And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant

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Portrait of Eric Smith
My prayers are with you all at this time!
Peace and Comfort be upon you and your families in the name of Jesus!
much love in Jesus
Lorrie (lorriegal38_AT_hotmail_DOT_com)
Portrait of Eric Smith
Whe are sorry Eric passed away last night..............................

dear God please look after him, and give the family the strenght they need. Whe will think about you all, in this difficult time and wish you all Gods peace and love.

from holland
a big hug to you all...
Peter Gringhuis (peter_DOT_gringhuis_AT_kpnplanet_DOT_nl)
Portrait of Eric Smith
Pat, I just wanted to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas! Jeffrey York
Jeffrey York (jeffrey-york_AT_sbcglobal_DOT_net)
Portrait of Eric Smith
Hello Eric!

Some one prays for your in Finland, too. Jesus loves you so much. Many times we don´t understand what is happening to us, but one thing is sure: God loves us with His everlasting love and no one can take us from His hand.

Years ago I found this song "Your Love is Strong" by your father, Steve Israel and Larry Holder. I translated it to Finnish and our choir has been singing it in nursing homes and hospitals many times during these years. The words of this song have been a great comfort to many here in Finland. I pray that the Lord may comfort you as well with these wonderful words:

Though I am weak
Though I am frail
There is one thing I know,
Your love is strong.
Though storms may come
And plans may fail,
There is one thing I know,
Your love is strong.

No one can take me from Your hand.
Forever on this Rock I'll stand.
And in those times my strength is gone,
There is one thing I know
Your love is strong.
Yes, in those times my strength is gone,
There is one thing I know
Your love is strong.

Eternal joy is mine
Because I know Your love is strong
Your mercy lifts me up
And gently carries me along
In-to Heav-en.

Through Summer's heat
And Winter's cold,
There is one thing I know
Your love is strong.
As day by day
My life unfolds,
There is one thing I know
Your love is strong.

No one can take me from Your hand.
Forever on this Rock I'll stand.
And in those times my strength is gone,
There is one thing I know
Your love is strong.
Yes, in those times my strength is gone,
There is one thing I know
Your love is strong.

God bless you, Eric, with His love, peace and joy, during this Christmas time!
Let´s pray for a wonderful miracle of total healing to you very very soon!

With love in Christ, Lea from Finland
Portrait of Eric Smith

Each day you are in my thoughts and prayers. And as I was praying just now, I recalled a lady with cancer. She had such strong faith in Jesus each day she give thanks for her healing even though she cant see progress. One day during her review, it was found that the tumour had shrunked. And later it was completely gone. She is now an old lady over 80 yrs and is still living and witnessing the Lord serving him faithfully. Yes, it is faith that we need to hold on to. Be strong and have faith in the Lord, our healer and redeemer. As usual I clicked to check your updates. Joy and hopes flooded into my heart as I read the news of Dec 17. It isnt a co-incident to meet that "angel" is God-providence. Praise the Lord. Eric, God loves you. Remember FAITH ...Jesus said "Have faith" and you shall see the glory of God. It is not easy but tough for you to endure each day but I know HIS GRACE IS SUFFICIENT for you. His strength is your strength. Stay positive, rejoice in the Lord each day, stay hopeful and stand tall in FAITH. Our gracious and merciful Father in Heaven sees and knows what you been through. He is there for you and you are in His Hand.The Lord bless you and heals you. Amen
Lily Tay (wllskn_AT_hotmail_DOT_com)
Portrait of Eric Smith
This is for you and for your precious family. This is taken from a book in my library, it is the NIV Women's Devotional Bible. The title of this excerpt is The Harmony of Faith and Suffering on page 1300. Will write it to you just this section as it is written.
from: The Harmony of Faith and Suffering
Here is the mystery: The path of joy runs straight through the heart of pain and suffering. Christianity, alone among the world's religions, does not run from pain but embraces it. Jesus Christ is our example of faith: "For the joy set before Him, He endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God" (Hebrews 12:2). Faith,
at the very least, asks us to believe this: The path to heaven runs through suffering. Throughthe sorrow of the world, through that certain fog of doubt and pain, we have faith: sure of what we hope for, certain of what we do not see. God is love. God is in control. God shall wipe away every tear and replace it with a river of joy.
Faith carries with it movement- from what we know to what we long for, from suffering to joy, from earth to heaven. That movement, that song, is always driven and graced by the choice we make to love.
This is taken from the same book, page 1403. From: A Flower From A Thorn
Here it is -in the blossoming from thorns, in the harvest of wheat from the solitary grain-the gospel, the Good News of life out of death, a gospel for every individual, every need, every hopeless and helpless situation.
'It'll never work fofr mine," someone is tempted to say. Are you sure that your problem baffle the one who since the world began has been bringing flowers from thorns? Your thorns are a different story, are they? You have been brought to a place of self-despair, nothingness. It is hard even to think of any good reason fo going on. You live in most unfavorale conditiions, you are up against impossible odds.
He wants to transform every form of human suffering into something glorious. He can redeem it. He can bring life out of death. God has not abandoned us. His work goes on. He asks our acceptance of the painful process and our trust the He will indeed give resurrection life.
I am so dreadfully sorry that you are having to deal with this situation. Days,weeks,months or years later someone will think back to a haapy time. You will find yourselves laughing at some occurrance. May you all have happy memories of famly gatherings or just times that stand out in your memory. It is so wonderful that we have these wonderful memories. Know that I think of my mother daily. When someone remarks to me how I look like her or act in ways as she did or even that my advice sounds like some she would have given - I take it as a high compliment.
Linda Lawrence (lindalawrtence06_AT_verizon_DOT_net)
Portrait of Eric Smith
I was trying to write and it disappeared. Eric you are an amazing man. May the Lord give you supernatural strength as you endure this disease every day. The Lord is your healer and all we humans can do is light our lamp with fresh oil and seek him for your healing. I pray that you are completely healed from top to bottom.
Sandra Sipe (sandrasipe_AT_yahoo_DOT_com)
Portrait of Eric Smith

My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please stay positive and I pray to the Lord that you will recover from your illness.
God be with you.
Sharon Howard
Portrait of Eric Smith
Eric you are always in our prayers. I go to your grandmothers site every morning to see if there are any updates. God Bless You and keep you in his healing care.
Dave and Charlene Frankenfield (cfranken1024_AT_tampabay_DOT_rr_DOT_com)
Portrait of Eric Smith

His name is Jehovah Rapha and HE will heal you.
Portrait of Eric Smith
I sent this word to you in the name of Jesus and it shall never go void without performing the work that God send it to do conserning your health.
It is written "and the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven.James 5:15. I released the word to you that the prayer we have prayed in faith for you shall make you well in Jesus Name, the Lord shall raise you up and take glory out of your life and your sins shall be forgiven in Jesus Name. I ask God to stretch his healing hand to you for miracle, signs and wonders through the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. By his Stripe you are healed in Jesus Name. In Jesus Name every sickness and disease of cancer be broken in your body, soul and spirit in Jesus Name. It is written that every plant my heavenly father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots.Matthew 15:13 In Jesus Name we command every spirit of cancer to be pulled up by the root and cast it away from your body into the lake of fire in Jesus name for God's Glory to be revealed upon your Life in Jesus Name. God Loves you, his will for your life is stay healthy and satan cannot rob you from it in Jesus Name.

Pastor Grace
Pastor Grace Akande (grace_DOT_akande_AT_yahoo_DOT_com)
Dante and Beatrice
I have the above image of Beatrice on a tapesry held on with some kind of staff or rod that has the eternal flame within it along with the Book of Judd inscribed in it It has vibrant color still within it and for the most part been kept hidden from the weathers elements. I have been searching over and over for any information about this such tapestry Value I.e. ANYTHING If someone could possably direct me as to where I could go for this information I thank you. I live in East Lewis County Randle Wa Thank you R.G.
Richard Goble (richarddgoble_AT_yahoo_DOT_com)
Portrait of Eric Smith
Hi Eric, stopping by to say hello to you:)

But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness (arise with healing in his wings;) and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.
Malachi 4:2

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
Isaiah 53:5

Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast.
Psalms 57:1

much love in Jesus
Lorrie (lorriegal38_AT_hotmail_DOT_com)
Portrait of Eric Smith
God Bless and keep you warm in His love
ann gill
Portrait of Eric Smith
Hi Eric,
Take heart from these words of our good LORD:
"The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him, And rescues them" [Psalm 34:7]

The Lord uphold you in his faith.

Humphrey (hkeah_AT_yahoo_DOT_co_DOT_uk)
Portrait of Eric Smith
Dear Eric, Hope that you are in little amount of pain and you are comfortable. Found another poem that I felt was relavent and you and your family might like to read it.
Here are the words:

It cannot cripple love
It cannot shatter hope
It cannot erode faith
It cannot destroy confidence
It cannot kill friendship
It cannot shut out memories
It cannot silence courage
It cannot invade the soul
It cannot reduce eternal life
It cannot quench the Spirit
It cannot lessen the power of the resurrection
It cannot short-circuit prayer
It cannot prevent the concern of others
It cannot break the promises of God
It cannot hinder His providence

Author unknown
Linda Lawrence (lindalawrence06_AT_verizon_DOT_net)
Portrait of Eric Smith
Dear Eric, My heart goes out to you and your precious family. You don't know how fortunate you are to have such a loving family! They love you uncondionally. Know you through your grandmother, Pat. She is there with you and loves you so much. God loves you unconditionally - His love differs in that He is divine. Know that this an extremely difficult situation for you and your family to deal with. Eric, you have posibly seen many beautiful places and met wonderful people. How great is that? Then most of all you have a God who loves you and will always care for you. There is the most fortunate thing you have in your life and that is God. God gave His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to die for us. It is through His death that we have a hope of being with God one day.Your fortune does not seem to have an ending. My wish for you is that you know God, He will be with you at all times. Let Him take your hand, He is more than willing to do so. He will also be with your family. There are some verses that are so comforting to me and I would like to share a few of them with you. They are Hebrews 13:6, Psalms 46:1-2, Philippians 4:13, Psalms 23 and John 14:1-2. How our Lord cared for the Isrealites and He tells us He cares for the birds and the flowers. He cares for us, since we are more important than the birds and flowers. We have souls when they do not. God showed His complete for us in that He gave His only begotten Son to die for us. It is without Jesus Christs'death that we would have no hope of a home with God. We are truly blessed!! I told you earlier of my mother's death due to lung cancer. She died in 1999. She never smoked, she exercised and ate healthy food each day. But she died of lung cancer - through second hand smoke and working in an asbestos building years ago. After she died, I received a precious poem stating God needed her for His garden as she loved roses, pink and yellow. You might be needed to tend this garden, this is only in our imagination. But, it might help you and your family. but to look upon His face, how much better can it get? When she was in the hospital the last time, I read her a particular poem over and over. I would like to send you the words to that poem. If I could have suffered for her, I would, but I couldn't. The poem is entitled REALIZE. Here are the words: If I could, I'd write for you a rainbow And splash it with all the colors of God And hang it in the window of you being So that each new God's morning Your eyes would open first to HOPE and PROMISE. If I could, I'd wipe away your tears And hold you close forever in shalom. But God never promised I could write a rainbow, Never promised I could suffer for you, Only promised I could love you. That I do. This poem is written by Ann Weems. Hope you and your family are comforted by it.
Linda Lawrence (lindalawrence06_AT_verizon_DOT_net)
Rough Sea at a Jetty
I was given an assignment in my Art History class to pick a painting and write about it...this is the one I picked. I saw it at Kimbell and fell in love with it, there is just something so incredible about the way Ruisdael captured the enormity of the stormy sea. Beautiful!
Portrait of Eric Smith
Dear Eric, My heart goes out to you and your family. Just remember the LORD can do ALL. Just put your faith in the LORD. I pray that he will HEAL your BODY. GOD BLESS.
Portrait of Eric Smith
Hi Eric,

I had read your life-battling situation as of now, but remember Eric.. your illness is just a spot to our big God. I know HE sees and hears your suffering. Just hang on, for He will give you healing. As HE had said in his word, " his stripes we have been healed.."

Our God is an answering God and He loves us so much. Keep hanging on and he'll surely be there for you.

GOd bless you and claim the healing he has for you. Ask and it shall be given unto you.. as he would always say.

God loves you.. he do cares and loves us all..

Keep fighting for the race isn't over yet. God has a perfect plan for your life. GOd bless you Eric.

-cyvhie- (glamorous2028_AT_yahoo_DOT_com)

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