And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant

Song Comments

I Believe

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I Believe
This song is simple and absolutely beautiful... soulful too!!! Praise the Lord for such good songwriters and composers!!! May the Lord bless you with many more songs like these!
Henrietta Decruz
I Believe
Nice reflective melody (sfungca_AT_shaw_DOT_ca)
I Believe
This is an absolutely beautiful song...Lovely lyrics and the music is very soothing...I would have loved to sing it in my language(Russian) in church some time. I would translate it myself but i'm not very good at that kind of stuff. Would it be possible for anyone to translate it for me??
I Believe
Absolutely beautiful. The songs I've heard so far from this artist have been excellent. Thank you for making it available for us to hear it, and get an idea of the songs, artist, and how they sing. Don't have to be looking over Christian CDs and just wandering how they sound, and not buying because I haven't heard of the artist or his songs. Very moving and he makes it sound like his heart is really into it, and not just for the money. TKS
I Believe
This is most beautiful words and music I have ever heard. It has really been an inspiration and touched my heart. Keep up you beautiful work for the lord. 5/4/2007
Frances (jkabb34_AT_aol_DOT_com)
I Believe
Oh wow! Can a song get any more beautiful than this. The tune and the lyrics is exactly what worship - in - song and praise - from the soul - is all about!
Your friend - Sandra (lantern2327_AT_earthlink_DOT_net)
I Believe
It's a very touching song, especially the music. It really bring me closer to Him. Thanks for such an encouraging song. Keep up the good work that the LORD has begin in you. May He continue to give you strength as you serve Him through music. Glory be unto Him in the highest. (jms_nz_AT_hotmail_DOT_com)
I Believe
This song really touched my heart. As much as I believe it made me think about it even harder than I ever have.
I Believe
This song really touch my heart and soul. Thank you very much for writing this amazing and wonderful song that says everything about our faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. The lyrics are so touching and biblical. I hope and pray that God will bless you even more and your family and I hope that you will continue to write touching and biblical songs.
I Believe
Very uplifting! I may translate it into my language.
I Believe
Beautiful song. Could someone translate it into Spanish?
Cheryl (bcgoose_AT_telus_DOT_net)
I Believe
This song is absolutely beautiful. I have never heard it before and just happened to come across your site. The lyrics are wonderful.

41 through 52 of 52 song comments
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