Waves of Sorrow

Written by Elton Smith, Berrien Lucius and Steve Israel
Links to contributors: Steve Israel

So many young people are in peril today, their voices and opportunities declining as our country becomes more and more polarized. I wrote the music for this song and started the lyrics. Berrien added more heartfelt lyrics and Steve poured his musical talent into the haunting recording. If you know someone who is discouraged, give them an encouraging word. It may save their life. - Elton, January 3, 2018

Added a video for this song to YouTube. July 10, 2020


You came into this world full of promise
We touched your face
You came into this world full of promise
To run life's race
You came into this world full of promise
Your ship was launched
Into the deep blue ocean she sailed
With fire in her eyes
Out to conquer the world

Your ship was strong
But somewhere along
Your demise had begun
Your cry went unheard
What could we have done?
The night descends
The storm begins
Your ship comes undone
I still feel your touch
And the warmth of your smile
Come and walk by my side
Can we talk for a while?

Now I know I can't pay it back
This debt that I owe
My treasure has washed away
In waves of sorrow
Deep waves of sorrow

(Instrumental crying)

You came into this world full of promise
We touched your face
You came into this world full of promise
To run life's race
You came into this world full of promise
Your ship was launched
Into the deep blue ocean she sailed
But the fates were unkind
Her endeavor had failed
And the rest of my life
Will be waves of sorrow

In memory of Hollis Smith

Thanks to these sites for the sound effects Steve used in the recording: FreeSFX.co.uk and FreeSound.org.

Copyright © 2018 Elton Smith, Berrien Lucius and Steve Israel

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Joe Medrek2018-01-09So sad about Hollis. There are not enough words to mend that hole when you lost a child. Without the Lord I believe it’s imposdible.
Kathy Clark2018-01-04Beautiful song about a very sad experience. The song is sung beautifully