Inima Mea

All Of My Heart (Romanian)

Written by Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Peter Mengher
Links to contributors: Larry Holder

Larry and I wrote this song during the 1997 Christmas holidays. Many thanks to Peter Mengher for translating it to Romanian. - Elton September 15, 1998


Inima mea Te doreste
Si sufletul meu Te inalta
Toata viata o-nchin la tronul Tau
Mi-ai aratat mila si harul
Tu este Salvator si Domn de-apururi
Sa Te cunosc asta imi e de-ajuns.

Lauda-n veci Domn Preainalt
Tata bun Salvator sfint
Tu ma asculti, spre Tine strig
Tu ma cunosti
Singur esti Domn Preainalt
Tata bun Salvator sfint
Doar pe Tin eu Te laud si Te inalt
Tu Domnul meu esti Preainalt

Eu am primit viata din Tine
Si sunt azi salvat prin haru-Ti vesnic
Prin dragostea Ta
Eu sunt acum al Tau
Eliberat de tot trecutul
Sunt liber de-acum sa-Ti slujesc Tie
In grija Ta e toata viata mea.

Lauda-n veci Domn Preainalt
Tata bun Salvator sfint
Tu ma asculti, spre Tine strig
Tu ma cunosti
Singur esti Domn Preainalt
Tata bun Salvator sfint
Doar pe Tin eu Te laud si Te inalt
Tu Domnul meu esti Preainalt

Copyright © 1997 by Elton Smith and Larry Holder
Translation by Peter Mengher

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Debbie2008-12-31This sounds like a very good song, but it would also be nice if you can put the song up with people singing it. Also, is there anywhere else that you can find this song?

Elton's response: Thank you Debbie. If someone who speaks a particular language sends a recording, I am happy to post it on this site. In this case, I have never received one. On your second question, a few of the songs on this site are available from other sources, but most (including this song) are not. They were written by the site creator or friends of this site, and are only available here.
Naomi2008-08-26hi, i love this song, but i cant find the song...can anyone find me a link that can show me this song in romanian and in english?
~Multumesc si dumnezeu sa te binecuvanteaza
Ana Iung2008-08-22Este minunata aceasta melodie...multumesc pentru posibilitatea de a o asculta si inregistra...Thanks..Ana
esther2007-11-20wow you guys! im actually surprised that i knew this song and that i found it on here! im singing this song in my church ith the tineret soon! i just learned it recently too! hope you'll put more romanian songs on here! keep praising God for all His glory!
Olivia2007-07-19This song is awesome. I'm looking for songs to sing at my church and this song is on my list for sure. Thank you such for the wonderful song. God Bless and take care.
Simona2007-04-14Hi I was so glad to find this beautiful song, I was looking for some romanian christian songs and I was so happy to find one, I will like to learn it and maybe even sing it at our romanina church one day, thank you and God bless...hope you will add more songs in romanina...