And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant

Resurrection Song

Previous Scene Act 9 - The Resurrection Next Scene

Stage Note: All the stage properties should now be back in place. The Drama Room is filled with the excited voices of the Drama Team.

Scrim: The lights come up behind the scrim lighting up the Drama Room.

Leader: Everybody! That was very moving! (clapping his hands to applaud them)

Magdalene: (putting her hands up to stop him) We're not done! We can't just leave Jesus dead and in the grave like that!!

Servant Girl #1: Yeah! The whole point of Jesus dying .... was to pay the price for our sins, but His resurrection to life fulfills the prophesy of the Messiah!!

Thaddeus: Yeah, we can't leave Him in the grave, Boss!

All Cast: (mumbling affirmative "yes")

Props: (dragging the Tomb from off-stage and putting it in place) Hey, I've got a Stone and a Tomb here!! ... or a Tomb and a Stone ... whichever way you want to say it!

John: (laughing) What do you want on your Tombstone?

Magdalene: (gesturing them to shush up) Come on, guys ... this is serious!

Leader: (reassuring them) People! People! We're not going to end this play, with Jesus still in the grave! We're going to use that song "I Am the Resurrection" ..... let's set up the scene the way we discussed it.

Stage Note: Blackout ..... All the drama team move benches and pillows in front of the scrim, rolls of Thunder can be heard .....This will give the stagecrew, time to everything behind the scrim off stage.

Scrim: Lights are lowered behind and in front of the Scrim.

Stage Note: When the stage has been prepared, lights will come up behind the scrim, revealing the Tomb ..... as Thunder rolls continue, fog will start to come from around the edges of the stone, a bright light will appear within the tomb. The stone will roll away, slowly, revealing a very, very bright light from within. Fog will increase ..... as we begin to see the shadow of a man..... Thunder continues to roll......

Jesus: (Jesus will move in front of the opening of the tomb..... his shadowed figure will be seen in the opening..... He will walk out)

Stage Note: As soon as Jesus has emerged from the tomb .... the Thunder will cease, there will be a complete Blackout ...

Scrim: After a few seconds of Blackout .... the lights will come up in front of the Scrim.

All Disciples

(Except Thomas): (now gathered in front of the scrim, seated on pillows, talking in murmurs)

John: Do you think the Romans will find us here? Do you think we'll be arrested? (Pacing nervously, back and forth)

Peter: John, be calm! No one knows we are here. (Walking over to John, placing his arm around him to soothe him)

Andrew: (Sitting down on a pillow) Some of the women went to the grave today. I'm worried about them, I hope they don't get arrested.

Scrim: Lights are now lowered, in front of the Scrim, and lighting comes up behind the Scrim to reveal, the women at the tomb)

Stage Note: Seen behind the Scrim, is a large Tomb with the stone rolled aside, an eerie light is coming from within, the Centurion is asleep beside the tomb. The music for "I Am the Resurrection" begins to play, for soft and low .... this is background music and will not be sung yet.

Leader: (read during blackout - off stage microphone) Indeed, early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that stone have been removed from the entrance. So she came running to Peter and the other disciples, the one Jesus loved and said, "They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don't know where they have put him!"

Scrim: Lights come up behind the Scrim ... revealing Mary Magdalene and several women and the sleeping Centurion. Mary is looking into the empty tomb.

Magdalene: They have taken my Lord away!! (All exit the scene, except the sleeping Centurion)

Stage Note: Blackout ....

Leader: So Peter and the other disciples started for the tomb. Both were running, but the other disciples outran Peter and reached the tomb first. He bent over and looked in at the strips of linen lying there, but did not go in. Then Peter, who was behind them, arrived and went into the tomb.

Then the disciples went back to their homes, but Mary Magdalene stood outside the tomb crying......

Scrim: The lights behind the Scrim come up again, this time Mary Magdalene is standing slighting downstage from the empty tomb and crying.

Jesus: (entering from stage right) Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?

Magdalene: (not turning towards Jesus) Sir, if you have carried Him away, tell me where you have put Him and I will get Him.

Jesus: (moving closer to Magdalene) Mary.....

Magdalene: (turning towards Jesus) Rabboni!!

Jesus: (stepping back slightly) Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet returned to my Father! Go instead to my brothers and tell them, I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.

Stage Note: Whether the music has completed or not ... the scene should continue.

Srim: Immediately the lighting behind the Scrim will black out .... and lights brought up in front of the Scrim onto the disciples.

All Disciples

(except Thomas): (murmuring .... anxious)

Magdalene: (after a short pause, she enters excitedly) I have seen the Lord! I saw him in the Garden!!

Leader: (from offstage microphone) Yes, Mary had seen Jesus in the garden ... the disciples were all amazed, then on the evening of the first day of the week, when the disciples were gathered together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jews. Jesus came and stood among them.

Scrim: After the Leader's last line, the lights come up behind the scrim ..... as if Jesus is appearing to the Disciples. Nothing behind the Scrim, except Jesus, should be seen, in brilliant white garments, giving the effect that He is in the same room with them.

Jesus: Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you. Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.

Scrim: All lights are lowered to blackout ..... both behind and in front of the scrim. This is being done to given and impression of the passage of time.

Leader: (from offstage microphone) Thomas was not with the other Twelve when Jesus came the first time. When Thomas was reunited with the other Disciples, they were eager to share their news.

Scrim: All the disciples should re-position themselves, pillows, benches all moved around. Then the lights in front of the Scrim are raised again on the Disciples

Thomas: (entering onto the stage)

Simon: Thomas, we have seen the Lord!!

Thomas: (gesturing to his palms) Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe it.

Scrim: All lights are lowered to blackout ..... in front of the scrim. This is being done to given and impression of the passage of time. All the disciples should re-position themselves, pillows, benches all moved around. Then the lights in front of the Scrim are raised again on the Disciples, then the lights are raised behind the Scrim, revealing Jesus again.

Jesus: Peace be with you! (walking around the Scrim, into the Disciples room) Thomas, put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe!

Thomas: (kneeling before Jesus) My Lord and my God!

Song: (music begins)

Scrim: All lights fade, a spotlight comes up on Jesus as he sings .... Jesus will begin singing to His disciples, but then turn .... walking downstage and finish singing to the audience.

Song: "I Am The Resurrection"

(Verse 1)
I rose up in this morning to glory bright.
The chains of death are broken! I am alive!
Reach out your hand and touch me. For I am real.
I come to give you comfort And I can save you:

For I am the Resurrection,
The Resurrection and the Life.
I have returned to you.
Yes, I am the Resurrection,
That reaches through the darkest night.
Go tell the world the news.

(Verse 2)
Fear not this mortal body This earthly grave.
I know the very nature Of all that's made.
I go to meet my Father And to prepare
A home for you in heaven, Please come and join me:

(Repeat Chorus)
For I am the Resurrection,
The Resurrection and the Life.
I have returned to you.
Yes, I am the Resurrection,
That reaches through the darkest night.
Go tell the world the news.

Yes, I am the Resurrection.
Yes, I am the Resurrection.
Oh, I am the Resurrection.
The Resurrection and the Life,
The Resurrection and the Life.

Stage Note: Immediately on the completion of this song .... there will be a total blackout.


557 songs in 18 languages. Four musicals. 863 images.

Everything is freely available for non-profit use.

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