Mi Corazón

All Of My Heart (Spanish)

Written by Elton Smith and Larry Holder. Translation by David Surpless and Belen Mariscotti.
Links to contributors: David Surpless, Larry Holder, Belén Mariscotti, Susan Tolle Knight, Steve Israel

Agradecemos a David Surpless, de "En Voz de Gracia..." su traducción de esta canción. Visite su Sitio en la Red, "En Voz de Gracia...", para más música cristiana original en español. Elton, 2 de marzo de 1998

Belén Mariscotti tradujo al español el nuevo puente que escribió Larry y cantó nuestra canción. Elton, 31 de marzo de 2022


(Verso 1)
Mi corazón hoy te ama,
Y mi_alma, Dios, hoy Te alaba,
Toda mi vida en tu trono doy.
Gloria a ti mi_amante Padre,
y loas a ti mi Salvador,
Misericordia, gracia_obraste_en mí.

Alabad, Santo Dios, Redentor,
Padre a quien amo hoy,
Sólo_ati yo clamaré.
Sólo Tú, Santo Dios, Redentor,
Padre a quien amo hoy,
Alabad y exaltad.
Señor, mi Dios, hoy reinas tú.

No hay mayor amor
Desmedida gracia
Expiando el pecado solo en el árbol
Cómo responderé
A tal misericordia
Sino es darte la vida
Que me has dado a mi

(Verso 2)
Tengo de ti vida_eterna,
Salvo por gracia, siempre vivo,
Rodeado de tu_amor porque tú_estás.
Libre de culpa hoy te sirvo,
en una vida de tu_agrado,
Todos mis días fiel me cuidarás.

(Repita el coro)
Alabad, Santo Dios, Redentor,
Padre a quien amo hoy,
Sólo_ati yo clamaré.
Sólo Tú, Santo Dios, Redentor,
Padre a quien amo hoy,
Alabad y exaltad.

Señor, mi Dios, hoy reinas tú.
Señor, mi Dios, hoy reinas tú.
Señor, mi Dios, hoy reinas tú.

Copyright © 1997 por Elton Smith y Larry Holder
Translation Copyright © 1998 David Surpless Additional translation by Belen Mariscotti

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obed2010-11-05Wow! Sincerely, this is one the most moving and beautiful worship songs I've heard, instantly motivated me to get back on my guitar and piano practices just to sing it and play it by myself to God and to guide others too!, i just discovered this place and how pleasant it has been, we do things at our church in English and Spanish and are still building the worship team so this place is just a wonderful blessing for us.....I'm so happy!! May God continue to bless you and use you all!! I will be sticking around.....
Wanda2007-08-14This is a beautiful song. Praise the Lord! I love it. Although, I'm a novice speaking Spanish, it still ministers to my soul. Thank you for sharing.
Palmdale and Lancaster UMC2007-06-27Our churches are going on a mission trip to paint a church in Tijuana this weekend. We're so excited to be able to include this song in our devotionals. We'll sing it in English and in Spanish. Thank you for a lovely worshipful song!
Julie2007-05-22I found this song by accident and fell in love with it.
I am planning to sing in it Russian at my church, in English at my youth group, and in Spanish when I go to Mexico this summer.
Love it!