He Did It All For Me

Written by Van Wood
Links to contributors: Van Wood Music

Van sent this Christmas song he wrote many years ago. Van has several other songs available on this site. - Elton, October 11, 2024


(Verse 1)
Jesus didn’t stay in the glory-land
Of heaven so bright,
But He came to earth, by a lowly birth,
Long ago on Christmas night.
He didn’t choose to keep His Father’s throne,
But left it all above,
When the King came down to that little town
He was God’s great gift of love.

And he did it all for me
He did it all that I might live eternally
He gave His life to set me free
And He did it all for me.

(Verse 2)
Mystery divine, I cannot conceive
Why He should come this way,
As a little babe, in a manger laid,
Come to show to us the way.
Why God would give His blessed son to die,
My mind can’t understand,
But I know He came just to take my blame
and to finish God’s great plan.

(Repeat Chorus)
And he did it all for me
He did it all that I might live eternally
He gave His life to set me free
And He did it all for me.

Copyright © 1973 Van Wood

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