And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant

Come Fill My Heart

Previous Scene Act 5 - Now Arise

Revival Ensemble of 5, 1-Act Plays & Music

By Dan Zigler and Elton Smith

Staging: This scene takes place in the foyer of the church or funeral home. It is at the conclusion of a memorial service for Rev. Rolland who has passed away. Pastor Thomas is greeting people as they leave the service. It would certainly help to have 5 or 6 people (without lines) passing through and shaking Pastor Thomas's hand. The foyer should be heavily decorated with ferns, flowers if possible, but a lot of greenery and decorations symbolic of a funeral or memorial service.. There should be a guest book stand, and perhaps a picture of Pastor Rolland mounted on a display stand nearby with a single candle underneath it or in front of it. The candle should be unlit.

Thomas: (shaking hands of people passing through) "Thank you for coming. We will all miss him. Rev. Rolland was a great friend." (etc)

Juanitta: (enters with her daughter Isabel and an older lady beside her) "Well, it seems that we're the last to leave again. Rev. Rolland was such a dear friend, I'm going to miss him a lot."

Isabel: (clinging to her side) "Me too, Mom!

Juanitta: (reaching down to stroke her head) "Yes, sweety -- both of us." (Turning to the pastor again) "Pastor Thomas?"

Thomas: "Yes, Juanitta?"

Juanitta: "I've heard you preach a lot of sermons, but your memorial to Reverend Rolland was wonderful. You really captured the Spirit of his ministry."

Thomas: "Why thank you, Juanitta."

Juanitta: "However, I must say -- it is only the second best sermon you've ever preached."

Thomas: (slight laugh) "Now you've peaked my curiosity, Juanitta. When did I preach the best one?"

Juanitta: "Rev. Rolland made me promise to wait before I told you. But the first day you were here, you preached a sermon in the alley."

Thomas: "Oh, yes -- how well I remember that first day! I learned a lot that day."

Juanitta: "Yes, we both did. But what you don't know, is that I was around the corner listening to you preach. You convicted me that day. You gave me hope by showing me the way to Jesus. I can still remember -- Ask, Seek, Knock. I have never forgotten that sermon."

Thomas: (amazed) "You heard that sermon? You were around the corner listening? Wow! I never understood why he insisted that I preach that message. Rev. Rolland was right, God's word never goes out void."

Juanitta: "The next day, I went to see Rev. Rolland and helped answer my questions and lead me to Christ. But it was your sermon and the Holy Spirit who helped me change my life that day."

Thomas: (taking Juanitta's hand) "Thank you for sharing that with me."

Juanitta: (turning to the elderly lady) "Oh, I'm not done Pastor -- I have a friend here I want you to meet. She wants to talk to you." (doing a formal introduction) "Pastor Thomas, this is my friend, Mrs. Hancock."

Hancock: (shaking the Pastor's hand) "I'm so pleased to meet you."

Thomas: "And I'm pleased to meet you too."

Juanitta: "Pastor, Isabel and I are going to leave you and Mrs. Hancock alone." (almost in a whisper) "I think she'd rather talk to you in private." (back to normal voice) "We'll see you on Sunday Pastor" (turns and exits with Isabel)

Thomas: "Goodbye, Juanitta" (waving) "Bye, bye Isabel"

Hancock: (gazing after Juanitta and Isabel) "She's the most wonderful person! Juanitta has been telling me all about Jesus, about Asking, and Seeking and Knocking I'd like to talk more to you about Jesus and how I can find Him, just like Juanitta found Him."

Thomas: (nodding in agreement) "Yes, she has an inspiring witness. I'd be happy to talk to you about Jesus."

Hancock: (taking the Pastors hand) "She has told me how you preached your first sermon in the alley beside the church here."

Thomas: "Yes, we were just talking about it."

Hancock: (pointing towards the alley) "Oh, I know that alley really well. I used to sleep out there under a pile of newspapers. I was a drunken, old bag lady."

Thomas: (amazed) "What was your first name?"

Hancock: "My first name is Stella. That's right, I'm Stella the old bag lady! You know Pastor, whoever it was that helped Juanitta find Jesus, helped Jesus find me. It was like Jesus standing at the tomb of Lazarus saying "Arise". If it wasn't for Juanitta, her witness to me, I'd still be sleeping in that alley under those newspapers."

Thomas: "Certainly God moves in mysterious ways, Stella and God's word never goes out void. Never!"

Music: (the music for "Now Arise" begins as the Pastor sings)

Now Arise

Copyright © 2000 by Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Steve Israel

(Verse One)
Arise and come to Jesus
He calls to you today
To follow where He leads you
Into a better Way.
He gave his all with love untold
To bring you safe into the fold.
With arms outstretched
To welcome you home...

Now arise ---
As He calls to your soul.
Now arise ---
Let His love take control.
Yes, arise ---
He is all you need to know.
He will meet you where you are
As you arise.

(Verse 2)
Arise and come to Jesus,
Creator, Lord, and King.
Though we can give him nothing,
He gives us everything.
He paid the price to set us free,
To become all we are meant to be,
To know the peace, the joy,
The victory!

(Repeat Chorus)
Now arise ---
As He calls to your soul.
Now arise ---
Let His love take control.
Yes, arise ---
He is all you need to know.
He will meet you where you are
As you arise.

Don't wait until tomorrow
For tomorrow may never come...

(Repeat Chorus)
So arise ---
As He calls to your soul.
Now arise ---
Let His love take control.
Yes, arise ---
He is all you need to know.
He will meet you where you are
As you arise.

(Repeat Chorus)
Now arise ---
As He calls to your soul.
Now arise ---
Let His love take control.
Yes, arise ---
He is all you need to know.
He will meet you where you are
As you arise.

He will meet you where you are
As you arise.
He will meet you where you are
As you arise.



Hancock: "He will meet you where you are, as you arise. Wow does that sound like me or what?"

Thomas: (putting his arm around Stella) "Let's go have that talk Stella. Why don't you go into my office -- I'll be there is just a moment. I have something I need to do first."

Hancock: (beginning to exit) "Yes, let's have that talk." (exits)


Thomas: (walking over to the memorial picture of Rev. Rolland, talking to the picture as he picks up a lighter) "Well, Reverend -- it seems that you were right all along -- things have come full circle." (Lights the candle) "I'm going to light this candle as a prayer, not a prayer for you my dear friend, but for Stella. I just know that you and Jesus are watching over me and Stella today!"




Our Song of Victory!

Sermon by Daniel Zigler

Based on Romans 8:37-39

RO 8:37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.


This has been an amazing story. The alley sermon that Pastor Thomas thought was a waste of his time and was like casting pearls before swine, has produced amazing results. He wasn't preaching to the prostitute, yet it was God's convicting Spirit that led her to seek Christ. It was Juanitta that changed completely, a new creation in Jesus. With the help and love of Wilma Weatherly and Rev. Rolland -- her life became a witness to others. She certainly saved her own daughter from a life of slavery to sin, she shared Jesus with others around her, including her friend Stella, a useless heap of humanity piled under newspapers in an alley. Don't we wish that all stories like this would always have such a happy ending?


What you don't know is that this story has been loosely based on the life of a real prostitute. The writers of this play want to reach out to her and others like her that are trapped in a life of slavery to sin. Just like our fictitious Juanitta, there is a desperation, a hopelessness that can only be broken with the conviction of the Holy Spirit that Jesus in the only way to salvation. Salvation from that life of slavery to sin.


And through Jesus Christ, we will have a song of victory. For it tells us in Roman 8:37 "in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." We are more than just conquerors who defeat sin. Through Jesus we can rescue those who are defeated, through Jesus we can defeat death, through Jesus we can give a new life, through Jesus we can be born again. Jesus, our Christ, our Messiah, our Lord can give us a song of victory!

Rom 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Understand this! -- not death or life, not angels, not demons, nothing that exists today or in the future, not any power on earth, in heaven or in hell, no matter how high, no matter now deep, or anything in creation -- not anything that God has created -- can separate you from the love of God. No matter what sin engulfs your life, no matter what problems or obstacles are in your way -- your promise from God is this -- you cannot, I repeat, CANNOT BE SEPARATED FROM GOD'S LOVE! For Jesus, his death on the cross, has given us a song of victory.

Are you trapped? Do you know someone that you love who is trapped? Can you, will you say a prayer for people like Juanitta and Stella who are seen as repulsive heaps of humanity? Like Pastor Thomas, are you willing to send out God's word even though you think it is useless. Are you willing, like Wilma Weatherly, to change your attitude towards another with love and outreach. Like Rev. Rolland are you willing to dedicate your life to spreading the gospel with all your heart? Are you willing to sing a song of victory?

(entire cast joins the preacher on stage, each carrying a candle)

Rolland: "Tonight we want to offer a prayer for those who need to give all of their heart to Jesus. Who need to rededicate their lives fully to Him. " (lights candle)

Wilma: "Tonight, we want to offer a prayer for those who need to change their attitude towards sinners. That they might reach out and show love and compassion for the lost. " (lights candle)

Thomas: "Tonight we want to offer a prayer for those who struggle in their ministries. That they will find a new power and vision for their struggles, knowing that God's word never goes out void. " (lights candle)

Isabel: "Tonight we want to offer a prayer for parents that need to change their lives and to carefully guard the lives of their children. To help them find courage to keep their children safe from sin. " (lights candle)

Stella: "Tonight we want to offer a prayer for those who preach or witness to others. That they find a new boldness to share their Jesus and witness with the lost. " (lights candle)

Juanitta: "Tonight we want to offer a prayer for those want to kneel under the conviction of the Holy Spirit. That Jesus will fill them, change them and give them a new birth in Him. " (lights candle)

Preacher: "Tonight as we conclude our revival services, we offer to you to come forward and light your candle. Perhaps you have a husband or wife that needs to find Jesus. Perhaps a relative or friend. Perhaps even yourself. As our choir sings "Our Song of Victory" come forward and claim that victory, come light your candle as a sign of your prayer for that which is heavy on your hearts. Come! " (lights candle)

Staging: (Music begins and choir sings, Our Song of Victory)


Our Song of Victory

Copyright © 1992 by Lawrence Keith Holder

(8 Measure Introduction)

(Verse 1)
The Lord provides for me always,
For each and ev'ry care.
And tho' the storms should come,
I know that Christ is always there.

And who shall take salvation from me,
Or steal the grace I've known?
Not even the gates of hell
Shall destroy the love that God has shown,
The love that God has shown.

For I'm sure that neither death (not death), nor life (nor life),
Nor height (nor height), nor depth (nor depth),
nor anything else in the world
Shall be able (shall be able) to cut us off from God,
Shall be able (shall be able) to separate this Love,
In Christ Jesus, we have won!
We have won!

(Interlude and key change)

(Verse 2)
Jesus Christ is the Answer,
I need to search no more,
For when by grace He called to me,
I opened wide the door.

No longer must I fear the Tempter,
Nor face this life alone:
My Savior is here to stay,
Till the day He brings me home,
The day He brings me home.

(Repeat Chorus)
For I'm sure that neither death (not death), nor life (nor life),
Nor height (nor height), nor depth (nor depth),
nor anything else in the world
Shall be able (shall be able) to cut us off from God,
Shall be able (shall be able) to separate this Love,
In Christ Jesus, we have won!
(Very short piano solo)
We have won!


Note: If the altar call is long, reprise "Come Fill My Heart" or "Now Arise"

557 songs in 18 languages. Four musicals. 863 images.

Everything is freely available for non-profit use.

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