Written by Elton Smith and Larry Holder
Links to contributors: Larry Holder

Click on the image to visit the Fellowship of Christian Athletes

I created this midi and sent it to Larry. He thought it sounded like a race and wrote these powerful lyrics. It would probably be appropriate for a choir to sing. We will try to update the music score in the future to adapt this to a choir. Check out Larry's popular web site for more great music. - Elton, January 17, 1998

Languages for this song:


(Short Introduction)

We will be faithful to the call
To serve the Lord
Until our days on earth are done.
No turning back
From the road that lies ahead;
We shall endure
Until the race is won.

Consider all who ran before,
Staying true,
Staying the course they had begun.
They now rejoice
As we carry on the flame;
We shall endure
Until the race is won!

We stand and lift His name on high
Glory to the Lord
Christ, the Living Word!
Mount up with wings and we shall fly
Onward to His throne!

In Jesus, our victory is sure.
In Him alone, we shall endure.
Bring glory to Him in all we do.
Each step of the Way, He'll see us through.

We will be faithful to the call
To serve the Lord
Until our days on earth are done.
No turning back:
By the grace of God alone,
We shall endure
Until the race is won,
until the race is won,
until the race is won!

Copyright © 1998 Elton Smith and Larry Holder

Comments -  Leave a comment

Geary Barber2014-08-18I discovered this at a website for screensavers and it has become my favorite. The screensaver from anaja.com was "Journey through the Firmament" with Hubble spaceshots and others.
2011-09-29Dear Larry, you are really a God gifted person. Such beautiful words for our Lord Jesus Christ can only come through a Spirit filled person. Holy Spirit guide you more to bring more out of you. God bless
Alicia2011-05-20I really like the words to this song - very deep and meaningful about obedience, remaining true to the word and call from God; staying the course without swaying. Not many songs like this today being sung in Church - we need more of this instead to the fluff pouring into the Church today in the name of God. Thank you for sharing this and God bless you.
Nicole Schinke2009-03-16This is an amazing song. I found this song many years ago when I was competing cross country at my high school. Now in college about to graduate, still running, this song is still motivation to me. Thank you!