Yvonne nyirongo | 2016-08-10 | Am grateful because this song has delivered me. I thank God |
esther joy | 2010-09-22 | ( ....i wanna be with you:;;...GODS speed<<,,,, |
esther joy | 2010-09-22 | I REALLY APpReciate Your songs.....thanks... |
Olufunso J. Omidiran | 2010-04-16 | I so much love this song. It obviously draws one's heart to the Lord's faithful and loving heart. |
Patrick | 2010-03-09 | This song is so blessing to me when I am alone in Maldives. Jesus will bless all of you. |
| 2009-11-21 | Great voice, song, music all round great! Hey I welcome you to visit us in Poland! kzns.pl |
Joseph Sha | 2009-04-03 | This song is really good and I am sure its from a surrendered heart.... God bless you... |
jennifer | 2009-04-01 | Beautiful* very lively and enjoyable |
bella | 2008-09-19 | a beautiful song...one that touches one heart where Jesus lives forever. so follow the way where He leads us...keep praising God. |
Rivosoa | 2008-07-11 | I'm blessing when I heear this song Thanks to God |
Marcia | 2008-05-17 | Yo, yo, yo! The minute I turned on the midi file I was jammin for Jesus. It is an awesomely inspiring song both lyrically and rhythmically. May God ever bless you as you continue to use His WORD to write about Him. |
Carol | 2008-02-28 | This is a very uplifting song for our hearts. May we always follow Christ, and follow where He may lead us. To God Be all The Glory!! Thank You for this beautiful song. In His Love |
| 2008-02-27 | truly amazing, blessing song. i love the music to it to. |
Joy | 2007-09-14 | This is an awesome song, and I am very inspired, and uplifted. If the option is there, I would love to see some sheet music. Wonderful guys! |
Rose | 2007-08-21 | This song is really a blessing to me and i know it will be to you too. |
mal | 2007-08-13 | good |
Gary Potratz | 2007-07-08 | This is such a beautiful song. It reflects alot of the way we can live victorious in Christ. I can't believe how many Christians I have met who need the "fruit" of the spirit to be evident in their lives and this song is the key to having Jesus live in us and through us and giving us the character that shines through "broken vessels". Thanks Rhesa, Paul, and Larry, Gary Potratz |
Dany | 2007-07-03 | Amaaazzzzing Song. Amazing. Really darts right in the center of my heart. May it touch many and strengthen their Vision. God Bless. |
francine | 2007-06-10 | This song makes my heart ache in a GREAT way and I really need it at this time. Thank you |
charles | 2007-06-09 | I really love the tune and great singing with the meaningful lyrics. Touching you- slowly but surely will work into you. Keep the more of good sounds with meaning lyrics coming.. I'll love it. |
Rachel Rose | 2007-06-03 | i love this song i am going to sing it in church today.I also love this website. i alway go here to listen music |
Rubyjean | 2007-05-06 | Oh, that we would each live every day with Christ as the center of our hearts. |
joyousjoym | 2007-03-24 | Yessa"N"Amen this is one of my favorit songs, Its so true put jesus center the rest all just falls into place....GOD Bless !!! |