我 的 全 心
All Of My Heart (Mandarin)
Written by Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Wendy Liu
Links to contributors: Larry Holder, Lamb Music
Larry and I wrote this song during the 1997 Christmas holidays. This is the very first song we have translated to Chinese. Many thanks to Wendy Liu of Lamb Music for her help in accomplishing this. - Elton February 2, 1998
拉里和我在 1997 年圣诞节期间写了这首歌。这是我们翻译成中文的第一首歌。非常感谢 Lamb Music 的 Wendy Liu 为实现这一目标提供的帮助。- 埃尔顿 1998 年 2 月 2 日
Languages for this song:
English, Afrikaans, Chinese, Dutch/Flemish, French, German, Italian, Maltese, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish