Nothing Can Compare
Written by Rick Founds and Elton Smith
Links to contributors: Rick Founds, Steve Israel
Anyone who experiences an encounter with the Living God, will find themselves asking the
question that the Prophet Isaiah asked long ago; "... To whom, then, will you compare God?..."
"...this Sovereign LORD who comes with power... who rules and rewards", and yet
"tends his flock like a shepherd and gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to
his heart...." who "...measured the waters of the earth in the hollow of His hand, and knows
exactly how much the mountains weigh?" who indeed can compare to Him! The answer is the same
today as it was then: "NOTHING CAN COMPARE!" (Isaiah 40:10-18)
- Rick, October 21, 2002
Another song with Rick! I wrote the music, and came up with the "nothing can compare" theme
and a few of the lyrics.
Rick added lots more lyrics and made some suggestions on the music.
After some tweaking and polishing we were both very happy with the results.
There is beauty and wonder in contemplating the greatness of God.
We pray that our song brings you to worship the Lord.
Many thanks to Steve Israel for the recording available below. - Elton
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